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Posts posted by Secre

  1. Lol, I don't often play Keyquest but was bored and so have played a couple of games...after snatching victory from the jaws of defeat and getting a gold key I unlocked to door to find a Secret Lab Map which I assumed was one of the cheap ones...until I looked at TP and found that it was going for 200k!!! I just won a 200k prize from KQ. And I had 5 GOOD offers in 2 minutes! Well, 4 good in pure and one which was over priced but in HTS items.


    I may have to play KQ more often!


    EDIT: And yes, it is sickening how many wins I've had lately! My period of bad luck is sure too follow!

  2. I hate the way being sick makes them look - always sad. Does it have any other effects at all though?


    I don't think so, aside from the fact that they can't fight in the Battledome until they are healed.

  3. The trophy should be awarded to you tonight, no worries :P


    Thank you! It has now appeared! I was getting rather disappointed, particularly as I missed out on a Bouncy Supreme trophy as by the time they had reviewed my score there were other much higher scores. It took me hours to get to that point!


    But YAY! New trophy!

  4. I've finally picked up the 'Pick Your Own' avatar. It was only recently that I found out you could delete items from the basket!


    I'm currently working on Packrat (910 items) and then once I've sold all the stuff I'm hoping for enough to buy a Queen Doll from the Hidden Tower - two avatars in one!

  5. I've got two pets ill atm annoyingly. FaithfulDarkness got sneezles from the quazibox thing (although I did get Meuka as a result of this!) and Ackorn has neomonia. I'm also using the Healing Springs!

  6. I've dreamed of neopets more times than I care to mention! I can't actually remember any of them, but it's usually when I am desperately working for something like a PB or an avatar! Most of them seem to be happy comforting dreams though!


    Oh, actually, I do remember one recent one but it freaked me out - my Lupe had been kidnapped by someone just after I'd painted him royal (which I haven't actually done yet - working towards it!) and I was frantic!

  7. I'm just as bad - I have my main game tab, the igloo garage sale, my inventory, neoquest, neoquest maps, TDN dailies, TDN forums, and sometimes Joderi's ratios, a second game from that and the Wheel of monotomy. This doesn't include Dice-a-Roo which is another tab if I'm playing it and occasionally Facebook for Farmville. Even more occasionally the Plushie shop or the Money Tree!


    My Firefox crashes quite regularly! I should get into the habit of closing tabs which are not in use.

  8. Cool, thanks. I've never done well enough on a game to have that kind of thing and so it nearly caused me to have a heart attack when it did! Thanks.

  9. I just scored 30,445 points in Bouncy Supreme which puts me above first place. It says my score is going to be reviewed by staff. Does this mean I could be banned for it? It's taken me about 4 hours today to get that score.

  10. As far as the pant devil goes, I keep nothing in my inventory when I play and if I win anything while playing I safety deposit it mid game in another tab so he can't steal anything. I seriously had him show up at least 15 times one game. I felt satisfied when it kept saying "but he can't steal anything because there is nothing in your inventory" Ha! Take that pant devil!


    I just leave all my fishing junk there. It's a half decent way to get rid of them and if I do accidentally leave something in there there is less chance of it being taken.

  11. Or do many of the unconverted pets looks better than the converted ones. I've been looking through sunnyneo's rainbow pool and I've found that many of the the grey, some of the royal and some of the others actually really look better UC. Particularly the grey which actually look depressed...


    What do you think?

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