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Posts posted by Secre

  1. Or is Altador one of the pushiest computer animated teams you've ever played. None of the others I've played have been so intent on bashing and stealing the ball from me! I'm sure they play dirty!


    On the bright side, the random number generator loves me now I'm on my boyfriends PC and I'm very rarely seeing the faerie ball or the darigan ball...and I've come to the conclusion that the darigan ball is far more annoying than the faerie, I seem to have (half) learned the knack for the faerie.

  2. What's so bad about losing to Darigan Citadel?


    And you guys haven't beaten MI since AC2, you're just following the pattern. :)


    Ah, that makes more sense! I wasn't trying to say that we should have beated DC or in anyway demean your win - I was just surprised by the 10 streak being followed by two losses! I didn't know that we always lose to MI either!

  3. Okay. -takes deep breath-


    I hope nothing happens out of it. Thanks, Wemblin. :3


    I wouldn't worry, but I would seriously advise against repeatedly using them as if you are caught you will be immediately frozen. However, if you haven't been frozen yet I'd suggest you're in the all clear.


    I tend to stay away from anything that might be even vaguely against the rules as with nearly 7 year account with pets who I have spent a lot of time and effort on I would be devestated if I lost my account.

  4. The original poster said dying was not painful, and they were guaranteed happiness.


    Thanks for pointing that out - I'd missed the all important word in that sentence! In that caase I'd let them out. That one second would be worth it.

  5. I think I'd say that it depends on whether them popping and dying is painful for them (if they have a consiousness they can feel pain). Because if it is painful then the question needs to be asked whether that second of being happy is worth the pain of dying, or whether the unconsiousness that they have in the jar before they are released is preferable.


    It's difficult because they are not alive in the jar but would be happy during their second of life when released, but if their death caused them pain then perhaps they would be better off spending eternity in the jar rather than suffering such for that one second...


    Granted, I don't know if their death would be painful, but that's the thought process that immediately ran through my mind!

  6. Joined Team Lost Desert on 20th May


    Rank 5


    Goals Scored 1,149

    Goals by Luvea Trivon 144

    Goals by Vonde Cayle 359

    Goals by Lamelle Turow 120

    Goals by Derbi Azar 526

    Saves by Leera Heggle 212


    Number of Wins 207

    Number of Draws 1

    Number of Losses 0


    Slushie Slinger

    Games Played 77

    Top Score 684


    Make Some Noise

    Games Played 150

    Top Score 8,678


    Shootout Showdown

    Games Played 752

    Top Score 1,200

  7. I hadn't realised that that was the reason why the annoying X keeps appearing - thanks, that may well solve at least half of my issues!!!


    I have tried that method with the faerie ball, and I find it works about 50% of the time for me (still 50% more than usual though!). They just annoy me massively as no matter what happens it takes me more than 3 times the amount of time to actually score which messes up any hop I have of getting 10 balls...

  8. Yooyuball is doing a brilliant job of making me yell fluently at the computer and swear even more fluently.


    I'm not sure what is more irritating - that stupid X that keeps coming up just as I'm making an important goal ensuring that I miss and therefore yet again don't get to the 10 goal thing, or the fact that I keep getting multiple Faerie and Darigan balls in a single game. My last game was two Faeries, one Darigan and one mutant.


    The random number generator must hate me and I have decided that if I ever manage to locate it I will have to take a hammer to it...or a virtual hammer. Meh.

  9. If they moved it to something like 3 million that would make things much easier as that would cover more of the paintbrushes that are sold. I also don't see much of the point in having a limit at all though...although no limit would make the auctions a little bit defunct.

  10. This really is fantastically nice of you! I'd really love a fire petpet paintbrush (Once I have enough neopoints I want to buy a Weewoo for my fire uni and then paint it fire so that my uni has a lovely new petpet that is the same as it). I know she already has a petpet but I would love to spoil her with a fire Woowoo!


    If my request was considered I'd like to add that the brush wouldn't be used until I got myself a Woowoo but under no circumstances would it be sold or traded!


    Thanks for reading!

  11. I've been wondering the exact same thing...as it could be based upon how many times you play, or on the scores you get or both...


    I'd quite intrigued to see how many points I get this year, as I got a fair few for doing absolutely nothing (or very near to it) last year...

  12. I keep trying to remember to play Excitement and Knowledge but keep forgetting (although I remember excitement more often, probably as it costs less and tends to give me more!)

  13. You can say that again! I just got home from being gone all day, and when I saw Kreludor I'm like "There goes our streak darn it!" I only have three hours to play today and then I have to leave the house again too. I need to support the team more than ever today :ohno: *starts sending scores like crazy*


    Todays the first work day that I've played madly! Normally I'd have been in bed 3 hours ago! Instead I've been playing like mad...I've been trying to play the mini games, as I think thats where we are going to struggle but SS and MSN drive me mad!

  14. I'm not very good at Yooyuball... I'm afraid to try this year. :guiltysmiley:


    I've been the same the last couple of years but I tried it this year and i've actually gotten good at it! Still irritates me though!

  15. Far too much unfortunatly! In neopets terms I'm losing out on a massive amount of neopoints...and everything else! In real life, as I've just got a job not so much of my time can be devoted to neoopets, but I've been going to bed far too late and spending my free days somewhat obsessed...(as in tomorrow through til Sunday, although Sunday will be distracted by church unfortunately!)

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