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natvv last won the day on October 28 2021

natvv had the most liked content!

About natvv

  • Birthday 09/11/1995

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    Faerieland   Name:Nat

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  1. Hoping my team does well!! Did a combo of whose info & pics I like, and who I strategically think will spend a lot of time playing/score high. And of course, the one and only Team Faerieland player must be my Star!! tbh he deserves it for that beard alone!!!
  2. I finally got my ultimate dream item on the site!!! It only cost a huge astronomical amount of NP, hahaha Faerie Acara Plushie!!!! Now in my gallery!!! WOOOOO! https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?gu=natvv still trying to decide where to place, for now I want it front and center as #1, but I'm thinking I'm probably going to move it down to be with Fruzzella's petpet & p3 plushies
  3. WOW!!! I had no idea The Coincidence gave items THIS valuable!!!
  4. WHAT?!!?! I feel like an absolute PRO!
  5. I've never ever ever been any good at restocking ever... these all happened within five minutes! I suppose not many people are online tonight!
  6. I’m feeling the need to post in this thread for some luck… I’ve never once won anything from the Well! Well, here goes!
  7. Thank you, Snowager!
  8. Got this RE while frantically refreshing the Magic Shop hoping to snag a Faerie Acara MP! Cha-ching! Guess I'll just be selling this and putting it toward the price of just straight up buying the MP!
  9. Weak Bottled Earth Faerie x3 Weak Bottled Air Faerie x2 Cinnamon Roll x1 The temperature drops suddenly. Maybe the Snowager sneezed, or life support briefly malfunctioned.
  10. I haven't gotten this one before!
  11. Got my hands on The Faerie Acara book for my gallery! Someone was selling for 750k under value! Only $9mil more worth of items to go! Lol! (inflation on PB & MP please go away!!!!)
  12. Crummy boons this go around, but at least we got a win!
  13. Went to try a few refreshes on a whim and... bam! 17 years later... lol.
  14. The Vandagyre Flight Suit rarity is too high for the Well to grant!!
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