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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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The ray is fired at misterFloo...


lab_lightning.gif tuskaninny_yellow_sad.gif


... and he gains 4 maximum hit points!!!!


75th Mosaic Grarrl Attempt:

The ray is fired at Nonogan...


lab_lightning.gif grarrl_starry_sad.gif

... and she gains 2 strength points!!!!


The ray is fired at Luffiere...

lab_lightning.gif mynci_island_sad.gif

... and he gains 3 strength points!!!!





Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.



Ray's being quite boring (fully aware that I'll likely pay the price for saying that!)

The ray is fired at misterFloo...


lab_lightning.gif tuskaninny_yellow_sad.gif


... and he loses 3 movement points!!!!


The ray is fired at misterFloo...


lab_lightning.gif tuskaninny_yellow_sad.gif


... and he gains 2 strength points!!!!

Right, good, another day that ray hasn't taken away 2 levels, and I am remembering to train level! This is getting to basically be a favourite game between Ray and myself! Just how many levels ccan he manage to zap away before I finally remember to train consistently and get them up to 40 so he can't unleash the big one... More than halfway there now!

misterFloo (Level 24) is currently studying Level

Lvl : 24




76th Mosaic Grarrl Attempt:

The ray is fired at Nonogan...


lab_lightning.gif grarrl_starry_sad.gif

... and she gains 2 defence points!!!!


I was looking through my past zaps to see if my Grarrls found good homes...

Besloor and Tyrannian_Rex found good homes! dino_806 is still in the pound... then I found out that this poor soul...

On 12/7/2019 at 9:03 AM, MysteryAF said:

58th Mosaic Grarrl Attempt:


The ray is fired at Stormchomp...


lab_lightning.gif grarrl_blue_sad.gif


... and she changes colour to Electric!!

Oh my gosh, her name is so fitting now!!! Amazing! :D


Time to find a new Grarrl in the pound.

This is the 5th Grarrl since I began these attempts! Introducing... Nonogan the Red Grarrl!

...has been changed to a red Shoyru, then ditched back to the pound. 😕


Well I've had two species changes today... on a pet that I really don't want to change bloody species!! One Yellow Jetsam and one Blue Kau. So I'm 400,000np lighter on morphing potions and significantly cheesed off first thing in the morning!!!

16 hours ago, Angeló said:


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

Nice zap!! I'm currently hoping for any of the Picnic petpets to go with my Garlic Kiko... who will remain a darn Kiko!!!


77th Mosaic Grarrl Attempt:

The ray is fired at Nonogan...


lab_lightning.gif grarrl_starry_sad.gif

... and she loses 3 movement points!!!!


@Angeló I got a Plushie Donksaur a while back. They are strangely cute!

And hey, nothing useful but at least no morphing potions required today!

10/10/2020 Kiklopi Kiko Yellow F Stats increase HP +5
10/10/2020 Kiklopi Kiko Yellow F No change  
10/10/2020 Kiklopi Kiko Yellow F Stats decrease Strength -2
10/10/2020 Kiklopi Kiko Yellow F Stats increase HP +4


09/09/2020 Spiffy Donksaur Plushie

Nothing happened


The ray is fired at misterFloo...


lab_lightning.gif tuskaninny_yellow_sad.gif


... and he loses 2 defence points!!!!


79th Mosaic Grarrl Attempt:

The ray is fired at Nonogan...


lab_lightning.gif grarrl_starry_sad.gif

... and she gains 2 maximum hit points!!!!

11/09/2020 Kiklopi Kiko Yellow F Stats increase HP +4
11/09/2020 Kiklopi Kiko Yellow F Stats increase Movement +3
11/09/2020 Kiklopi Kiko Yellow F Stats decrease Movement -3
11/09/2020 Kiklopi Kiko Yellow F Gender Change  
10/09/2020  OMGROFL  Donksaur Plushie Name change Dirigibles

The ray is fired at darkinvention...


lab_lightning.gif vandagyre_chocolate_sad.gif

... and she changes colour to Robot!!

2.pngTwo awesome zaps in a row .. Gotta say I have a weakness towards Robot Pets

No more Darigan Biyako wheelie_blue.gif

Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

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