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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I'd never thought of it like that..but yeah, I suppose I'd seen the Grarrl as taller than me, Kougra as about knee to waist height, Shoyru as fairly small, Lupe as large wolf size and Uni as about as large horse...etc

  2. Has anyone ever won anything on it? I've gotten 50np at best, and then the ball stopped at four I think.

    It feels like you can't win, but now I can't stop playing it :rolleyes_anim:


    Sounds like me and dice a roo...I win very, very rarely but I'm addicted..

  3. Personally, I have no objection whatsoever to gay marriage. I've written several essays on this for classes etc and I have come to several conclusions:


    1. Any Bible we read today we have to accept as a translation of another language and another context and therefore before we take anything literally we need to understand the context in which it was written. An example of this would be the society in which females were sole property of their fathers or husbands, the fact that the translation of homosexuality could be interpreted as 'prostitution', or 'abuse' but not as a consensual relationship.


    2. Importance in the Bible is another key issue. If you take all of the references to homosexuality to be literal then there are 5 of them in the Bible - (Leviticus 18, 2 Sam 10, 1-5, Gen 19, Judges 19 and I can't remember the last one), however, there are hundreds of references to divorce, treating women as property and many other issues which are completely ignored in today's society. This tends to suggest to me that fundamentalist religion will pick which bits of the Bible that they wish to take literally but completely ignore the bits which they don't like.


    3. Medical science has disproved several religious falicies - that left handedness is a sign of moral depravity, that depression is because you are living under unconfessed sin. Science allows us to see further and it can go hand in hand with religion, providing that you are willing to accept what is being shown and proven.


    4. The church appears to be afraid to speak out on certain matters because it fears losing general public opinion, it feels that speaking favourably on same sex relationships would isolate some members. However:

    1) Is the church the tail and public opinion the tail that wags it?

    2) Hasn't the church already alienated many by not speaking out and not just gays, but equally their friends and family?

    3) Does the church only speak out on non-controversial matters meaning that it cares nothing for justice? Are they worried more about public opinion than about fairness?


    5. Most importantly, the golden rule that Jesus gave us all is to love one another. He gave this commandment to try to avoid a schism in the church as he knew that the day would come when we would all hate each other. But Jesus' hallmark was always diversity and we are to love one another regardless and even because of that diversity. We were all made in God's image and that has to be wholesome, we are made to be loved and to belong in a loving relationship and God should be in any relationship made of love.


    There's my tuppence worth anyhow.

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