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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I also believed that an apple tree would grow in my stomach if I ate a seed (I blame my child minder), she also taught me that in a storm if there was thunder and lightning it meant God was angry at me. I spent a great deal of my early school years hiding under desks because I somehow thought this might protect me from an angry God! My Yr 3 teacher was the one who corrected me on that but I didn't believe her until Yr 4 when that teacher also dragged me from under the desk and lectured me about it!


    I believed that the line in the Lord's prayer 'but deliver us from evil' was 'but deliver us from eagles' which made me have a phobia of eagles! It also made people look at me very oddly when I was reciting it but nobody actually corrected me.


    I believed that stomach digested food because it had a fire in it that burned all the food up. I could never understand why it didn't hurt!


    For ages I thought that when I looked in a mirror I was looking at my evil twin or opposite or something. I actually believed it was sentient and was scared mindless of it. I used to cover up all the mirrors to stop her getting out and killing me in my sleep.


    And finally, I thought that babies actually popped out of a ladies belly button.


    I had a fair few stupid beliefs, and I probably had more but I can't remember them!


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  2. Wii Fit has to be one of my favourites. Harvest Moon is pretty cool. I don't actually have many games for the Wii as I only bought it for the Wii Fit but Mario Cart is good and addictive - but if you have to watch it for hours on end it makes you want to break the Wii into many many people.

  3. I might look it up eventually but I already spend far too much time on the internet and so don't want to get addicted to anything else! It will consume my life, I'm only just getting over Farmville!

  4. I'm meant to be in church singing in the choir for Mournday Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday but have lose my voice completely this week so I'm missing the Mournday Thurs and Good Fri services and hoping my voice is back for Easter Sunday.

  5. The Bulger case was a horrific one which is still brought up alot, particularly recently with the release of the then 18 year old murderers and the re-imprisonment of one of them much more recently. But in their case I would have to argue against an adult trial (although I know one was done) because they were only ten which is (I believe) the minimum age for criminal responsibility in the UK. But there are major differences and age is the main one as there is a massive difference between the understanding of a ten year old and the understanding of a fifteen year old.

  6. Couple of other ideas (ones in bold I like more):


    WARNING: I cannot be help responsible for the above, as apparently my cat has learned how to type.

    Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Mark Twain

    Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets angry, he's a mile away and barefoot.

    All's fair in love and war, except of course if you launch a cruise missile at your loved one's home. That wouldn't be too fair.

    Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

    To err is human, to forgive is not our policy.

    If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.

    Why do banks charge you a "non-sufficient funds fee" on money they already know you don't have?

    Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

    Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?

    Scratch Cards - a tax on hope.


    I used to collect quotes which is more or less what signatures are so I have many, many more.

  7. Yes, the girl was magnificently out of line. But the male was far further out of line. Two wrongs don't make a right and there was no excuse for that kind of gratuitous violence. The fact that he had to track her down to do it shows that it was a calculated revenge attack rather than in the heat of the moment. So she she may have been spiteful or disrespectful but there is absolutely no excuse to perpetrate violence on that level to anyone. What was he trying to prove? How does it resolve his problem in the slightest?


    In addition to this the fact that the girl was only 13 makes him far more in the wrong. At that age you don't necessarily think about the consequences of your actions, and even if she had I very much doubt that she could ever have imagined this sort of over the top response. Even though he is only 2 years older, those 2 years can make one heck of a difference and he should have known far better. Would you want to be scarred for life for something you did at 13?

  8. Mynci: Invisible


    I can't blame you for putting invisible on one of the pets - I was highly tempted on several as I'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming to take one into my neopian home! But I'm sure that was somewhat against the rules!


    Gunto quote:

    You can choose more than one color if you want. (I know I will!) And you have to post at LEAST one color in EVERY species. (You may NOT post Insivisble if it is the ONLY color you choose) :) Mine?

  9. If more than one then colour in bold is top.


    Acara: Darigan, Plushie (never realised they were so cute)

    Acara: Fire (not keen on them)

    Blumaroo: Baby (so CUTE), Camouflage, Royalboy

    Bori: Baby, Faerie, Robot (because it made me LOL!)

    Bruce: Fire (I'd still have to be forced though)

    Buzz: Maraquan (that looks cooler than I'd thought),

    Chia: (LOL, these ones are funny!) Asparagus, Chokato, Durian, Thornberry

    Chomby: Magma

    Cybunny: Baby, Maraquan

    Draik (I wish!): Baby, Camouflage (Cute but odd), Mutant, Royalboy

    Elephante: Baby, Plushie,

    Eyrie: Baby, Fire, Mutant, Tyrannian

    Flotsam: Skunk

    Gelert: Baby, Camouflage, Mutant,

    Gnorbu: Shadow

    Grarrl: Maraguan

    Grundo: Faerie, Royalgirl

    Hissi: Baby, Faerie, Plushie, Robot (Again, far cooler than I thought it would be)

    Ixi: Camouflage, Maraquan, Plushie

    Jetsam: Halloween, Skunk

    JubJub: Baby, Fire, Garlic, Ice, Royalboy

    Kacheek: Baby, Plushie

    Kau: Mutant (shudders)

    Kiko: Fire,

    Koi: (surprisingly pretty pet) Baby, Darigan, Royal(either)

    Korbat: Fire, Plushie (pretty boring really)

    Kougra (my favourite): Baby, Chocolate, Darigan, Faerie, Halloween

    Krawk: Plushie, Purple, Robot,

    Kyrii: Maraguan, Mutant

    Lenny: Baby, Faerie,

    Lupe: Baby, Camouflage, Halloween (only because it's Werelupe!), Royalboy

    Lutari: Baby, Fire

    Meerca: Chocolate, Faerie, Halloween,

    Moehog: Robot

    Mynci: Baby, Camouflage, Halloween, Plushie,

    Nimmo: Halloween, Magma,

    Ogrin: Chocolate (so cute!), Plushie

    Peophin: Baby, Royalgirl, Snow, Sponge

    Poogle: Camouflage, Jelly, Msp (for obv reasons), Robot

    Pteri: Chocolate, Faerie, Maraquan,

    Quiggle: Robot

    Ruki: Baby, Camouflage, Faerie, Fire,

    Scorchio: Fire, Maraguan, Mutant

    Shoyru: Camouflage, Halloween, Shadow (simple but elegant)

    Skeith: Chocolate (if forced)

    Techo: Sketch

    Tonu: Baby, Plushie, Striped

    Tuskaninny: Baby, Camouflage

    Uni: Baby, Cloud, Halloween, Maraguan, Plushie, Shadow, Striped

    Usul: Shadow

    Wocky: Baby, Darigan, Skunk

    Xweetok: Baby (my heart has just officially melted!) Cloud, Plushie, Shadow

    Yurble: Baby, Darigan, Halloween, Pirate, Plushie,

    Zafara: Darigan, Robot,


    And I have just determined that I REEALLLY want a Xweetok! And this took quite an extraordingary amount of time to do but I have learned a lot more about the different neopets!

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