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I used to play a game on Neo then one day it just disappeared...I'd JUST got so I understood what the heck I was doing, too ?

But I couldn't remember what it was called, or what the RL game it was based on was called either, I just knew it involved moving stones about in little dips on a bit of wood.  I honestly started wondering if I'd imagined it. :shiftyeyes_anim:

Then, earlier this week whilst watching Diagnosis Murder (don't judge me :P), this familiar game board was flourished and I'm like "THAT'S WHAT I PLAYED ON NEO‼".



Super luckily, Googling mancala game Neopets netted me a helpful result in the form of the new features update when it was released

New Features October 28 2002 so I wasn't going insane after all. :lmaosmiley:


I wonder why they removed it... it's not in the game graveyard, it's just... gone. :sad:



Did you ever play it? If you did, did you UNDERSTAND it?! ? Pretty sure that if it was still on the site today it would be another than my disease-addled brain will be all :hmmph: over, lol.


I own the game, but in my country we call it Congkak. I absolutely loved this game!

There's the traditional wooden board with marbles


But the one I have is plastic and more colourful with plastic 'seeds' (that LOVE to go missing)


I kinda understand why it's no longer on Neo. IRL it's great but online feels a bit meh. I used to play a version on my phone, had 2 full games before I quit forever XD


Familiar with the game, but can't say as I know the process to win or that it was on NeoPets.


Wow, blast from the past! I am familiar with the RL game as my grandparents had a set. It was very old and battered, and if I remember correctly, I want to say that my grandfather picked it up overseas when he was traveling for work at some point. He loved to learn board games and things from other parts of the world (although obviously this game was common in the US as well) and he would often purchase a game and bring it home to teach it to all the grandkids. 

I very vaguely recall the Meristones game on neopets but I don't think I ever learned how to play. Based on the timing of that news mention, it was released when I was in college and I was a very sporadic player back then. Neat find!

13 hours ago, jaydeed said:

Before my time, but maybe there was a copyright issue if it is a rl game?

I'm not sure that would have been an issue in this case, this is a traditional game that's been around for donkey's years, centuries I think, it's not owned by Mattel or anything like that. Maybe just not enough people played it?

It's a shame because it fits in with the Meridell vibe perfectly, and it IS more fun than counting potatoes. ?

??? ? ?   ??   ??? ?

3 hours ago, phoenixgal said:

But the one I have is plastic and more colourful with plastic 'seeds' (that LOVE to go missing)

Those totally look like Skittles or similar, LOL.


It's cool that the game itself is so globally known, though sad that it seems it's more older generations who know it. Understandable, but still sad.


Oh wow!!  Club penguin used to have this too! It used to be called Mancala on there. I never did know how the game worked, but I still managed to win most of my games. ?

21 minutes ago, Empress_Kaida said:

Oh wow!!  Club penguin used to have this too! It used to be called Mancala on there. I never did know how the game worked, but I still managed to win most of my games. ?

Haha, see I was just starting to understand HOW I was winning when Neo's version was removed. ?


i used to love Meristones 

then it went off the grid 

and i totally forgot about it until you just mentioned it

from what i remember there were problems with the game and this is why it was removed from the site

here's from an old NT editorial 


Where did Meristones go? It isn't in the games section or on the Meridell castle map, but it's not in the Games Graveyard either. What happened to it? - Pixel_fantasy_153
Meristones was too broken to keep up anymore so we have taken it down. We can't add it to the Games Graveyard though as that is for flash games only.



I don`t remember that game on Neopets (started playing Neo in October 2005) but I do remember that game from real life. My two older sisters had it and they played it, but I was too little to understand the concept, haha. It`s called Kahala here. :P

3 hours ago, Angeló said:

i used to love Meristones 

then it went off the grid 

and i totally forgot about it until you just mentioned it

from what i remember there were problems with the game and this is why it was removed from the site

here's from an old NT editorial 


OH! Well that's interesting, and a big shame, and kind of confusing I suppose, I wonder how it could be so broken. ?

At least I now know why it's not in the game graveyard. Seems kind of weird that that can only be for Flash games though.

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