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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I tend to price my stuff slightly under the normal shop wizard prices (dependent on the prices), and then just leave it in my shop...if it hasn't gone in a week then I lower it again. I have to admit that this post had the added effect of clearing nearly all of my backgrounds out of my shop...I hadn't realise it would do that!

  2. No worries, I'm glad you appreciated it!


    Stock market - you'll find it in the games room; just type it in to the games search and you'll find it - I would suggest getting stocks at the cheaper end to begin with (15np a stock)...however I wouldn't trust my advice on that as I am very bad at stocks! I also don't do restocking!


    Items - If you can't find an item in the main search look up then it means it's rare, try Shop Wizard...if you can't find it in the Shop Wizard then it means it's exoensive (over 99,999np!). The way to find it then is through the Trading Post or the Auctions which you can find on the shops drop down menu.


    Darkest Faerie Plushie - appears to be nowhere at the moment, that would suggest it's very rare and expensive but you can keep looking

    Darkest Faerie Doll - same again

    Malice Doll - Is on the trading post but with no suggested price, it is not on the Shop Wizard

    And I can't find the Spite Vanity Doll anywhere, that may be because I'm putting in the name wrong.


    Hope that helps

  3. If you've got Ad-Aware I would be careful if you've also got Spy-Bot Search and Destroy as they argue with each other and one of them will delete an essential part of the other if you allow it to...you can tell this happened to me!

  4. Is it just me or do backgrounds (wearable) sell much more slowly in shops than other items...aside from the obvious junk items of course. But then why do they often have such high average prices on the shop wizard...? Or is it just that backgrounds take months to sell in my shop!?

  5. Yes, sky_thief is right - Faerie stuff is not going to be cheap and it depends on what you are looking to buy, but playing the games is a the only way to collect a large enough amount of np to get a collection started.


    However, to get you started I'll be neomailing you a Faerie Elephante Plushie...it's not a particularly expensive plushie, but it is a start...

  6. Obviously the dailies are my first port of call but in the long run:



    Normal on Neoquest 2 and Evil on Neoquest 1...I may move up from there - depends on my patience levels!



    5 million to get to the next bank level!



    The neoquest ones, plushie tycoon...and as many others as I can get.



    A baby kougra...or possibly a fairy kougra...

    A magma shoyru...

    A bay or skunk lupe (depends on whether I get a baby hougra!)

    A maraquan or fire uni...

    This will have to be done well after I hit 5 million otherwise I'll never get to that goal!



    Continuing to build it and find more plushies for it...and possibly even get the gallery trophy!



    A decent battle set which could cost me a lot! And I need an awful lot of codestone training for my kougra...this will in turn allow me to get better trophies for defenders of neopia and do far better in 1player battle



    A bigger stamp collection...I'm at about 225 at the moment and am down to buying the more expensive and rare stamps...



    Have a pet who has read enough books to win the trophy!



    So all in all these could between them take me quite some time...in fact looking at them...could take me several years! Particularly as my plushie collection on it's own is starting to get expensive!

  7. I got through neoquest 1 with ease - using the maps provided by idnq - although it took me a long time. I then started playing neoquest 2 - still using the idnq maps - and I am finding it far more difficult...first time playing and therefore on the easiest level...I dread to think what evil and InSaNe are like...

  8. It's really difficult! I now get the gist of the basics after reading the guides given earlier - but there is so much that still seems to be unknown!


    And yep, I was right - even after reading all the guides and such like I still went broke! Time for a retry me thinks...


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  9. I have just had my backside handed to me on a plate by neoquest 2...again...this is going to get very, very annoying! It's not even as if it's a short distance for me to walk on the game to get to where I was! GRRR!

  10. There are prizes at the end of the month - if you have a balance over 50k then you'll get 25,000np and this goes up depending on how much you managed to earn in plushie tycoon...you also get a trophy.

  11. There is more to do now - I stopped playing before because I got bored...now there is almost no chance of ever getting bored on neopets...between the dailies, the games, the plots and challenges, neoquest and being driven mad by Plushie Tycoon I could spend all day on here.

  12. I was looking for something new to do on neopets and ran into Plushie Tycoon...however, the rate I'm going, I can see myself going bankrupt very quickly...does anyone have any tips on how to play it well?

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