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Is she your active pet? If so, right click on her picture on your sidebar and click Copy Image Location (or Address if you are on Chrome), then all you have to do is come back to your post here and hit paste.

Can't wait to see her and congratulations!


And if, for whatever reason, copying the image location doesn't work, these are some other steps to post a picture:

1. Take a screenshot
2. Save it to your computer
3. Upload it on an image uploading site, like or https://imgbb.com/ or https://postimages.org/ or https://imgur.com/
4. These sites will provide a url which you can post here (imgbb tends to add some unnecessary html around the url though, so for the url to turn into an image on here, it has to look something like this: https://i.postimg.cc/G3BMX2p5/TDN-runway-round-46.jpg)

Can't wait to see her! :smile:


There's good old DTI to the rescue, too. ☺️

If you've never used Dress To Impress it's well worth investigating. Just put your pet's name where it prompts you to on the front page, and click the sharing tab in the next page it takes you to for the URLs, et voilà! ?

And what a pretty lady she is, too!



I've finally finished her training. She's now a level 10, and the other stats are at 20. You would think a ten year old Xweetie Sweetie (my nickname for them) would have better stats. Can't wait for Xweetok Day!


I too love the Xweetoks!! I love that you call them Xweetie Sweetie's! That so cute! Mine is a green one, but I really want to make him Maracite, I just gotta get enough money to get the brush!


Aww. She is cute. ^^ Congrats on getting her and training her too!

I am trying to save up and get myself a Fire Xweetok. I used to have one a long time ago and now I decided that I want one again, haha.

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