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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I'm having a little trouble with Secres request. Sorry! Trying to find a good composition...

    Not sure whether to go with an UC Royal Lupe or the new Royal Lupe... If you prefer one or the other let me know! I'm kinda stuck on this. Also how young do you want the girl to be? Sorry. So many questions.


    Don't worry - it was a little vague - I didn't want to put to much pressure on you! But yeah, umm, probably the new Royal Lupe and the girl should be about 16-18. She can be younger if that's easier, but small and slim. The reason for my request is that that I kind of have put people to neopets and my foster father is a royal lupe! Which is where the name for my Lupe can from...and why I saved up to get him a royal PB instead of something cheaper!


    If it's not possible don't worry. And don't apologise - you're the one doing me the favour!!!!!

  2. I just watched a thing about the controversial goal thing in the England/Germany game. It would have been a tie, but I think that Germany is right in moving on because they played so much better.


    It was 4-1. It would have been a tie if it had been 4-3, 3-2 or 2-1...not 4-1, that 3 goal difference means that Germany played a darn site better. The fact that they have played better throughout is besides the point.

  3. TNT did state in one of their editorials that neopets didn't die. I have no idea which one but it was made very clear that old age and death didn't effect neopets. If an owner has been inactive for more than 2 years then pets may get deleted but at no point do they die from old age.

  4. No one likes a whiner dude. US is out, Mexico is out, England is out, France is out, Italy is out, Netherlands is still in.


    No offence, but I don't think England or US should've advanced. They got lucky.


    I don't know about the US but I do know that the UK didn't deserve to get any further...we didn't deserve to get as far as we did as we have played superbly badly for the entirity of the World Cup. It's been a bad year for Europe so far but as far as the UK is concerned - we got what we deserved...

  5. England didn't deserve to win that one; we have played pretty appallingly during this entire cup. Granted the goal should have been allowed and the ref is gonna be in deep do-do for that one but 4-1 was an atrocious result. But considering we've drawn two and won one (and even in that one we didn't play well) we really didn't deserve it.


    The ref made one mistake - England made four!!!


    Plus, Capello's contract is until 1012 - I don't think they can get rid of him...

  6. I created a goal for myself (which I've smashed) so then created a new goal which I've figured out I can reach if I now play 60 games or something a day. So far I'm on track.


    My main motivation (aside from my individual level goal) has been the prize shop fund - I am determined to be able to afford something better than trinkets from it this year! I also want all (or nearly all the achievements) as I'm just missing two at the moment - the 14 goals five times and the scoring 6500 in MSN which is impossible atm anyway as my computer won't play it properly.


    But at the moment it's mainly because I want to get to my goal and the tournament is nearly over.

  7. I've decided rank 16 is my goal...and I hit rank 13 about two seconds ago. I gain far more enthusiasm when there is very little time left and I want a pretty shield which has an equal number! (Sorry, I might have forgotten to warn you that I get a little bit obsessive!)

  8. Thank you for the compliment! Actually, I just finished updating it this morning.


    For Prize Shop points, you earn 12 points per Yooyuball game, 6 points per valid Slushie Slinger game or Yooyuball draw, and 1 point per valid Shootout Showdown or Make Some Noise game.


    No worries - I really like the update and the extra information on how much you need per day to get to your overall goal is really helpful! And the prize shop thing does make sense due to the ratios. I've been wondering what sort of prize shop points I'll have earned for quite a while now!


    Thanks again.

  9. Are you speaking of the rank calculator for the Altador Cup ranking?


    I can't say I'm too impressed with it, simply because it's telling me I should have gotten to level 1 already, and I should be eligible for the avatar, but sadly I am not :(


    Yeah, I am talking about the new rank calculator for the Altador cup ranking, sorry I should have been more clear!


    Are you sending high enough scores to get to the next rank? Just wondering as I know low scores don't count...

  10. I just wanted to say that I'm really impressed with the new rank calculator - I'm not sure if you change it like this every year as this is the first time I've played seriously, but even if you do I'm still impressed! Also - how do you work out the prize shop points?

  11. Lol, why not! My brain is dead at the moment so this seems mindless enough!


    2 - for members.


    Or is it meant to be 1 as a staff member counted but we're not at any milestone...I told you I was braindead!

  12. Hmmm I have looked and I cant find it. I know that it was on the Tarla board....but I dont know where it is anymore. Sorry.


    No worries - thanks for looking, I couldn't find it either! But I'm too lazy to refresh every minute to figure out what time it restocks, particularly as it doesn't restock every time!

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