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Posts posted by Secre

  1. Finally completed this. So far one of the more challenging quests! Got the Mynci thing first go but that was touch and go as I hate that game and am not good at it. The wearbles shop was constantly sold out - I ended up buying the cruddy cardboard box background. Well, at least there was enough of it by such a long, long way! And the maze nearly drove me insane...


    No avvie though. I haven't collected all the dailies, I've done all the quests in order but not on release day and my account is 6 and a half years old so not new.


    But the prize background is stunning! They know that this was more tricky and they've rewarded us well for it!

  2. I still love Pokemon. Between me and my brother we have got

    Blue/Red/Yellow - although yellow has been given to my foster brother to get him hooked.

    Gold/Silver/Crysal - Gold was always my favourite

    Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - Cant find emerald

    Leaf Green


    Heart Gold - latest acquisition and loving it!

    Mystery Dungeon (one of them can't remember which)


    Pokemon Snap

    Pokemon Stadium


    Pokemon Collesium

  3. I'm not very far through it but so far I'm really enjoying it. Gold was always one of my favourite pokemon games. So I am really enjoying this game. I'm not certain what my end team will be but Furret is my HM slave, Ampharos is my main electric, Kadabra/Alakazam as my psychic, the Fire starter and crobat...all I now need is a decent water pokemon.

  4. It took me a while to get used to the TP as well, but it's a brilliant neopets resource and providing you are specific about what you want will work very well. You will always get stupid offers, but just hold out for the offer you want.

  5. @Viridian But isn't it so much better if you do Snowy (ish a cute name for the beast lols) and the wheel? ;3 He may be free, but at least the wheel doesn't half kill your pet. I don't really have time for the games either, which is why I play around on the stock market. It's easy, you're guaranteed a profit (well unless something goes bankrupt, which is very rare), and you don't do anything besides watch and wait.


    @Secre Just tell everyone to stop disagreeing with me and we'll be all good. :whistle:


    LOL! There is no way I'm killing this discussion! Because of that I'm quite happy to sit back and watch! Plus I'm sure I started this topic on other side of the topic!


    Plus, I'm sure the wheels have more than half killed my poor little pet between them on several million occasions!

  6. I've just read through it carefully several times and I cannot see where the issue is...I mean, considering it's being posted on neopets they can't have any problems with you using 'Brain Tree' or 'Meowclops'. I can't see anything anywhere...

  7. I didn't know if I should ask this here or make a new thread but I have a few questions about trading. Since the original question has been answered I thought it would be alright to ask here instead of making a new topic. I don't mind talking through neomails if that's better or here if it's fine. Sorry if I should make a new topic instead!


    You're better making you're own thread. No one minds. If anything it confuses everything less if members are answering one question per thread!


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Crusher).

    The original topic had been answered. Thanks for asking Crail, I'd recommend a new topic in this forum. If anyone wants further discussion of the original topic, as always, just message me for a reopen.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Crusher if you have any questions regarding this action.

  8. I was wondering what feature you're talking about as well - I've never touched premium so don't know what the ins and outs are.


    Nicely done on the amount made from it though!



    That's awesome. I'd be curious to see what everything in mine is worth. I know I have Kau plushies from way back, that according to Jellyneo, are worth over 50k.


    If you're ever interested in selling them give me a bell. I collect plushies and so will always be willing to offer a fair price for plushies I don't own.

  9. Welcome to these awesomelicious forums filled with awesomelicious people who know everything about neo! Enjoy and feel free to ask questions!


    And then of course you have people like me who are still asking stupid questions even though I've been a member long enough to have got to the point where I should know!


    Welcome to the forums!

  10. Secre, I looked at your look up, and your Kougra's. I'm not seeing a pie.


    What the heck!? I'm not complaining or anything but it was there when I logged in to neopets, and then I logged in here! I looked around a bit and posted on a couple of things...it has disappeared in that time! Happy days! I have to admit I'm glad to see it go! It was amusing to begin with but I quite like my kougra's face!


    It appears the pie disappears of its own accord as well!


    Thanks for pointing this out to me!

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