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I came back from a looooong hiatus to see that I had bought some shares KSON years ago at 15np per share, and now it is at 650np per share. Suddenly wishing I had understood then how awesome stocks could be and had bought more than 100 shares, but a 60k+ profit on 100 shares = not too shabby!

  • 2 weeks later...

LUPE is currently at 61! :) Siniri's sell point is at 67, in case any one else is following their method. ;3


OMG I don't know if i should sell LUPE now! It went up to 62 at highest today and raising and droping just a couple of np or so. This is making me anxious >o<


ps: I never knew the stock market can be so exciting


LUPE is currently at 62. Thanks for posting my sellpoint so I don't have to look it up, Rebecca. It's exciting; I just hope it hits it after the last 4 or 5 near-misses in a row.


No problem. :) And I know what you mean- this would be a nice little boost to my bank account if it actually got up there!


Dang it, I missed LUPE at 60 today :( I'm hoping it'll go back up or even higher.


Also, TAG is currently at 60 for those of you who want to sell!


LUPE is at 66. I've got 25k shares, so I might try to time the market a bit if it goes over 67, even though that failed the last few times I tried. My sellpoint for TAG is 79, by the way -- it's got a little ways yet to climb if you're following my system.


LUPE just hit 67- I sold all of my 10k shares- a lovely bit of pocket change to end September on! :D


Oof. Sold 11k of LUPE last night (meant to sell 13k, but apparently I mistyped in two of the boxes) at 68. Woke up to find it had peaked at 70 and is now at 57. Note to self: do NOT try to time the market using this new system. How many times am I going to have to learn this lesson before it sinks in? At least I made a bit over 700k last night.


TAG's down to 52 now, too.

  • 2 weeks later...

TAG was at 75 this morning- sold 9k shares. :)


TAG is now at 52. :(


Sold 3k of LUPE at 71. 1k left.


Bought 1k PDSS at 15. PDSS, NAKR, and NATN are at 15 today.


LUPE still at 103!


Nigel the Chia charges 20 NP as commission.

Summary : You had 2007816 NP. After 37 successful transactions, you have 5818796.


I didn't realize that the sellpoint for LUPE was so low so I held on to mine. good stuff though.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

PEOP is at 72. My sellpoint is 75. The question is, should I sell all, or try to time the market? I'm kicking myself a bit on LUPE. Every time I try to time the market, the stock falls soon after reaching its usual high water mark (my sellpoint). When I decide it's better not to try to time it, the stock sets a new high water mark (like LUPE did). *sigh*

  • 4 weeks later...

Could anyone perhaps tell me what MYNC has been up too? I have a tonne of those and it's at 59! Having a hard time figuring out whether to sell or hold! Opinions? Thanks guys! (:


I'm keeping an eye on MYNC, but my sellpoint is 120, so it's still got a ways to go for me. I haven't been able to sell any shares in nearly two months. I'm up to 732.5k shares. Ah, well. I've got over 20k in a lot of stocks, so when it comes time to sell those, I'll have a huge payout, especially with my higher sellpoints.

  • 2 weeks later...

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