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Posts posted by Secre

  1. It amazes me that they freeze accounts and refuse to give them back for people's protection. In that case they are actuually doing the complete opposite as they are destroying years of hard work and effort, and people just want their account back!


    It seems more like inefficiency and downright scare tactics on those who haven't done anything wrong more than protection.

  2. Heyup! Welcome, and hopefully you'll enjoy yourself here. I'm sorry to here about your account, but there are plenty of people here in a similar situataion so if you need to rant just go for it!


    EDITED: Due to epically poor spelling!!!

  3. I just have a thing about not paying for anything virtual...which means I won't even buy neocash, let alone premium!


    Quick question though; do you get charged an extra fee for the difference between dollars and whatever currency you're using.

  4. Also, just to clarify, you have one ingoing and one outgoing transfer, so you can send a pet and receive for every transfer that you have.


    Wow, I didn't know that! Thanks. I thought a transfer was a transfer and it counted no matter what...

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