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Posts posted by Secre

  1. I did it easily. My usual score on it is 400 although I hadn't played it in ages as I find it boring, but first (and only) go I managed 480 or something around that area. My only glitch was one of my pets miraculously jumped into the pen all by itself - so a helpful glitch!

  2. It just seems that every time I get that saying then I usually have about 2-3 turns before I get a game over. It may just be bad luck or coincidence on my part but I was just wondering if other people had run into this issue, and therefore how 'random' these sayings are.

  3. This forum has a lending scheme...and from what I have gathered your trustworthiness is based on your warning status and post amount here and your trustworthiness/length of time on neopets....I may be wrong, but that's what I thought.

  4. I have a Rainbow paintbrush which I haven't yet put on TP as I wanted to offer it here first. I was going to put it up for 540k neopoints on TP, but I'm willing to go for 500k here (or haggle if you really want to!). My user name is selfbetrayal, the link should be correct to the left! Please neomail as I won't put it up on TP until I'm sure there are no offers here! I'll leave it for one or two days for you to consider!


    EDIT: Sorry, should have put this up earlier, but sold.

  5. I just want to add my sympathy's to you about getting your account frozen - I've never had that issue so I can't really say much, but I'd try to stay positive. Ask which rule in particular you broke and when it happened, then try to figure out what you were really doing at that point and just keep emailing back.

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