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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I fully understand that this will be seen as a stupid question and is likely to a) cause laughter and scorn and b) enable an awful lot of silly comments. However, that will not deter me from asking - what is it with the meepits? I don't understand the conspiracy theories. How can meepits take over neopia and what interest would they have in tdn? Could someone please enlighten me so I feel less confused when the whole meepit argument comes up again, as surely it will.


    (I can however understand the obsession with squirrels. Evil blighters they is.)

  2. Real world:

    Who is your favourite author? And what is your favourite book?

    What is your favourite (non neopet) computer game?

    Do you believe in fairies?

    What did you get your mum for mothers day?



    If you had a dream pet of your dream colour what would it be?

    What clothes would you give it?

    What drives you insane about neopets?



    There be my first thoughts - take your pick of any of them, or none of them. They're not the best questions in the world but it's after midnight and my brain is not working!

  3. Today's featured game is petpetsitter. But I just played it, sent my score and it didn't get doubled. I've never had this issue before and was wondering if anyone knew what might have been wrong or had the same issue.

  4. Just in case the same thing happens to me I've just written down my BD equipment, stocks and neofriends - seems to be the safest way of ensuring a returned account as I wouldn't have a cat in hells chance of remembering all the details.


    EDIT: Sorry, that wasn't very sympathetic - I hope you get your account back but these rather random freezings are starting to freak me out!

  5. In everyone's experience here, how long does it take for a new item to decrease in price? If, for example, we take the uni knight armour (not that I'm desperately trying to work out if I can get it cheaper at some point!). The price at the moment is 400k for the hoof armour and probably more for the rest of the items. For new items like this will there be a depreciation at some point?


    Also as this is a wearable item will that make a major difference.


    EDIT: Just realised that this may be better placed in the help section. As I've put it here I'll leave it up to the mods to decide where it should be! Sorry.

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