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Lia Seeya

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  1. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Angeló in Well .. here it is ... Article #10   
    Congratulations on making it to article #10! :) I wasn't expecting to see Kreludor on this list. Very funny, and very informative. Great job, Angelo!
  2. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Angeló in Well .. here it is ... Article #10   
    I checked out today's news and saw this:
    Your article was mentioned! :) Again, congratulations!
  3. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in To spin the Wheel of Extravagance or not.   
    I think you should definitely save up your NP, especially if you've just gotten to this point. The wheel, based on the responses, doesn't seem like a very profitable thing to do. Even for people with a lot of NP, it seems to be a waste. Putting some in the bank for interest, or investing in stocks, could be a better option in the long run. :)
  4. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Novelista in TDN Writers Unite!   
    And I will end up spending those five months yelling about headcanons rather than doing any actual planning. :P
    A book every year? Oooh, that's so awesome! :D About being stuck, maybe some brainstorming will help? Or just opening a Word document and typing whatever comes to mind, removing mental filter and all that, then going back to look for ideas.
    (Oh, addictions to video games. The bane of everyone trying to be productive. Not that I'm complaining much.)
  5. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Ruto in TDN Writers Unite!   
    And I will end up spending those five months yelling about headcanons rather than doing any actual planning. :P
    A book every year? Oooh, that's so awesome! :D About being stuck, maybe some brainstorming will help? Or just opening a Word document and typing whatever comes to mind, removing mental filter and all that, then going back to look for ideas.
    (Oh, addictions to video games. The bane of everyone trying to be productive. Not that I'm complaining much.)
  6. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Novelista in TDN Writers Unite!   
    You have five months to decide, Lia...I think you'll be fine. :D
    I'd just like to get a book published this year. I've done one every year since 2010 (with the exception of Eleven, but even then, I appeared in a literary guide), so to be on June 13 without being halfway through the first draft of something is horrible! *laughs*
    I'd like to do an annotated edition of my poetry anthology, but I just haven't been able to move myself in that direction. (Addicted to a non-neopets game. :P ) My second compilation is poetry, letters to the editor, blog entries and essays (even though I don't have any of the latter yet)...I could work on the introductions/notes that go with each of those so far, but I haven't gotten there, either.
    I can't help but wonder if I'm legitimately stuck, or if it's just because a psychic put it into my head last summer that I'd have a hard time writing until about July and I just can't get it out. x_x
  7. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Novelista in TDN Writers Unite!   
    I noticed there was a NaNoWriMo thread last fall, but there doesn't seem to be a dedicated writing thread, so...

    I'm definitely inviting Angelo to contribute, since I know he's into writing. (Yay for the NT avvie!) And...I don't know who else...Leverhelven, maybe, because I like her to come along for everything? *laughs*
    I know more people will come out of the woodwork when I post this, and then we can talk about whatever kind of writing we like. (So long as it's appropriate, of course!)
    Who wants to go first?
  8. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Shelley in Random ideas for Neopets   
    I think it would be awesome to have an instant messenger that you could chat with your neofriends more easily. I know it would never happen haha, but it has crossed my mind, trying to get together with friends to play KQ that it would be so much easier with an instant messenger. lol could you imagine how crazy that might drive the filters? XP
    they do have that instant messenger thing while playing KQ though ;) although we all know how fun that is lol
    oh and being able to..
    yeah that would be my biggest wish :p although again, I know, not gonna happen because of the system and all. even just being able to change a username. although I would still keep mine :p
  9. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Novelista in Random ideas for Neopets   
    When I was younger, I was like, "Oh, I'll get a cell phone and get to Lutari Island!" and...poof. Out. (And if you want a Lutari, they only come around once a year! No wonder lots of us get more than one. :P )
    I like Japanese things (not a JPop/Kawaii nut, however), and think they could do a lot with Shenkuu. What, I don't know, but...*shrugs and smiles*
  10. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Novelista in Random ideas for Neopets   
    Yes and yes! I really want to see more new things added to Shenkuu. I left for a while and come back to still the same things? Not cool, TNT. :| I didn't even know Lutari Island was gone. :( Lutaris are such cool-looking pets.
    (Also I would really love it if they fixed KQ glitches .-_-)
  11. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Ranaki in Very excited ^___^   
    Oh my goodness, this remake has me all excited and giddy inside! :D I remember watching Sailor Moon when I was a little kid so this is bringing back so much nostalgia for me.
    I haven't watched any new anime lately so here's hoping this one will stick. :)
  12. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to agrinwithoutacat in Fuzzy Best Friend Appreciation Thread   
    I have a lot of pets, but the one that would qualify as a best friend is Molly, my dog.

    This was taken Halloween 2010, but she still looks the same. It's my favorite picture of her.

    She loves to cuddle, and she can always tell when you're not feeling well and will spend more time with you. Animals really are special that way. I trust this dog more than I've trusted any other dog. I can put my face right up to her face and not worry about her freaking out or snapping at me like some dogs do when you invade their space. I've put socks on her, Halloween costumes (last year she was a bumblebee, but I don't have any good pics of that), and she's just the most patient dog ever who puts up with all my shenanigans.

    Sometimes she's annoying, like when there's a thunderstorm (she's afraid of those), but on the whole she's just the best dog ever.
  13. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to nightfall8705 in Fuzzy Best Friend Appreciation Thread   
    Chinchillas are ADORABLE. :3
    Thanks Lia. My Sydney Bear and I are near inseparable. We bring out the best in each other.
    I was thinking of getting a dog of my own (that wasn't also my friend's) but I am already highly risking my apartment by having Syd, Sherbs, and her 8 new kittens. Besides, Sydney would kill me if I got a dog or another cat of my own for that matter. Haha.
    I like golden retrievers too, but my friend's dog has really gotten me into huskies because Shadow is full blood and white with eyes that are two different colors.
    If I had the money though, I''d get an Alaskan Klee Kai. I want one SOOOO bad!
  14. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from leverhelven in Happy Quiggle Day!   
    You're totally right! Omg, now I want to make a Quiggle and dress it up like that, and make them have a rock/fighting-looking petpet.
  15. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Angeló in The Jelly Chia Goalie Dude   
    Today I learned that I actually don't know how to spell his last name!

    I could've probably done a better Photoshop job, but I refuse to spend more time and energy looking at The Beibs (Biebs?) and his face. :P
  16. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in The Jelly Chia Goalie Dude   
    Today I learned that I actually don't know how to spell his last name!

    I could've probably done a better Photoshop job, but I refuse to spend more time and energy looking at The Beibs (Biebs?) and his face. :P
  17. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to maikrowsoft in AG Entry!!! :D   
    Quick drawing of my Pteri and her Gruslen made it into the Art Gallery :D

  18. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from leverhelven in Oh dear. What an awkward situation...   
    Maleficent! She looks so awesome, kudos! :D
    Maybe some big raven wings?
  19. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Angeló in I GOT IT !! I GOT IT !!! *cries*   
    Congratulations! :D Have fun with your new shiny avatar, and can't wait to read your newest article! :)
  20. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to nightfall8705 in Your pets and their personalities   
    Thank you kindly, Miss Tivsy. My Mama says I "sure am something special" and she loves writing stories about me. Mama recently submitted a story about me to the Times. I AM SO EXCITED AND HOPE WE GET IN. Mama also says that we all should be Neofriends. She says you're a "real sweetie." - Sandrea x
  21. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from .Brianna. in Random Neopets Thoughts   
    How exactly do Aishas and Chias see where they're going if their eyes seem to be closed all the time?
  22. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Duskitty in Random Neopets Thoughts   
    Do other pets ever get the urge to eat other pets that have been painted Biscuit?
    To answer your Instagram question, probably Princess Fernypoo. :P
  23. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from nightfall8705 in Random Neopets Thoughts   
    Do other pets ever get the urge to eat other pets that have been painted Biscuit?
    To answer your Instagram question, probably Princess Fernypoo. :P
  24. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Shelley in Favourite/least favourite Yooyus to play with?   
    I like the robot yooyu's! haha I was TERRIBLE the frist day I played..I was like "how on earth can you even win this game??" but now I've played it so much i feel I could play it in my sleep..well at least half asleep o.O
    the fire yooyu's are my favorite actually, I always seem to have good luck with them :)
  25. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Saxen in GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!!!   
    As a lover of puns, I salute you and this gallery, hahaha! :D
    Congratulations! :)
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