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Posts posted by Secre

  1. But I totally get how you feel. I actually went on a one-week hiatus after we got swept by I believe KD. Haha. (RI is my team btw). Haha. So I think its also the energy that you put in it, and then all of a sudden you get nothing in return because you either lose or draw. xDD


    That's definitely how it's going for LD at the moment! I think I'm now playing because I dislike the shield for rank 10 so want to move up to a nicer shield...

  2. I HIT LV 10!!!



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    Goals by Lamelle Turow 211

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    Number of Draws 1

    Number of Losses 0


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    Shootout Showdown

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    Top Score 1,200

  3. I'm really starting to struggle. I find myself with days going by where I don't have any desire to play and I have to force myself to. I'll probably end up having to stay up for 24 hours straight right before it ends, to reach my goal.


    What's your goal? Sorry, I'm nosy and interested in what other people are aiming for!

  4. I have two Jetsams on my side account that I got this last Jetsam day, I got them to give away to people that wanted them. You're more than welcome to have either one, or both if you really want them! The username is kacheeksr2cute if you want to check them out. I hardly ever go on that account so if you want them either let me know here or neomail my main, tom_green_forever ^_^


    I may well come back to you on that if I can't find the original user who offered the trade (I don't like letting anyone down, or not getting back to someone who made such a kind offer!). But yeah, if I can't get in contact with the original user I'd love to adopt Dokomadoke.

  5. I feel bored on playing yooyuball so I will stay at rank 2!


    I felt like that on rank 8, but my main goal was to be rank 10 and now I've hit rank 9 I'm one step closer - i only have 49 games til level 10! Then I'll probably find a new goal to aim for, but at least I'll have reached my over-riding aim! I've been playing madly all day so I can get to level 10.

  6. Hey Hannah,

    Thanks for the kind words :). Sorry it wasn't me. I have a robot kacheek that someone wanted, didn't write the name down, and then when I was ready to trade I realized the neomail had been deleted too. I remember telling them to neomail me close to the day they could trade, but I never heard from them. Secre, I will keep an eye out for jetsams. I got mine from the pound and have since adopted her out, but they do show up somewhat frequently :) if you are not name specific.


    Thanks, no worries - I thought it wasn't you after looking up your profile! I was asked to neomail when my side was of age...which would have been simple if neomails weren't deleted! I'm not name specific, but the Jetsam that she was offering was beautifully named!


    Thanks again. I just wish I'd had enough sense to actually had enough sense to write the name down instead of trusting in neomails!

  7. This is indeed quite random :P I hope they find you.


    Neopets aggravates me as well with this. I've made folders to save specific conversations and then neopets deletes them. This happens to me too often.


    I've only just started using neomail properly, and before I deleted my own neomails on the rare occasion I did use it, so I didn't realise they delete them if they've been in the inbox too long. I was rather surprised when I found that what I'd expected to be there wasn't!

  8. Yeah, sorry this is going to sound random and I may be in the wrong section.


    About a month ago a very nice person who's both on here and neopets offered to give me her Jetsam as I've always wanted one and never managed. However, my side account wasn't old enough to accept limited pets or any of the ones on my main as they are too high levels so she even more kindly agreed to wait until my side was old enough to take a trade as I don't want to pound any of my pets. My side is now of age.


    However, and here comes the problem, I didn't realise that neopets deletes neomails after a while so I assumed I'd be able to respond directly from my neomail box. This is now not an option and I now have no way of contacting her as I'm an idiot and didn't write down her username.


    So yeah, I was kind of hoping that you might come forward and poke me...

  9. I wouldn't use your lab rat as thats rather unpredictable. I'd use the one with the highest level but I agree with Ali Cat - train up your other stats before leveling up any more just in case. I can't use my battledome pet as my active at several of my dailies as there is the chance of a level gain, and I've got a space faerie quest outstanding as I can't do that until tdubs hp is 3 times the level otherwise there is a chance he'll jump 4 levels meaning I have to use two codestones.

  10. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I played almost obsessively to begin with, but due to both the repetitiveness of the games (particuarly slushie slinger which I'm struggling to even play 2 games a night!) and the fact that by the time I get in now I'm too tired to think straight I don't think I'm going to get anywhere near the level I wanted to!

  11. Is anyone else finding that they are either/both tired of playing the same games too many times already, or just too tired to play the Altador Cup properly due to real life things like work and the inability to stay awake past about 10-11pm...?


    Maybe i just have both a short attention span and get tired far too easily!

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