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How Many "Pages" Is Your SDB ?


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Items: 1,470 | Qty: 3,570


I have 50 pages. Not quite as much as you, but I don't plan on emptying it out/cleaning it any time soon xD I have tons of NC items though, that'd be good to get rid of.

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My SDB is 83 pages. Items: 2,467 | Qty: 4,326


Occasionally I will get the urge to clean it out, but then I think "What if I need these items for something in the future?" so I don't make much progress.

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I'm rather new(cause I forgot everything about my old account)but my SDB has currently 29 pages and 853 items(Just daily junk and training stuff with a few gourmet foods and paint brushes scattered in there)

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Items: 2,830 | Qty: 9,674 | Pages: 95


Clearly I'm a hoarder on Neopets :P A major chunk of it is junk in hopes of the Rubbish avatar and another major chunk is all of the Advent Calendar items from since I started playing... 11 and 1/2 years ago. Oh and also all of the event/plot prizes I've accumulated over the years. They have to go up in price eventually right? ... riiight?

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Items: 89 | Qty: 149


I am an obsessive clean freak. I empty my SDB of anything but Codestones and items I am saving for something specific down the line at least once a week. At most I get 5 or 6 pages but I keep it down to 2 most days.


Right now I have 3 pages.

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Four pages. Items: 91 | Qty: 101

After I got the Packrat avatar and subsequently cleaned out all the junk, I haven't kept much in it. Even working towards the Rubbish avatar I'm collecting 50 items at a time and then discarding them, keeping track of how many I've done so far (1450, I got bored), instead of hoarding and then discarding all at once.

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Items: 1,579 | Qty: 4,918


53 pages


I'm not throwing anything away anymore - The Coincidence fiasco has made me very cautious of that now xP

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68 pages

Items: 2,034 | Qty: 3,572


I did a HUGE clean-out after the holidays...elimated some 30 or so pages of items (and got the Rubbish avie in the process!)


When TNT sent out that questionaire about what changes we would like to see...I requested a better way to organize our SDBs. For example, I would like to be able to create our OWN categories/folders to sort our items into (mine would be pretty simple: Keep, Trading Post, Shop, Gifts, Holiday Events, and Junk). I HATE having to cull thru and price check things over and over (I can't remember the values on everything...especially with categories I have lots of items in like Books and Plushies).


Even though I just cleaned up fairly recently...ever since the Landelbrot Daily I have begun saving everything again (when I had gotten into the habit of donating/discarding all my junk from dailies).


Guess I'm destined to be a cluttered Neo-mess.



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Currently down to 15 pages, thanks to some serious cleaning out a few weeks ago. Items: 421 | Qty: 463

A couple months ago, though, I was hoarding for the Rubbish avatar and had around 5000 items. xP

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I used to keep my SDB clear but since all the junk items being needed Im just hoarding like crazy lol


Items: 1,176 | Qty: 6,289


40 pages


I agree that we do need to be able to sort our SDB its not easy to see what you have and put them in any logical order

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