Well, this is what Jollyquag has to say on the subject!
FYI, she is 63, so not actually old enough to be my mum, but definitely for an awful lot of Neopians, which I think is just fabulous.
Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play]
Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play]
3. ball
4. mika
5. alton
6. vampire
7. fortune
10. toy
11. eye
13. nik
14. bite
1. altalaphus
2. armin
7. fyora
8. eeeee
9. benny
12. bbq
What Petpet can become a Pet if they are taken to the Fungus Cave?
Answer: Krawk
Prize: 201 NP
How do you even have the time to play that many games a day? If I'd spend ALL of my free time on AC games I'd be able to play about 9 hours a week (Monday to Friday). That would also mean: no other dailies, no eating, no getting groceries or anything that you'd normally do. Just getting home from work and play. Since weekends are usually off days, that wouldn't help me either.
Either that or resume to getting extra rest during the day so I can be up at night. I had to use some extra coffee to keep me from accidentally dozing off during the AC.
The other two known players who acquired their Rank 49 alongside all the other AC top scorers also deserve a major congrats from me as well for all their hard work and endeavours this year.
Just had to rub it in didn't ya
All I know is we were 12th in the standings after the last round robin matches. Not sure if we were bumped down for some reason or the ranking was displayed inaccurately in the first place. Anyway, good to see we've been steamrolling the finals - assuming the last match against MI was a win as well, I think that should show that we weren't undeserving of a middle bracket spot!
I haven't been contributing to it as much as I hoped - combination of less motivation to rank after reaching All-Star and preoccupation with other stuff led to only maxing YYB on one day and a few days where I barely played at all. But great job y'all!
Sorry for the late post, but happy July everyone! I got a mostly breakfast theme going on here with only one Gross Food and one dessert item in the mix. It's almost always my lab rat who makes oddball choices with monthly free food items.
Oh yeah, the gross food's most definitely trending right now! Dx
What the heck?? Is this passive-aggressive behaviour from our pets because of the AC? We're not paying them enough attention so they're eating stuff to make themselves ill? Little buggers!
Once again this took effort to get the screenshots combined and the right size. Only one gross food today. But that one is really gross. Strawberry and Cheese Milkshake, really?
Apparently Green Oat Cereal was on sale or something
Also , what's with the weird foods , Alsou ?! I understand you are in isolation for your next album ... but this is unacceptable !