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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I'm not massively into collecting avatars...I'm more into collecting plushies and stamps...but the avatars provide an extra collecting thing, and although I won't go to any extra expense (at the moment) to collect avatars, I will try to get those I can...if only for the sake of collecting.

  2. Is the Altador plot still running? Meh, if it is then this would better put in the plot section of this forum, you are more likely to get a full response. But sorry, I have no idea what's going on...

  3. Thanks, that's very helpful, and also offered some tips on what to avoid when trying to buy over 800k. Thanks again.


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  4. Sorry, I know that this is probably me being an idiot, but the TP has a limit of 800k so how would you go about conducting a trade of an item for pure np over that, for example stamps which are worth 1.1 mil.


    Thanks, and sorry for being stupid in advance!

  5. I suppose it really depends, I'd say a lot of people are telling the truth. But you will always get some who get caught and therefore come up with a convenient excuse. It's not right, but in the same situation I would probably do the same (anything to avoid losing my account!). But different people would play different games - for example, if my brother was on neopets he'd play the sports games which I cannot do, likewise he wouldn't have the patience for stamp collecting or plushie collecting. So they'd probably work with that kind of informaton.


    Btw, I hear of people having side accounts. What are the rules regarding that? I'd always just assumed it wasn't allowed, but I must be massively wrong!

  6. Did you get the bottled faerie stamp? I try to stamp collect, but I never seem to see rare ones, even with constant refreshing.


    Your best bet is to use the shop wizard or trading post - I gave up on trying to find rarer stamps in the stamp shop a long time ago!

  7. It's against the rules to discuss the answer to the Lenny Conundrum, (which would be impossible for this one anyway as it's guess work!). It's not, I don't think anyway, against the rules to discuss the question in relation to how peeved TNT must be at the moment!

  8. As has been said above - although he says he is ten he could equally just be prowling internet sites to find kids. Basic internet safety - if you do not know him, do not give out personal information like address, email or phone number. If he's pressing you, which it seems he is, report him to TNT and block him on your account.


    I add my voice to the others above saying that you should not risk your personal safety for the sake of meeting someone who may or may not be 10 years old. Be careful.

  9. I have never looked at disabled people with either fear or pity. Some of the best people I know are disabled, and many of them are a darn site better at a lot of things than I am. There is no reason to fear or pity disabled people because they are disabled. However, there are some people I fear who are disabled as a secondary issue - but that's due to their personality not their physical abilities.

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