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Posts posted by Secre

  1. That's what I thought but I got one at auction for 825k!!!!!


    Dice-a-Roo is pure chance and luck and the odds aren't brilliant! Overall this is my second main win on it, but most of the foods and stuff sell for over 5np anyway so you can't really make a loss. I've been playing it recently for the items for packrat avatar!

  2. I am such a flukey so and so!!!!

    1. Neopian Times win leading to a Grey paint brush

    2. Selling of Grey Paint Brush for 3.5 million

    3. Buying Fire Paint Brush for 825k and getting a nice background

    4. Just won the Dice-a-Roo jackpot of 40,223np!


    All I now need is to win the lottery!!!!!


    Happy happy happy happy happy!!!!!!

  3. I have to admit I've always wanted a Fire Uni as it goes with the childhood fantasy games I used to play with a friend. I am a little wary of painting my Lupe, HarmBoer though as I've had him since nearly day one and I've got rather attached to him as he is but royal suits the character he is. And I have fallen head over heels for Faerie Kougras!


    My only issue with painting FaithfulDarkness is I'm now not sure about the Uni Knight armour I've been hungering after since it came out!

  4. If price isn't an issue, I'd go with the Tyrannian Volcano Lair Background. That would be perfect, but according to jellyneo, it's 170k, where as the other is 1k.


    And I'm so jealous! My biggest dream pet is a Faerie Shoyru. I'm waiting, and saving, and I'm eventually going to get a Faerie Shoyru MP. Last I checked, those ran around 2m, instead of the 5 for a PB. (I love Faerie Kougras. They're gorgeous.)


    Ouch - Tyrannian Volcano Lair Background is going for 500k on the TP. That's extortion!!!!!!!


    I love the Faerie Kougra's as well but they are sooooo expensive! It's either Faerie or Chocolate, but for the latter I'd need a FFQ and that is unlikely as heck!

    I also want either a Shadow or Halloween Shoyru, and a Royalboy Lupe! So I'm not aiming for much really!!!


    I have to admit I hadn't even considered the background issue before I painted and loved the colour but went; ahh, that doesm't look quite right! When it's a basic colour I don't mind the background being a bit out of place, but after spending on a PB it needs to work!


    EDIT: It's a little bit showy now but much better...I'll think about the Tyrannian one! And if I decide to get it I can easily sell a 1000np BG on! And the Sky background can be saved for if I ever get a Faerie PB for tdub!

  5. Awww she's pretty. Congrats on getting her painted.


    I'm not really sure of what backgrounds are available, but I recommend going to a site that you can search wearables, and look at all the backgrounds. I think it was sunnyneo, that does a preview of all the wearables, including backgrounds. I'm not sure if TDN has something like that or not.


    But that's what I do when I want a BG to match a certain pet.


    Thanks, now I have two contenders for Backgrounds: Altador Sun Background and Tyrannian Volcano Lair Background...I think I'm swaying towards the volcano but I may have to check out prices!


    After that all I need to do is decide whether I want to fork out 5million for a Faerie Paint Brush for tdub!

  6. I've just painted my Uni fire from some of the proceeds of a Grey Paint Brush and I'm looking out for backgrounds that will suit her better than the sky background that she had when she was blue. I'm not entirely sure how to put a pic up of her here but it's username: selfbetrayal and the pet name: FaithfulDarkness. From that you can see that the blue sky background does look quite odd!


    Any ideas?


    EDIT: Just realised this might be better in the help forum. Umm, yeah, sorry mods - if it needs moving feel free!

  7. I have one 19 year old brother. He drives me insane but I like having him around. It's one of those things that we annoy the living bejeebers out of me but as soon as something goes wrong we'll defend each other to the hilt!


    I have a sister. When she was born, I asked if we could trade her in for an iguana.


    I'm still up for the trade. :whistle:


    That really made me giggle!!!

  8. I'd wondered that...I made printed paper lists for myself and crossed off the ones I'd got. I've also got full lists on Word which have all of the ones I've got in bold and red highlight. This way I can't lose anything! That's the way I've done it anyway.


    EDIT: If you want I can email you the 2 documents worth of stamps and other collectables including shells etc. They have a picture of each stamp and the name in table format. If I get rid my bold format and highlighting for what I have collected then you'll have a full copy to use yourself.

  9. Complete! First auction failed. Second one worked! Sold for 3.5 million! I've just wandered off to offer on a Fire Fire Pants on Fire Paint Brush! Always wanted a Fire Uni!


    Thanks for the help!

  10. Yep I can tell you why.

    TNT added something to the game that ends it if your computer is too slow or lagging. Same as in Feed Florg...


    Yep, this happens to me on certain computers as well. It annoyed the bejeepers out of me until I realised the reason for it! It is the speed of the computer that causes it.

  11. Thanks, I've put it in a one day auction at 3.55 mil minimum and the increment to 100k. Fingers crossed and hoping for the best! If it doesn't work I'll put it down to 3.45 mil min...


    I've only ever sold items worth about 200k or so before! Complete lack of experience with things out of TP range!

  12. Ok, now this is going to sound like a stupid question! How do I use auction? Can I set a minimum price (I don't want it to go for something stupid!)? How long should I set the auction up for? And if the general going rate is anywhere between 3.8-4mil what would you suggest I put the minimum price in for (if I can put in a minimum price)?


    Sorry, I've only ever used my shop and the Trading Post before.

  13. I have never had the luck to have my hands on an item expensive enough for me to be panicking about being done on them. However due my NT win I have a Grey Paint Brush which I have just had a heart attack when I found out it's worth 3.8 million np.


    So far I've had one question asking if I accept items to which I responded yes.

    And an offer of adding to a Darigan Grundo Morphing Potion.


    So, my question is what sort of items should I be accepting? What is resaleable? Help!?

  14. Write all the combinations down and then tick them off as you've done it. Do it carefully and slowly waiting for the page to fully load.


    It's a pain in the backside but it's doable. But there isn't much help that can be offered.

  15. Congrats on finishing it. I finished mine a few months back, and I still have trouble remembering to get my daily prize. (Which usually isn't that great.) But definitely worth it for fun, and the avatar.


    As I do all my dailies from the TDN dailies list and it's on there I should be fine. Thank goodness for that!


    I'm not so sure about the fun on occasions - at several points I wanted to throw my computer out the window!

  16. Jeepers that was one heck of a convoluted plot! I am so grateful that I've completed it! I'm not sure why I didn't twig earlier that I could still start and complete it! But that was a hassle...


    Although the prizes weren't half bad!

  17. When it says to refresh randomly does that mean that I need to try different combinations of the order in which I refresh the tabs? Or can I refresh each one in order forwards and backwards across the tabs?


    A little bit confused, but no matter what this has to be easier than trying to run through every single combination as the other guide says. The thought of that made me want to automatically quit!


    EDIT: DONE IT!!! 20 odd minutes of refreshing and it's complete! Thank you so much! That was a life saver!

  18. And as far as I know, they can only get changed to Invisible and zapped to baby by Boochi.


    They can also change to red if you they get too angry (or you leave them angry?) and blue if they're too sad (or sad for too long?). Granted that's not really random as you can quite easily keep them happy, but as far as I'm aware that's unchangeable as well unless you have a paintbrush etc.

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