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Altador Cup Has Begun!


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Even if I had the will to grind for several hours a day, I don't have the time. Work takes about 12 hours of my day, sleep takes another 6.5 hours. About an hour a day to take care of my friend's pets while she is on holiday and then 3 times a week my training takes about 4 hours including commute. So I have half an hour left which I usually use on my dailies/The Void Within. On days that I don't have training I also have to study for a course from work.

Still going to do my very best though! It does help me that they showed the prize shop, so I know how many points to get to be able to get the items that I want. That's a pretty good incentive for me.

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Whoa Duma you have such a busy schedule, and still manage to fit being a mod and tvw in?! don't burn yourself out ;__;
i only have to juggle classes and a part time job and already lack the time for my dailies and tvw so idk how much i can grind for the AC either. unfortunate how both are such big time sinks, it just feels like adding more bland dailies to the already long list. but at least the point values for AC were adjusted, that's nice

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9 hours ago, GillyTook said:

Man, I wanna play, but it's the annual "do I really want to grind for multiple hours a day on this?" issue again.  Because grinding that much on this burns me out so much.

According to the boards, the new daily max for YYB is 29, which isn't too bad. But I feel the same as you. Plus none of the prizes are really interesting to me 😞

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Got my 29 games in, it's rare for me to hit the cap. But I was having weird issues with YYB. Like, the field was BLUE and the ice when the other team gets frozen was light brown! So graphic glitches there. And also, periodically, things would slow to a stutter/crawl for about 10 seconds before returning to normal speed. Everything else in Neopets is running FINE, same with my computer, so I don't know what's going on with YYB. I haven't tried the side games, I usually avoid those like the plague. lol

Cool thing though, since the prize shop is open, you just can't claim prizes yet, you can see how many prize shop points you have. After 29 wins, I have 406 points.... seems a little low.... But whatever. The prizes aren't that great anyway. But it is kind of interesting to see how many prize shop points you have before the AC is over. Also, the Staff Tourney is starting, time to pick our teams, and I'm crushed to not see Ehlo Froyo there anymore. 😞  I always picked her for my goalie, she was good! A reliable player and Maraqua backer!

Gotta decide who to pick for my staff tourney team, before.. next week I think it is. When I checked earlier today it was 131 hours to pick teams I think. So we've got some time. Hopefully the Staff Tourney Prize Shop will be more interesting than the AC prize Shop this year.

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1 hour ago, Aquamentis12 said:

Got my 29 games in, it's rare for me to hit the cap. But I was having weird issues with YYB. Like, the field was BLUE and the ice when the other team gets frozen was light brown! So graphic glitches there. And also, periodically, things would slow to a stutter/crawl for about 10 seconds before returning to normal speed. Everything else in Neopets is running FINE, same with my computer, so I don't know what's going on with YYB. I haven't tried the side games, I usually avoid those like the plague. lol

Cool thing though, since the prize shop is open, you just can't claim prizes yet, you can see how many prize shop points you have. After 29 wins, I have 406 points.... seems a little low.... But whatever. The prizes aren't that great anyway. But it is kind of interesting to see how many prize shop points you have before the AC is over. Also, the Staff Tourney is starting, time to pick our teams, and I'm crushed to not see Ehlo Froyo there anymore. 😞  I always picked her for my goalie, she was good! A reliable player and Maraqua backer!

Gotta decide who to pick for my staff tourney team, before.. next week I think it is. When I checked earlier today it was 131 hours to pick teams I think. So we've got some time. Hopefully the Staff Tourney Prize Shop will be more interesting than the AC prize Shop this year.

I THINK the field might be blue in honor of Dacardia, but not sure, as it was blue for me too! But the light brown ice was weird, so maybe it's NOT supposed to be blue! LOL

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32 minutes ago, Musical_Shoyru said:

I THINK the field might be blue in honor of Dacardia, but not sure, as it was blue for me too! But the light brown ice was weird, so maybe it's NOT supposed to be blue! LOL

Yeah, I'm wondering if the field and ice colors somehow got inverted. Because if you go into a graphics program where can invert the colors, Blues become browns and vise versa. lol So, I wondered if that's what happened. Something feels different in the game too, besides the periodic stalling I was getting. Also, I noticed that the YYB game timer starts at 2:58 when the Yooyu first is playable, aside from the 8 second run-off that happens after each goal. Didn't really pay too much attention to see if that 2 seconds is lost each time a new yooyu appears though, I'll try to pay closer attention when I play my games later today. But first, I need sleep. lol

So I'm gonna go to bed and worry about that tomorrow. G'night. 🙂

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23 hours ago, iloveeevee said:

Whoa Duma you have such a busy schedule, and still manage to fit being a mod and tvw in?! don't burn yourself out ;__;
i only have to juggle classes and a part time job and already lack the time for my dailies and tvw so idk how much i can grind for the AC either. unfortunate how both are such big time sinks, it just feels like adding more bland dailies to the already long list. but at least the point values for AC were adjusted, that's nice

It's busy for sure but I've learned to multi-task. Like I check the forum and do my TVW stuff while having either breakfast or dinner (I eat my hot meal during lunch at work). And I can recharge in the weekends. So I'm hoping to just mindlessly play some AC games while watching anime or something in the weekends. Also, my friend will be back home next week, so that gives me about an hour a day extra.

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