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Altador Cup Confirmed - Rule Changes In Bound


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The editorial confirms that the Altador Cup is returning and they're making a few changes to the rules.


What would you like to see changed?



Is the Altador Cup running this year? ~ joeythesmurfy
It will indeed, so be on the lookout for more info next month! We're already hard at work planning some rule changes to make it a better experience for all, so stay tuned!


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This is awesome except for the fact that I'm the worst yooyuball player. I think i've scored maybe one goal ever. Hopefully they'll bring back the food service game. I could at least do that.

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I am not good at playing the game either, but I am a great cheerer! (Is that a word?) 

Anyway, I remember the first year and look forward to any way that I can contribute.

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I'm not a big fan of the AC, but if they're changing the rules, that makes me a little bit more excited! I don't really know what to expect, but if they can give cheaters a hard time, I'll be happy :)

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After the insanity of getting to level 3 in last year's AC, I am solemnly vowing to take the year off.

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I'm not competitive by nature but I don't mind it in others. It's fun to see people pick teams and stick with and cheer for them. I only experienced last year's game and was too chicken to try playing it other than the small side games. It sounded too action-packed for me to keep up with (I'm better at puzzle-type games). The thing I didn't like about it last year was that it was during peak season at work so I couldn't get on to play much since I was so busy with work.

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I'm excited to participant in this years AC, I've never been able to go through one completely because I never had time and was never that good at games, but I've been practicing on flash games for a little while now and I'm pretty excited. Ready for the competition!

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Altador Cup is always something I really love/hate. It takes up so much time to be considered for even a mid-level trophy. And I'm starting a new job this year, so I doubt I'll be able to put that much time in. That being said, I like having things that bring the community together like the Altador Cup does.

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I love it but it eats up so much time and gets so boring. I got a silver and was reduced to zombie-levels of brainpower after all the mindless clicking. Plus the aspect where one team is unbeatable is disheartening.

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After the insanity of getting to level 3 in last year's AC, I am solemnly vowing to take the year off.


@WhiteWolf:  I only ever got to level 3 once, but don't take the year off.  You can get a participant trophy just by playing a few games and then you'll at least have one more trophy for your look up.  You can do it in less then 5 minutes.


My sister gave me a good tip for Yooyu ball, which was get the ball quick, make a score, and then hold on to the ball and run around until time runs out.  You can win with only 1 point if you don't give up the ball.


That being said, I hope another change that is made would be to have Yooyu ball be a little easier.  I've never scored more than 2 points in a single game and I don't even get that very often.

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Run to the ball, go down and towards the goal. Make kinda like a "u-" run (I always play with the opponents goal on the left) Then shoot from an angle, standing around the bottom pole, shooting towards a little left from the top pole.

Time will pass more quickly everytime you score. Also, grab the powerups whenever you pass them. Don't run towards them if its too busy/dangerous. And use the (I believe it was) shift key to get the others of your team to go back to their starting position. That way, if you lose the ball, you have players nearby to intercept again. My average per game is about 7 goals.


I won't participate this year though. Takes too much time to progress, and just 4 games gets boring so fast. Never gotten to level 3 even, I find no honor or status in a participant medal. But that's my opinion.

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This is exciting news!! Two years ago I really tried to get a decent trophy and quit after making it to level 2... it's crazy how much they expect you to play to get the top trophy! I went for the participant trophy last year because I was so fed up. Hoping for a big change in this department! :D

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TNT gave more details in today's Editorial. Sounds like the bracket system stays (boooo!) but they will still be making changes based off of "data" and "feedback".


I wonder if they will mess with the game cap again. A common complaint is that it takes too long to level up and gets boring with only 4 games - maybe that's AAA's Project X? A new AC game?




Hey TNT! *throws pocky* So the AC is still on, YAY!!! But there's something I'm confused about. I've seen some people who understood it as: 'it's coming next month' where as I understood it as: 'there will be more information next month' so which is it?


I'm sure you're aware that it's usually in June, but that doesn't mean that can't be changed. Also, when you say your changing the rules, what does that mean? I won't ask for details because I know you can't give them, but are you changing the format, or are we still stuck with the evil brackets? please clarify both of these things. Thanks in advance. Please remove my username. ~ username removed

Glad you're excited! So first of all, the timeline hasn't changed! We'll be giving you more information next month as the lead up to the event starts, as usual with the press days in mid-May, leading up to sign-ups and warm-ups in late May, before the Cup itself starts in June.


Now, we're keeping the brackets (I swear, the intent behind them is good!), but the Altador Cup Committee is seriously evaluating player feedback, as well as the data from previous years, and we will be trying to address some of the issues with them.


There's more details to come, but that's all I can tell you for now! Patience, young grasshoppers.

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