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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I have to admit I seem to get better prizes from silver keys than gold ones - although most times I've been near to winning the other person has quit on me - needless to say I don't play all that often, although I did play about 8 games in a row a couple of days past.

  2. I'm glad that most people seem to agree with me as I didn't know if I was just being ungrateful! But it really isn't what I'd class as a NQ game!


    And strawberri - that's exactly what I was hoping, as if this is the 'final' NQ3 then I will not be a happy bunny!

  3. My top score beats AAA's score, but at the rate of my practice today I may end up having to go for Abigail - for my second double daily dare...


    EDIT: I DID IT! I won the double daily dare! And I beat my top score! Although the prizes don't look that good, at least one of them is a plushie...

  4. I've only just come across neoquest 3D and I was just wondering if anyone else thought it was a massive let down after the massive amount of effort put into NQ 1 and 2...or maybe it's just a filler while they come up with an NQ 3?


    It's definitely different - but it also reminds me a fair amount of Kingdom of Loathings similar quest.


    Either way...thoughts?

  5. Hmm...that makes far more sense, thank you. And the idea of a second gallery is rather appealing! Can you for example trade a pet across so you can have an avatar pet? I don't want to put any of mine into the pound as I'm rather attached to them! Sorry for the large amounts of questions, I really am paranoid about getting banned!

  6. That makes the use of a side account very limiting - if you can't play games or anything that gains np, then my guess would be that you can't trade items or np across from your main account?


    So what are the main benefits of having a side account?

  7. I hear a lot of people saying they have side accounts on neopets...what are the rules surrounding this? I'd be interested in setting up a side account but I really don't want to get banned...I've put alot of effort into my main account...

  8. I collect plushies in my galleries, and to give credit other cute items that catch my eye...I know that this must be a theme that has been done so many times it's untrue, but as I collect teddy bears in real life plushies were the only thing that I was interested in collecting. I didn't want to have a gallery for the sake of having a gallery, but because I enjoyed collecting and looking at the items.


    I think what 'm trying to say is the same as the others - pick something your interested in and you would enjoy collecting.

  9. Sorry, second question of the day! I am hopeless at the stock market. I always seem to lose money! What do people advise? I've been trying to buy the stocks which are priced at 15-17np as I work on the principle of buy low, sell high. Are there any more tips that anyone can give me? Any way to be more sure about whether a stock will go up or down? Or is it just guesswork?


    Thanks, any advice would be very much appreciated as I am attempting to go for the Sell! Sell! avatar, and I don't want to lose too much money in the process!

  10. Keep building up the first 5 levels or so as it's easier to stay alive and save yourself if you get into trouble than on the later levels. I managed AAA's score in about 7-8 levels. It's a game that seems to reward you for playing badly!!

  11. Drat - this is a game I am truly terrible at! But I'll give it a shot. And thanks heart/break for the tips - that may make it a little bit easier!


    EDIT: Ended up giving up and going for Abigails...annoying, but not too unexpected!

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