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You have won 340 Neopoints.
You also win a Bronze Trophy for completing this round!


Ahhh Go Go Go is so bothersome hnghhh but I'm getting that gold trophy x_x


I won over 2M in Food Club in the past week. Which sadly wasn't enough for a trophy (and the daily NP to make up for the lost bank interest...), but I'm still pretty happy.


Sold my Beautiful Glowing Wings :D I think I am saving for a pastel paintbrush. I've never been obsessed with specific colors before I tend to zap until the Lab Ray gives me something I don't want to change, but pastel & eventide have definitely caught my eye.



You have won 550 Neopoints.
You also win a Silver Trophy for completing this round!

Are you ready to take on round 6?


Yeyeyeeeeah just three more rounds 'til gold wooo [collapses in exhaustion]

You have received a Silver Trophy for winning 5 games!!!
Yesssss~ I'm probably stopping here because good grief how much luck should I have to get two consecutive wins for the gold trophy aaaaah

You have won 760 Neopoints.
You also win a Gold Trophy for completing all of the rounds!

You have beaten all of the players! Care to try your luck again?


No friggin' way! Haha finally done with this ugh it was such a pain in the patella :shiftyeyes_anim:


I zapped one of my petpets into a jelly color!


The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...


Holy cow! Is that a special Petpet? It surely is. You're quite the lucky one.

Don't come back tomorrow... keep that Petpet for eternity! Or not.

In the past few days my Habi finally reached level 50, I got the dice-a-roo avatar and upgraded my Snow Wars trophy to a gold one. Working on the Cellblock trophy now. For someone that has an neopets account that is ten years old, my amount of trophies is quite sad, haha.


I got featured in the Art Gallery!!!!!! (for the 4th time)



I made this adorable Pandaphant for a Random Contest, but didn't win, but I'm so glad that he's featured in the art gallery! This was the 1st time I've crocheted since like 6th grade. ^_^ I figured out that I had been featured (they don't send a neomail) because a meepit suddenly appeared in my inventory without any random events happening, and I figure out that was my prize! Super creepy to have a meepit just show up, though.


Is it...? It is! Your Petpet has returned from the depths of the catacombs, unscathed by foul curses but covered in cobwebs and slime. There's treasure!

brought you
Starry Grarrl Morphing Potion

Today I zapped the lenny I got from the pound and my petpet (I got the petpet lab ray a few days ago). I'm aiming to win my first million neopoint, but I'm still very far away, since I don't have a lot of patience to play the games.


I successfully fed my first Kad ever!! I'm finally starting to understand the whole process. 74 to go haha


Edit: And I got the Tyranu Evavu avatar :D


A deserted shore stretches along in front of you.


What's this? It looks like you found something buried in the sand...



You have received a Pirate Krawk Morphing Potion


This would've been great when I was looking to buy one, but now that I already have a Pirate Krawk I'll probably sell it c:

So lucky!



I just completed Jhudora's 20th quest, giving me my 250th avatar!

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