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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I don't believe that being lent for free makes you unworthy or a begger, but I don't think I'd be trusting enough to lend for free...


    Also, if you get that kind of comment again I'd suggest very politely to them that if they believe then doesn't being lent an item for an avatar at all make them unworthy? They didn't actually spend their neopoints on that item and they didn't own it. See how quickly that makes them back away.


    EDIT: However, if they nick the item...then they are undeserving and should be reported immediately. I'm sure it counts as scamming...

  2. Thanks, that's really brilliant of you!


    I was just wondering, have you thought of entering any of these pictures into the Art Gallery that neopets does? I'm sure you'd do brilliantly and get a spiffy trophy on your look up as well! If the neopets team love them as much as we do then you'd get a gold trophy easy as pie! Comics for the NT would be another option you could look at...

  3. Site events

    Royal Astronomer

    Altador Cup II - 1st Place (Starting Player) I didn't work for it

    Level 3 Games Master

    Altador Cup IV - Participant I didn't work for it

    Atlas of the Ancients - it's kind of silvery

    Level 7 Games Master

    Daily Dare 2010 - it's bronze I think

    Altador Cup V - 1st Place (Starting Player) I worked for it!


    Site Feature

    Defender of Neopia - Mission 4

    Defender of Neopia Series 2 - Mission 4


    Game Trophies

    Third Place at Snow Wars

    Pyramid Bonus - Champion

    Third place at Neoquest

    Neopian Times - Champion I am proud

    Third place at Go! Go! Go!

    Cheat! - Champion

    Third Place at Better Than You Again I be proud

    Punchbag Bob - Champion

    Third Place at Cellblock

    Second Place at MAGAX: Destroyer II!!

    Ugga Drop Champion

  4. I'm pretty sure that any contract that someone under 18 signs isn't legally binding as they are not an adult (at least it's definitely that in the UK). So parents can do a fair amount, because neopets would be holding them to an illegal contract as they are not old enough to actually sign a contract.


    I do agree that neopets needs to relax some rules but I see no point in separating the site into two.

  5. I can't see any reason why you can't give out your own neopoints if you want to...I don't think it'll be against the rules as you're not asking for anything in return which could mean people being scammed.


    If you are continuing with this I supported LD (although I'll be nowhere near the top!) I have the trophy on my look up and my username is selfbetrayal.

  6. I had 16,800 points so managed to get all the plushies and several other random items including the neohome items so I'm quite happy - especially as I found out the big plushie is worth over 1mil np, granted I'm not selling but it's nice to know! I'm now looking at buying the stamp with np as I didn't have enough for the plushies and the stamp.


    I would have liked enough for the Yooyu though...I'd have probably given up the plushies for that!

  7. that's really odd...neither me nor my boyfriend can find anything wrong with it; I'll text my boyfriends brother tomorrow when he's guaranteed to be awake as I don't want to risk waking him up. He's fluent in German and lived there for a fair while so he's a fairly safe bet to ask...

  8. If it's a plot yay! That would be awesome.


    I feel like the way they phrased that, it sounds like something really is happening. Hope they aren't just toying with us. <_<



    I fear they may well be playing with us...I can't see them introducing a plot so sooon after the cup.

  9. The sig is really good - the different pictures layered across from each other really works. I like your avatar but I think I prefer 2. from the other options you gave. Sorry, not amazingly helpful considering the other answer was completely different in which they preferred .

  10. The picture for Cav is brilliant, as is standard with you!


    I do however have a second request, but again it is completely at your convenience and if you've got too much on please don't hesitate to say! I was wondering if you would be able to do a Faerie Kougra in a classroom environment with a load of baby (or just small kougras if that's easier). If possible could you include the same blond female as you did so brilliantly in the Royal Lupe picture as a kind of background character, observing in the corner or something similar.


    As I said, there is no pressure and I really won't mind if you say that it's too much work or you already have too many requests, particularly as this is my second request and that could just be seen as greedy!

  11. Whoot! This means I have two winners trophies (DC and LD) and all from closing my eyes and pointing at the map!!! I've got all three of the plushies for my gallery and a load of other random stuff...I couldn't believe it when I saw the Yooyuball plushie was selling for over 1m, not selling though!


    you switched because you wanted a gold trophy. you thought shenkuu was going to win.


    People don't necessarily switch because of that; particularly as from what I've heard on here LD has always been a strong team with a high chance of winning the cup. Don't be so judgemental.

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