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Posts posted by Musical_Shoyru

  1. 1 minute ago, Angeló said:

    Just sold 10K MPC @71

    Still have 12K waiting for it to rise some more

    No MPC for me, think I sold it last time it went up, didn't have much of it and it hasn't been around 15/16 np on days I've gone to buy stocks (or more so times I've gone to buy stocks), my stock that I have the most stocks in is EEEEE with 9,333. I just started doing it everyday when I started posting here again for the motivation, so building up again haha

    Bought 500 shares each in KAUF SHRX for 15 np each today 🙂

    TOP 5 STOCKS; (Minus KSON & VPTS)
    MPC; @71
    PEOP; @51
    ACFI; @37
    POWR; @37
    UNIB; @36

  2. I was sorely mistaken on the price of this stuff, the first day I tried again I got 2 items that were about 9-10k each and he wanted three of each!

    Today's wasn't horrible, but he asked for Semolina again today (1 instead of 3), 3 bland fish & 2 Yellow Growth (I got lucky and someone had one listed for 10 np, but if not they're normally 5k+ a piece), I wonder if what you get is based off something? I skipped the first one I got, wasn't paying 60k for a possible bad thing LOL

  3. I figured it out if you're still interested;
    here's my shop with the ,sidebar hidden

    Here's the code I used;

    .sidebar {
    	width: 0px !important;
    	height: 0px !important;
    	border: 0px !important;
    	padding: 0px !important;
    	overflow: hidden !important;
    	float: left;

    I also have 

    #ad-slug-wrapper, .brand-mamabar, #footer, hr, .user, #pushdown_banner_btf, #ban,

    included in there, but the first one is the exact one I used to get rid of it 🙂

  4. On 4/27/2022 at 7:53 AM, Angeló said:

    @Granny63020 they update the item pool a while ago and now it asks for lots of items that you can win from the Battldome, so they're cheap in comparison to the dried prunes or brown sauce for example.

    Do I like losing levels ? not really but I don't care much because I don't really need them even in battling

    It's not always guaranteed the Coincidence will lower your stats. The lab ray is better at doing that job :D

    Most days the Coincidence gives you nothing

    It's actually nice to hear this as I had stopped doing it, also didn't know it could possibly raise a battle stat by 9, that's pretty neat. I think whenever I did it they'd ask for the fish, Semolina & that Yellow Growth. Granted they're not like 20k+ a piece, but it adds up even at 5k xD Might start trying it again, especially now that I don't do the Edna's quests anymore after getting that avie.

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