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Posts posted by Secre

  1. Thanks everyone. I used the form and found another for premium members and filled that out as well. I already got the standard reply for the first one ("because you were cheating at flash games your account will not be returned") but I'm hoping the other might actually get through to a person. *fingers crossed*


    Edit: Just tried to log into my side and it was frozen too. Probably because it's on the same email address. Maybe it's time to quit neopets. It's been a fun 8 years


    I can't blame you for wanting to quit - but I'd give them time to try to get back to you. Can you respond to the standard reply stating that you weren't cheating at the game and that's why you want your account back? If you keep nagging you might get through to a person.


    Surely they've got to take into account that you've been a member for 8 years so have nearly been around from the start and obviously haven't been cheating before otherwise you'd already have been banned. I'd keep trying, keep stating that you were only beating the Daily Dare score which they had set and it took alot of practice and patience to get to that score.


    I don't know but that's what I'd try. Constant nagging and reasonable argument to try to hit a person to speak to and explain.

  2. This game seems to be really glitchy and slow on my computer (although that might be my computer!)...I'll practice a bit but will probs go with Abi, as my high score is 700 something without glitches. I seem to remember that this is one of the GMC challenges that I failed as well!

  3. This topic is also a very good idea because if you're used to trading in pure neopoints then although you can find out what kind of price tag items have by looking at other offers and such like, but the issue can be how easy it is to resell the items.


    Some items are just not desirable, however if you don't know this you can end up with an almost unsellable item even though it's worth a lot oficually.

  4. Thanks - I won't reject the offer immediately, but I'll definitely keep the trade up to see if something better comes along! Hopefully. Pure is so much easier than items!


    On a side note the other offer I had was a Peophin trading card of some description...selling for 5k on SW...even I knew enough to reject that one!!!

  5. {raises a eyebrow} i know it sucked but i dont think tnt would be THAT silly to release a game that was that horrible. it's been said repeatedly it was in its bata stages and i did play the accidental released verson like many here. i think instead of everyone panicing i vote we wait and see if its improoved sense 2009. if not {locks and loads myself} -.^ ill be right here going "NOOOOOO" with the rest of yaall XD


    That is probably a very good idea...I'll wait and see what it comes out. If it's good then it's good...I don't however have very high hopes!


    Well, they can't just keep it the same forever. Let's face it, it's an anachronistic relic of the past, it needs an update to be with the rest of the site.


    Stop being stuck in the past and have some hope they'll make it better. -_-


    They can quite easily keep it the same way until it is out of date with the rest of the site. Which it isn't. It goes with the saying 'don't fix things that ain't broken'. It's a well loved and well played game. Shadaw has a very good point and I'll wait to see what comes out, but I do not believe that any of us bemoaning the loss of the Kass Basher we know and love are 'stuck in the past'. Nor that Kass Basher is just an anachronistic relic of the past - if it was it wouldn't be played half as much as it is or liked as much as it is.


    Something isn't a relic until it is only looked at as something from the past. And Kass Basher is nowhere near that point.

  6. Hey, sorry this may seem like a rather odd question but I'm used to trading items for pure np and so when I am offered items I may be able to find out what they are worth but I have no way of knowing how quickly they will sell, or if they will sell at all as some items have high price tags but don't seem to be desirable.


    Anyhow, I put a 'Basic Golden Nerkmid' up on the TP and it appears to be worth 450-500k.


    I have been offered 2 Golden Compass's and 2 Halloween Huggy's.


    I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this is a good trade or not?

  7. This may take me a while...and I may throw my laptop across the room before I am finished but I should be able to get this score - all I need is the purple things! And some good luck...Hmm...wanders off to try again.


    If it hadn't been for the plushie I would probably have gone for Abi - but I want the cute plushie!!!!


    EDIT: 1320 seems to be my average score atm. This could be a looong time!

    1490! What the heck! TEN POINTS OFF!


    EDIT 2: Did it! Did it! Did it! *Jumps up and down happily*

  8. Ouch - that's really harsh. I'm quite glad that I picked Abi now...


    I don't think there is a quicker way, I think you just have to fill in the form. It's also really harsh that they've done this during the daily dare - it skuppers your chances of a decent trophy.

  9. Drat! Drat! Drat! Drat! Drat! As soon as the new version properly comes out this is being moved out of my favourites and onto my 'never to play again' list. I hated the revamp. I love the Kass Basher as it is but I absolutely hated the new one. I had kind of hoped that they'd decided the new version was a flop and to get rid of it entirely.

  10. Heya, hope you enjoy it here - I've found that people here are very friendly and helpful...and they don't mind you asking stupid questions - which in my case is very helpful!


    You seem to be doing amazingly well at the Daily Dare considering you've just only been playing a month - well done!!!!!!

  11. Personally I've never had any real issue with neopets, but I couldn't blame you if you decided to make a complaint - particularly if you have put real money into the site. I've never found it fair that they freeze people so readily and it makes it so much worse if you have neocash on your account.


    I don't however live in America so I don't know how this 'Better Business Bureau' can do...

  12. Cool thanks. That makes it far easier! I'll wait til packrat thing complete then just get rid of it in my shop...thanks again - I didn't want to chuck it if there was some fabulous prize at the end!


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  13. Thanks - jellyneo is perfect although I'm having difficulty getting the pictures to show up on neoitems! Jellyneo may prove amazingly useful for my plushie collection as well as it gives a basic price! Thanks again.


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