acmerasta Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 So Brute Squad won this round of the Obelisk War!!!! This was the last Obelisk Avatar I needed!!! *Does new avatar dance* :laughingsmiley: :medieval: :thumbsup: Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Battleground: Brute Squad' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Angeló, jellysundae and Scoobert_Doo 3 Quote
ranga_muffin Posted May 21, 2016 Posted May 21, 2016 I thought tonight's the night. So i settled in to pull that lever. 8.5k later(!!!)... :D Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Lever of Doom' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! acmerasta, phoenixgal, Scoobert_Doo and 2 others 5 Quote
mtsparky Posted May 22, 2016 Posted May 22, 2016 Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Ace Zafara' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! That's 300 avatars! I did it! acmerasta, Scoobert_Doo, ranga_muffin and 2 others 5 Quote
flpatsfan Posted May 25, 2016 Posted May 25, 2016 My High Scores You have achieved 250 high scores! Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Top Gamer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! YES!!!!! Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Sell! SELL!!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! On a roll! Yay! This post has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.Please don't double post. If your post is the most recent reply and you would like to add something, use the 'Edit' button.Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. jellysundae and Scoobert_Doo 2 Quote
jagocianka Posted May 25, 2016 Posted May 25, 2016 yay! I wanted to boast about it somewhere :P because I'm so happy I finally made it: I got the Count von Roo avatar with the 3rd dice roll :))))sorry for the link, I hope that doesn't violate any rules, but... can anyone explain how and where to put attachments or any photos? I've read the "help section", but it's not making anything clearer to me... I don;t know where to click and what, there's just the text and I have no idea what to do with it :S thanks in advance ^.^ jellysundae and Scoobert_Doo 2 Quote
jellysundae Posted May 25, 2016 Posted May 25, 2016 yay! I wanted to boast about it somewhere :P because I'm so happy I finally made it: I got the Count von Roo avatar with the 3rd dice roll :)))) sorry for the link, I hope that doesn't violate any rules, but... can anyone explain how and where to put attachments or any photos? I've read the "help section", but it's not making anything clearer to me... I don;t know where to click and what, there's just the text and I have no idea what to do with it :S thanks in advance ^.^ Congrats! What device are you using to get online? I ask because I use a laptop and a mousie. I highlighted the image, right-clicked and chose copy image then used Ctrl + v to add to my post (paste tends not to work/be an option on here). I think you can't do things like that with a tablet or a phone. AND...I didn't realise fighting this guy would net me an avatar :D Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Kasuki Lu - Heeyah!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Scoobert_Doo and jagocianka 2 Quote
phoenixgal Posted May 26, 2016 Posted May 26, 2016 You are now eligible to use 'Pwned by the Lab' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! My Island Chia turned into a yellow Poogle. Was aiming for Pea :P jellysundae and Scoobert_Doo 2 Quote
jellysundae Posted May 28, 2016 Posted May 28, 2016 Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Gormball - Gargarox' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Only took 2 games this try! :rock: Scoobert_Doo, AlwaysProcrastinating and Angeló 3 Quote
Scoobert_Doo Posted May 28, 2016 Posted May 28, 2016 OMG! *faints* I can't believe it! Today is my Neopets Pet Birthday and 11 year anniversary and some kind lender lent me this: Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'MSPP' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Aewsome!!! fishstick013, herrashmoo, jellysundae and 2 others 5 Quote
jagocianka Posted May 28, 2016 Posted May 28, 2016 Well, I got it somehow, that it's enough to just copy+paste an image :P that's weird, but that OK :P thanks btw :)I am very glad I finally managed to get this avvie :P 2 more to go to have 250 ^^ Quote
flpatsfan Posted May 28, 2016 Posted May 28, 2016 Congratulations to everyone on their avatars. Happy Neobirthday/anniversary Scoobert! What an awesome avatar to get on your special day!! Scoobert_Doo 1 Quote
fishstick013 Posted May 30, 2016 Posted May 30, 2016 It's no massive treasure, but it's better than nothing. With all you've been through, you decide it's best to quit while you're ahead and you quickly make for an exit. Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Geraptiku - Deserted Tomb' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! After a rough weekend at work . . . THE most relaxing avatar to stumble across! Angeló, jellysundae, Scoobert_Doo and 2 others 5 Quote
AlwaysProcrastinating Posted May 31, 2016 Posted May 31, 2016 I forgot to copy it :( But I just got the Rubbish avatar!! Yay :D after collecting rubbish for the past year...and what's worse, is that I still have half of the rubbish I collected :D Scoobert_Doo, jellysundae and acmerasta 3 Quote
acmerasta Posted May 31, 2016 Posted May 31, 2016 FINALLY!!!!!!! After YEARS and THOUSANDS OF NP!!! I finally got the Lever Avatar!!! *Hallelujah Chorus* :laughingsmiley: :rock: :woot: :laughingsmiley: *Does Avatar dance* Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Lever of Doom' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! AlwaysProcrastinating, Angeló, ranga_muffin and 2 others 5 Quote
just4dailies Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 After weeks of playing on and off I finally got the cellblock avatar after one win on tournament 10 level 5! Scoobert_Doo and acmerasta 2 Quote
CylonPirate Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Techo - Cheesy' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! It's a reset day miracle. Now if I can just score high enough for the trophy... Scoobert_Doo and jellysundae 2 Quote
fishstick013 Posted June 1, 2016 Posted June 1, 2016 Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Altador Cup Player' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Lolol. I should've already had this, as old as my account is. But, like, AC has never interested me at all. Still doesn't . . . but trophies and challenges are fun, right? Scoobert_Doo 1 Quote
Scoobert_Doo Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 Thanks, again, TDN ALP! I was able to get this: Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Ruki - Mummified' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Another one off of the list! tk421beth and jellysundae 2 Quote
jellysundae Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 FINALLY remembered to do this at the right time of the day! :laughingsmiley: Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'The Darkest Faerie' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! And after just a small amount of refreshing on the help page... Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Helpful Zafara' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Scoobert_Doo 1 Quote
phoenixgal Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Altador Cup Staff Tournament' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Hahahaah! Awesome! You've done it! King Skarl is in hysterics!King Skarl Says:*hehehehehe* That was a really great joke! I give it a 758 out of 1000.You're brilliant! You must take this gift from me.King Skarl hands you: Bowl of Yuck Garlic Bread Halves He also gives you 346 Neopoints! Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Blumaroo Court Jester' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Been trying for 6 months! Finally!! Scoobert_Doo 1 Quote
jellysundae Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 ANNND I hit 200 avatars! :D Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Kiko Ninja' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Scoobert_Doo and AlwaysProcrastinating 2 Quote
herrashmoo Posted June 4, 2016 Posted June 4, 2016 I finally picked up both AC avvies this week -- I've meant to get to them for years, but June has never been a great month for me to take up Neo, and I inevitably forget. But my past self managed to put reminders into my phone to pop up when the AC started up, and I logged in to knock the two out, and even went a bit beyond the required playing (I think I'm at level 4 now?) so who knows, if I keep playing, maybe I'll try for all-star this year? c: jellysundae, Scoobert_Doo and AlwaysProcrastinating 3 Quote
jellysundae Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 Thanks to writing myself a reminder last night... Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Jub Zambra' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! I'm on a roll here! :laughingsmiley: Got another note written for Wednesday so I can get the Chomby and the Fungus Balls avie too, lol. AlwaysProcrastinating and Scoobert_Doo 2 Quote
phoenixgal Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 6 Months. 6 MONTHS and I finally got the 2 back to back! I'm so happy! :happydance: :dance: :happydance: :dance: :happydance: King Skarl listens as you tell your joke... Q: Who makes a school of avocado Jetsam apart on Meuka?A: When They're shouldn't her a big book of Tyrannian Anubis Airax toothbrushes! Uh Oh... Now you've done it!King Skarl Says:That was the worst joke ever! I only give it 286 out of 1000!Leave my kingdom now! *Grrrrrrrr*Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Skarl - Moody' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Wow... maybe he needs a vacation. jellysundae and Scoobert_Doo 2 Quote
scannerj Posted June 5, 2016 Posted June 5, 2016 I FINALLY got the WoM avatar yesterday -- I'm so relieved I never have to spin and wait for that wheel EVER EVER EVER AGAIN. (Can you tell I'm relieved? :P) jellysundae and Scoobert_Doo 2 Quote
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