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Posts posted by Secre

  1. My biggest n00b moment was actually fairly recently which makes it more embarrassing!


    I came across a Krawk transmogrification potion...or something like that, I'm sure it was krawk...Anyhoo, I couldn't find it on SW - and didn't know how to use TP at the point, hadn't even occured to me that it was used for higher selling items! So I whacked it into my shop for 50k...it sold in about 3 hours, and I've never had the courage to check exactly how much I could have made for it...but I know it was much more than 50k!


    Oops....I should have known better!

  2. I think I've been lucky as I've only ever had worthless items stolen - but I do try to have about 30 worthless fishing items in my inventory at any given time! Bad luck though...if you find the charity thread in the 'help' section you may find people willing to donate to your cause!

  3. Agreed. I wandered over to your shop to have a look but when a wooden blocking shield is being sold for 550np (worth 1-10np) then you know you're being ripped off! If you make your prices nearer to what the lowest on SW is selling for then you will get more business as people will always buy at the lowest possible price.

  4. Heya, and welcome to TDN. I hope you enjoy it here!


    No you won't have any issues keeping up with what's been going on in neopia - check the news section of the forum for more information, but most new aspects seemed to be discussed at some point!

  5. Some comedy can still be very funny - but it tends to have to be the under-stated, ironic, sarcastic or dark comedy which you rarely find in cartoons (and even if it is in cartoons it's seldom done well).


    The Simpsons used to be very funny but that was because they had a proper plot line, instead of the more modern ones which are just gag reels with very little point in them, although the Simpsons does appear to be going back to proper plots. Family Guy can be funny, but it's a bit hit and miss.


    Comedians will always be hit and miss, that is the nature of people who think that they are funny. However there are still some excellent comedians out there, like Ed Burns and Russel Howard and several others. But there will always be some who are just idiots.


    And I agree on the Spongebob Squarepants issue - it isn't funny, never has been and never will be. What on earth is it still doing on our TVs???

  6. I think it depends on what you mean as alien - if alien means not of our world then God is an alien, likewise, if alien means something we cannot understand or explain, then God is alien. It really depends on your point of view. I don't believe in horoscopes and such like as I believe that they are guess work and we can never know what is in our future. I also believe that our future is not set out for us as a preordained 'fate', but as a series of pathways which through our free will we choose. I believe he exists, that he is around us and outside of us, he is God and there are no limitations on God. We can never know whether he is solid or invisible, but it is stated that we are made in God's image.


    Plus - a final point - I am not a sir!

  7. You say you don't like reptiles when the Shoyru is a dragon? o.O


    I like Shoyru because he is a dragon but he doesn't have the reptile likeness of the Hissi as said before...they are cute rather than reptilian...I dunno - it is rather odd, but the reptile and insect ones don't have that 'Ahhh' factor!

  8. NeOtRiNsToN - Yes, you can get items - and sometimes even good ones.

    Jules - I've found that if the screen goes blank then you are still credited with your prize (although mine was my neopets hit points going down!)

    kacheek.love - Well done on the avatar! I do the same, wander off and play games on different tabs!

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