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Posts posted by kayahtik

  1. 20 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    That pattern of blue tiles, that's the shape you need for a group of 6. It can be any orientation, but it needs to be that shape because the blocks turn clock-wise, have the long bit at the other end and you'll only match up 4.

    Hmmmm so I'm basically looking for an L shape with another pair nearby that I can turn into that gap. Ok, I'll give it a try. Hopefully if I can get a few of those with a multiplier, and maybe a dynamite, then I'll be good to go. Thank you, Jelly! ❤️ 

  2. I've played three times so far, once each on easy, medium and hard. I scored 5000 on easy, which was my best so far. My hs is a little over 6000, so I know I can do it, but I'm going to have to practice. I don't really understand how to make best use of the multipliers--I have a really hard time making groups of more than 4 blocks. Any tips??

  3. I felt similarly. I went into Level 9 with about 2700 points, and didn't see how I was going to get almost 2000 more within the last two levels. But lo and behold, I ended with 5100 somehow. The scoring in this game is really weird, but I think if you can just follow the guide (although the rotations are REALLY confusing!) you'll be ok. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Nielo said:

    Keep circling til the gem thing appears in the center.

    What is this gem thing? Is it the purple gem? Does it just appear on its own? I thought you had to shoot a nova to get it D: 

    Thanks for the tip! I'm going to give this a try. So far my highest score is 169k. Bleh. 

  5. @Scoobert_Doo I double-checked, and it was actually level 6 where I kept getting stuck :arrowhead:

    But I did finally get the score just now! (At just past 2am...got home late from a party and decided to give it another go before the end of the Neo day. I'm glad I did! Now my streak of gold checkmarks remains intact.) It turns out that the levels get WAY easier after that pesky level 6. On level 10 you get 250 points from one single item! Once I got that far, I realized I can totally conquer this game. I played through level 16 to get AAA's score, and finally finished with 892. Bring on day 11!

  6. 2 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    i scored 2

    Better than zero!!! 

    MRR is giving me a hard time today. I can beat Abi's score, but not AAA. I keep getting stuck on level 7. I think I'm going to have to watch a video guide, because all the overlapping arrows on TDN's diagrams have me confused, and JN's written descriptions aren't any better. I may not get a gold check on this one. Hopefully I can beat AAA before the end of the event though. 

  7. 39 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    Well everything's done now and brain's still not the slightest BIT interested, lol. I'm going to have a sleep now, if it still doesn't want to comply after that I guess I'll admit defeat. >_<

    Don't forget that you don't have to beat the game on the day it's released! You have until the end of the event, so if there are any games you want to go back to, you can :)

  8. On 5/5/2018 at 5:38 AM, charelan said:

    I'm a Garet fan, too. I've been tempted before to try someone else's but have always gone back to Garet.

    This just reminded me that last year when Garet went on vacation for a week or two, I followed Lefty instead (/~Innocent). She has a similar risk factor to Garet, although I think overall her wins are slightly less. But she would be my second recommendation. 

    EDIT: @Duma I found the page I was talking about! /~Yehoodi compares the returns of four different bettors, so you can see how they stack up against each other ^^

  9. I also follow Garet. Here's my betting history, if it's useful to you: 

    Bet History
    Bets Placed Bet Total Win Total Difference
    3910 22898834 NP 46379030 NP 23480196

    I would also recommend checking out /~Hostia for a list of all active bettors. Something that may affect your decision, aside from profitability, are the time of day when the person posts their bets. Also, a lot of bettors list their overall win statistics and explain their method/philosophy on their betting page, so you can read through some of them and find one that has the right mix of risky/conservative for you. 

    (And I know that SOMEWHERE there's a page that compares the results of some of the most popular bettors, but I have to find it, if it's still active.)

  10. This morning I thought today was going to be the end of DD for me. But I'm glad I persisted! I finally got a score of 102. I've been forgetting to update my counter, but now I'm up to 8 straight AAA challenges, all on day of release! :dance:

    My advice is to aim your cursor on the bottom edge of the round window, and just keep bopping your ball straight up over the line. It will probably start to go sideways at some point, and just SLOWLY move your mouse to follow it! Don't overcorrect! You'll make the ball start going crazy. Good luck everyone!

    Oh, and if anyone as an extra Scarab Bookmark that they'd like to sell me, please let me know! I couldn't turn down the +2 defense boost, but I think the item is pretty cute too!

  11. 25 minutes ago, Angeló said:

    how do u even START to play that ? i click play and im down the drain before i even realize what happened 

    Hold down the up arrow immediately after starting the game, and then like Steve said, travel in circles. You can use a spiral path to gradually move closer or further from the center to get neggs as they pop up. If a negg comes up very close to the center, or in a corner, it IS possible to get them, but I've always found it pretty difficult. You can keep restarting until you get some high-pointed neggs early in the game. 

    As far as the 10% skill part, I think the main thing to remember is just to take your time. If you miss a negg the first time you go around, don't panic, just go around the circle again. Don't swerve around wildly or try to turn yourself around and go back for it. 

  12. Welp...this was an underwhelming day. I scored over 1000 on my first turn, so not even a little bit of a challenge. And the prizes are junk. I wish they would use the weekends for more challenging games. I wouldn't mind an easy game like this during the week when I'm busy, but I was looking forward to spending my Saturday morning giving a few tries for DD. 

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