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What's your Achievement today?


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Ilsenia got awarded the Booktastic Book Honorary Club Award.

I know it's not as big as the regular book award but I've always wanted that award and I'm so proud my pet finally has a trophy herself. Also I'm working to get the Gold trophy! (Even though I'm several millions away from it)

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I got my third place Trophy for Word Poker! I'm going to keep trying for a silver trophy. I like the look of the silver trophy better than the gold or bronze. I like the silver best for Eliv Thade too because of the red eyes, so hopefully I'll get that one too someday.



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I decided to sell my plashes (or well, the ones were i have multiple of, 'cause I wanna have 1 of each at least. In case an event like Adopt a Neopian happens! I'm a hoarder...)




Nice, so much money I have never had in my Shop Till :-O

The guy who bought the Acara's, is reselling them for 1k above my asking price, haha, enjoy the 1k profit.. LOL






I've got a TCG card from an random event, I searched for it with SW, and I saw one for 99,999, and none in TP.

So I put it on TP with another card I had in SDB


"A Scorchio in a pointy, purple hat hands you the Planet Pops (TCG) and says, "This will be a nice addition to your album!""

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I got the Charity avie and I am SO happy about it!


Something Has Happened! charitycorner.gif You are now eligible to use 'Charity Corner' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
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Got back into actually playing today. Kind of. I mean, I started up on the Battledome again. Got one nerk, not bad. I haven't gotten fully back into playing because the lag is so bad I can't even make it through a game of solitaire in less than twenty minutes... but this is a start.

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Oh my goodness, I won TWO morphing potions!!!


At Grave Danger:

Is it...? It is! Your Petpet has returned from the depths of the catacombs, unscathed by foul curses but covered in cobwebs and slime. There's treasure!

brought you
Blue Xweetok Morphing Potion


AND my spin on the Wheel of Excitement I won an Orange Kougra Morphing Potion!


Two in one day?!? That has never happened to me before! WooHoo!!!

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While out for a stroll, salamandraise looks down and finds 45,734 NP on the ground. Today looks like a lucky day!
and i just found out that my ticket was replied to on the help page. Of course, nothing on neopets notified me of such, so it has been answered since the first of december....... Which really sucks, because they offered to delete my premium scratchcards so I can fully use the site again. which means I could have gotten the charity corner avatar -grumbles-
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