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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I know that wedging down the refresh key wouldn't be allowed - not sure about the Java script thing. But again, getting caught is very different to breaking the rules. Just be careful as if it is against the rules then you could be in big trouble if caught.

  2. I have to say that what I'm hearing makes me angry. I'm SO glad I made my daughter quit playing.


    I have to admit that although the advert annoyed me I wouldn't contemplate quitting - or making anyone else quit. As far as I can see neopets is one of the most child friendly games sites around especially as they have specific limitations for children. E.g the limitations on neomail and forums etc. This to me would suggest that they are a remarkably socially responsible site. The adverts are a small part of it. If anything I'd be encouraging my child to play it rather than any other games site they might come across where themes, language and behaviour are not so strictly monitored.

  3. Oh no :( good thing you filled out the form.


    But your account got frozen 'to protect you', not because you did something wrong, so there is a good chance you'll get it back :)


    Rooting for you!


    That's what I was thinking - they haven't said you were cheating or any other freezable offense. That would suggest to me that perhaps someone has hacked your account somehow which is why they've frozen it. With any luck as they don't seem to be saying that you've actually done anything wrong you should be ok.

  4. The answer has been given in this weeks NT:


    'Hail, Neopets site masters! *bows down on marble floor* I have a question for you that's been popping up on the boards for the past few days. A number of Daily Dare players have asked the following: if you challenged AAA on the launch day of a game, but only managed to beat Abigail when you played that day, would you be credited with beating Abigail on the launch day? Also, if that's the case, would you still be credited with an Abigail win on launch day if you beat AAA a few days later? Given that Uberiffic is a higher rank than Megasuperb, a lot of people have been wondering. Could you clear this up for us, please? ~ burning_shadows_79

    If you challenged AAA but only beat Abigail on the launch day, you would be credited with an Abigail launch day win and eligible for Uberiffic status, so long as you continue to meet its requirements. If you beat AAA a few days later for that same game, you would then fall into the Megasuperb category.'




    I don't think this counts for double dare though as I'm sure there is an explicit warning that if you pick Double Dare and can't beat AAA you get nothing...but if you did get the AAA win a few days later you would be eligible for beating either one of them at some point of the Daily Dare - not on the launch day.

  5. I have to admit I agree with fusilla - those kind of amassed savings take a lot of time and effort to build up on neopets, if someone has put in that kind of work into the site then it's unfair to try to penalise them for it, or give a helping hand to those who haven't (myself included).

  6. I'm not good at HTML either and had to get instructions so I'm not one to ask on that front.


    On the Kruggi Card front there is a thread here which is set up for Faerie Quest Help but a couple of shops:





    And people often have so much stock in their shops either because they've been playing a long time and so collecting items, or the restock cheap items in the market shops and then sell at more expensive prices in their shop.

  7. Glad I'm not the only one disappointed in the prizes! luckily Abi's prize was just as awful this time! Easy win on AAA though, as this used to be one of my easy 1000np games until I got bored of it during the 10x game run!

  8. I have to admit some of the ads you've been describing are much worse than the one which annoyed me...I just got rather aggravated about it - but I'd be much more annoyed about the 'improve your sexual prowess' adverts and the like. Hmm...surely there's a way in which they can screen what adverts they allow on their site considering it is their site.


    And thanks for editing the typo out of the title! Much appreciated.

  9. I'll agree that children have to get used to the idea of death - through the death of a hamster, dog or grandparent. Children are brought into the reality of life in that death does exist. But the idea of the child themselves dying is something that occurs later and I do not think it is appropriate to advertise insurance packages on a site on which most people will be ineligible for in the first place. Yes, death is a natural cycle of life, but in modern times we have hit a trend of facing personal mortality at a later age than five to ten years old. Should the advert have simply stated "life insurance from £5 a month", I would not be so objectionable to the advert being displayed, because this would allow for parental discretion in how the children should be educated on this topic. Learning so overtly from an internet advert, however, is an inappropriate introduction to the subject in general, and thus I believe that the advert is inappropriate for the site.

  10. I wandered over to turmac roll from my favourites today and got met with what I consider to be a rather inappropriate advert considering that neopets has a large amount of 5-15 year olds on it. The advert states in bold letters:

    'If you should die unexpectedly...

    Life cover from only £5 per month'


    Am I wrong in assuming that a large amount of children will be playing this site? Or that children are far more susceptible to advertising? Or that this appears to be a remarkably inappropriate advert because of that? I do not hold to the views that children are innocent and need to be protected, but that blatant remark to their mortality and possible sudden death seems rather callous to me.


    EDIT: Inappropriate is spelled wrong in the title - I'd be grateful if a mod could change it for me!


    Cameron edit: Fixed! ^^




    Also agreed! Although nothing does come free in life anymore neopets definitely originated as a free games site and for many of us who have been on it for years the neocash proliferation is getting more than a little bit annoying.

  12. I'm just going for Abi - as it will take me til the end of Daily Dare to get a decent enough score on this one and I prefer to stay on the beats a mix of Abi or AAA on the launch day with a double dare!

  13. I've never been the greatest fan of customisation - as in only doing the cheapest of things to ensure that my poor pets are not the only ones left out. This was until I saw the latest uni knight clothing which has had me drooling and suddenly seeing what a brilliant idea customisation is - fickle creature as I am!


    So, with that in mind, does anyone know of any good clothing options for a kougra or shoyru - no np limits as I'm willing to save up!


    Btw - I'm not sure if this should be in 'anything and everything neopets' or 'neopets help', so if it's in the wrong place then the mods are free to move it!


    EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to add this in - I don't do pink or frilly and so I refuse to allow my pets to dress as such!

  14. Does anyone actually know yet how to earn membership to the magma pool - it was driving me crazy but I've now kind of given up until someone reminds me of it! I want a magma pet, but after months of refreshing (can't remember when it started so I may be exaggerating) I've also given up on that!

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