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    mewthree21 got a reaction from iloveeevee in Vote for the obelisk War! Round 274   
    The Seekers Because they have the best odds this week. It's also been 6 rounds since they have won, And from what I have learned, most often is the case is that the longer a team goes without a win the more likley said team wins due to people that need avatars and like to have different boons. Side note I don't need any avatars this week I was just saying its a factor.
  2. Like
    mewthree21 reacted to Duskitty in Daily and weekly goals glitched! Toy Paint Brush on the line please help!   
    A lot of people have this same issue, myself included. Here's hoping TNT fixes it before midnight NST tonight - I'm in a similar boat to you, my weekly reward is a Desert PB 馃珷
  3. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Question about being eligible for boons   
    Thank you everyone! I'm very happy I don't have to worry about fighting in the The Ugga-Dome first! Now I can keep earning good prizes from the battledome!
  4. Like
    mewthree21 reacted to Aquamentis12 in Whom do you like to battle? And why? Join us and share!   
    Hey all, thanks for posting!
    @mewthree21 Sounds like you've got some sound strategies! I use my freezer with Lens Flare (or Warlock's Rage as well) sometimes for extended damage without getting hurt. Helps with some of the trickier/stronger opponents.
    @GillyTook The stronger your pet gets, the less likely they are to get "hurt". 馃槈 Keep getting stronger! TDN's 1p opponent profiles also have prizes listed, including some that are exclusive to fighting certain challengers at certain difficulty levels. They can be fun to go after and a good challenge.
    @Duma I've heard Koi Warrior is popular for Codestones too.聽 That's cool you conducted your own test and found that you can get more from him than Walein.
    Oh yeah, I eagerly await the return of Defenders of Neopia! Those were fun challenges! Sometimes they took a LOT of thinking to figure out how to beat the opponents, especially since I was always underpowered with a low budget back then! lol
    I used to really enjoy going after Jelly Chia. I mean sure even on MIGHTY he was easy, but in testing to see what he dropped for his profile, I got a TON of spooky food, and for awhile, the book and Stamps he dropped were good NP for me. (He can drop Jelly Mysteries, Jelly Pop Stamp and Jelly World Stamp).
    I also enjoyed battling Tekkitu, even in the old BD before there were prizes for winning. Just a fun character to beat up on. lol
    From DoN, Commander Garoo took a LOT of thinking to figure out how to beat him. I don't have a screenshot of that battle, only the comic-aftermath. BUt, Garoo was tricky because of his Brown Clockwork Grundo doing MASSIVE earth damage. Took me quite a while to formulate a defense and beat him with a tiny budget! Below in the spoiler, is a screenshot from when I beat Tekkitu the Witch Doctor, which was the DoN challenger after Commander Garoo. My pet was weaker when I took on Garoo. lol
    These days, before battling for the Obelisk Skirmishes, I like to battle the Shadow Usul, for some of it's potential-themed prizes, and just because it's fun to one-round win. Well, usually it's one-round. If G-bomb and Blazing Embers have a low damage from their variable offense then it can sometimes be 2 rounds. lol I don't battle nearly as much as I used to. I did a couple events/tournaments in the old days of the idb.finalhit battlepedia site that used to exist. They were fun, but it sometimes involved 2p battles, and that could be tricky to meet up with someone online with differing timezones and all.
    I really prefer 1p battling, but for weapon testing, I'll do a 2p battle if I have to. lol Oh and unless there's a specific reason not to, I prefer battling on the Mighty difficulty. lol
  5. Thanks
    mewthree21 reacted to Duma in Question about being eligible for boons   
    Also, you can check how many fights are eligible for the skirmish on this page: https://www.neopets.com/prehistoric/battleground/
  6. Thanks
    mewthree21 reacted to Aquamentis12 in Question about being eligible for boons   
    Hey @mewthree21 Hrtbrk is right. Earning your prizes from non-Obelisk opponents first is fine. I do it all the time. The Ugga-Dome prizes are so over-awarded that they are mostly worthless, except for the codestones of course. lol
    I always battle a different opponent before I do my Obelisk skirmish battles. So yep! If you battled your obelisk opponents 32 times and your faction wins you'll be fine! Since you only need 10 wins against your faction's opponents to qualify for a prize, win or lose. If you don't clear 10 wins before the skirmish is over, then the screen you get is like you didn't even join a faction for that round. There've been a few times I've forgotten to battle after joining, so I've seen that screen for myself. lol
    Good luck and happy battling!
  7. Thanks
    mewthree21 reacted to hrtbrk in Question about being eligible for boons   
    I haven't done in it in a while, but yes I believe they count. You can battle as much as you like in an attempt to help your faction win.聽
  8. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Whom do you like to battle? And why? Join us and share!   
    Unless there is a Battleground of the Obelisk war going on I fight the聽Giant Space Fungus on hard! The drops are awesome with nerkmids and bubbling fungus as prizes! I can also 3 hit KO him without taking any damage! Here is how. And I think this only works for Lenny's but I'm not sure I use lens flare and Entangling Lenny Lasso聽 with one of the swords of! Why two freezers? Well Entangling Lenny Lasso takes effect the next turn! So he takes two turns frozen! Turn two I use Ghostkerbomb one of the Sword of's and an An Icicle! This takes most of his health for the last turn I use both Sword of's and freeze him once again with Warlock's Rage! Then its over! I know that this strategy is situantional but it works for me. If anyone wants to fight my pet I am open to 2 player fights! However I'm not very good at two player fights because I'm out of practice! I'm ashamed to admit I did not know it was even working after the battledome update ...
    Also I do NOT want to change any of my equipment because it took me YEARS to save up for it... so I will not be doing leagues because I also have the Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield equiped.聽 If you still want to fight my pet for fun just let me know!
  9. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from GillyTook in Happy Aisha Day!   
    I personally think that the burlap aisha looks like a creepy voodoo doll so I will pass on that one lol I'm more into that outfit however it looks really cute which is more my style. I have a lot of pets painted royal or faerie so I think if I had an aisha I would look for this outfit becase it has the floaty fairy look that I'm into.
  10. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Angel贸 in Happy Ogrin Day!   
    I really like the Speckled color on this neopet! I think it works well! Also the outfit is almost perfect but I think that the eyelashes are a bit too much. I think the just the blue contacts would have been nice because now it looks like she/he cried and all of the their eye makeup ran. Sometimes less is best!
  11. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Angel贸 in Happy Aisha Day!   
    I personally think that the burlap aisha looks like a creepy voodoo doll so I will pass on that one lol I'm more into that outfit however it looks really cute which is more my style. I have a lot of pets painted royal or faerie so I think if I had an aisha I would look for this outfit becase it has the floaty fairy look that I'm into.
  12. Like
    mewthree21 reacted to Duma in Vote for the obelisk War! Round 249   
    Whenever people need the avatar I will join the faction most people need the avatar for. So for this week, I'll join the Order.
  13. Like
    mewthree21 reacted to Aquamentis12 in Vote for the obelisk War! Round 248   
    You're welcome @mewthree21, I'm glad you found a reasonably priced upgrade to the Flaming Oven Gloves! As for which you should equip. I would say leave that to your playstyle and which opponent you fight. For example, against the Giant Space Fungus, you check his profile, https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/challenger-giant-space-fungus and click on his equipment to see what each piece does. In battling him. Your Hanso Charisma Charm and Hubrid Nox shield, would stop almost all of his damage, though you could change it up and use your Craftsmans Lens to reflect half of his light and earth back at him while blocking any/all dark with the Hanso Charisma Charm which also does 10 icons of damage as a dual-duty weapon.
    In which case you wouldn't need either sword, "technically" speaking. 馃槈
    The current list of all challengers is on this page, but the ones currently in the BD are the Active Challengers. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/secret-challengers
    I don't know why we don't have a page specifically for the actives and one for retired/past plot opponents, but I don't make the pages, and those staff have a lot to handle already.
    Anyway, if you wanted to go against, something with Fire weapons, say, Edna the Witch.
    That would be a time to switch in your new Golden Garfir Helm for the fire/light combo defense.
    I recommend keeping some of your slots fluid, so that you can fight with say, 6 main pieces of equipment, and have 2 slots that you are alright with switching out if needed based on what a new opponent has in their arsenal.
    Whenever the next battle-plot happens, TDN staffers will be fighting to figure out what weapons and abilities each new opponent has and then get that info into the challengers database as soon as possible.
    Hope this answers your question. 馃檪
  14. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Vote for the obelisk War! Round 248   
    Thank you @Aquamentis12! I ended up buying Downsize! And the Golden Garfir Helm which I found blocks 5 fire and 5 light so it is an upgrade to Flaming Oven Gloves 5 Fire and 2 Light it was also affordable I got it for 10k so more than Flaming Oven Gloves I saw those going for under 200! I know that the extra light might seem useless but sometimes I tend to only use 1 shield at a time so that is why I went with the Golden Garfir Helm for a little extra protection. As for what weapon I will be replacing it will be Craftsmans Lens. My playstyle has me using both swords at the same time often so unequiping one won't do... So I am left with a choice which I would like your thoughts on... Do I equip the Golden Garfir Helm for fire or Downsize! for the 50%?
  15. Like
    mewthree21 reacted to Aquamentis12 in Vote for the obelisk War! Round 248   
    @mewthree21, lol Considering what you must've spent on that battle equipment, I can understand you being nervous. lol But don't worry, that set is quite good and is more powerful than any of my weapons or shields that I regularly use. 馃槈
    I've thought about getting a Sword of Reif, but I've been in "saving-mode" for so long, that I just can't part with that much NP right now. lol My DREAM weapon would be Skarls Sword, but I'll need another decade or more to afford it of what few exist out there. Skarls Sword is actually not terribly powerful, but it would be a useful dual-duty weapon and I really love it's graphic. lol
    Anyway, you've got a pretty top-notch set. The only thing that would make it stronger would be the Pea-family of weapons. Which everything is inflated now because of the rumor of an upcoming battle plot in the new year. For Defense, consider getting a Downsize!, as I suggested to Granny, and switch it in if you find yourself taking too much damage from an opponent that your shields won't block icons from. It will reduce damage taken by 50% once per battle. A lifesaver at times, and it's cheap. lol If you are worried about switching an item out, you could temporarily equip it to one of your other pets, until you need it again.
    Looking at your shields, you don't have anything to block fire-icons. Hanso's Charimsa Charm takes care of Dark while attacking with 10 icons, and Hubrid Nox's Shield takes a chunk out of earth, wind, water, physical, and also 100% of light. But your Craftsmans Lens is a bit redundant in that it reflects 50% of Earth and 50% of Light. Granted, this can be a good way of defending and attacking at the same time. But you should consider something with Fire Defense. A simple and CHEAP shield, Flaming Oven Gloves, block 5 Fire and 2 Light icons. And they are VERY cheap. Having one of those in your inventory to switch out with either Sword or your Craftsman Lens would be a good idea if you fight an opponent that has fire in their arsenal. There are other fire blockers and reflectors, but they are a bit more pricey and rare. Fire always has been a tricky icon to block for some reason. 馃槈
    I can't restock either, so I understand the limitations that brings by way of funds. I play Trudy's Surprise daily, and for stats, I also visit Coltzan's Shrine. USUALLY the stat I get help with is intellect, but rarely I'll get a Strength or Defense boost of a several points.
    Also, for training, you might consider Kitchen Quests on Mystery Island. Doing these quests can SOMETIMES yield a 1 point gain in a random stat. Any except for intelligence. That includes Agility. But, since the item and NP prizes you can also get are rather low-value. I'd recommend limiting yourself to 5,000np per quest. That's what I do. If you get a stat point, great, if you get np, you'll be out around 4k np, if you get an item, it might be worth that much, it might not be. But you can go with whatever amount you feel is worth the gamble. You can do 10 on-site quests per day. That means that Kitchen Quests, Edna's Quests, Snow Faerie Quests, etc. all count toward those 10 completed quests per day. The count resets at midnight NST.
    I think that covers everything, let me know if I missed something or if you have any other questions. 馃檪
  16. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Vote for the obelisk War! Round 248   
    Thanks @Aquamentis12 I will take your advice and train Shimmer in her other stats while saving agility for faerie quests! However those three yellow bars bother me XD So I may start training some agility once the other bars turn green... Hopefully I won't have too and I will get Air Faerie Quests semi often. Anyways um... I kinda spent a fortune on my battledome set lol I have had the same account since I was a kid its an 18+ year account but I just finished the set last month 馃槶 I'm a horrible restocker so I only buy books on half price day each month and I battle Jetsam Ace everyday because I think he drops more nerkmids then the Giant Space Fungus most days I get 1 or 2 nerkmids but a few days I have gotten 3 or 4!!聽 I think it's because he has a lesser drop pool then the Giant Space Fungus so nerkmids drop more often. But um I looked up some info on what weapons are best Aquamentis12...I hope that you think my setup is good because omg the price I really don't want to have to change anything! I'm also scared that the pant devil will come and steal one of my weapons if I unequip anything! That honestly would make me cry like a little kid again lol. With that being said please be honest! I'm a grown woman I can take it! Ok I'm ready deep breathes... Aquamentis12! I am ready for you to review my battle dome set (GULP) lol
  17. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Vote for the obelisk War! Round 248   
    I already joined the Sway! Oxbridge's Prediction really favors them this time. Also I agree with Aquamentis12 that we need to mostly hit The Seekers and some of The Thieves. Also I'm not sure if this makes a difference or not but I always go all out by selecting hard Difficulty and hitting the opposing team's leaders. but my pet is very high level and has a full advanced battledome set. But I know that a lot of newer players to neopets don't have a full set or a high level pet. So my advice would be to attack the highest level battledome challenger that you can for your level! If someone knows if this strategy helps or not please let me know! Logically it makes sense on paper but as we all know the battledome can be very weird with NPC's having different rules ect.
  18. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Singledwish123 in The Runway Votes #152   
    Everyone did a great job with the outfits! However one entry made me think of my childhood. And that is the only one that I voted for 馃槈 Which one...? Hmm I don't think I can or will say!聽 I hope they win but really everyone looks awesome! Good luck to all!
  19. Thanks
    mewthree21 reacted to Aquamentis12 in Vote for the obelisk War! Round 248   
    I haven't decided yet, but I'm leaning toward The Sway.
    They have the advantage according to Oxbridge's stat-predictions. Plus, like the seekers, they have some excellent boons. That's enough to sway my vote. 馃槈聽 The thing is, that if we go for The Sway, we should focus a lot of battles against The Seekers, since they too, will be a popular choice, as they ALSO have the Bank Bribery boon, which is quite popular. But there should be some battles fought against the Thieves, otherwise, they could emerge with a come-from-behind victory while The Sway and The Seekers beat each other up. lol 馃槈
  20. Thanks
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Angel贸 in Happy Buzz Day!   
    Tyrannian Buzz I'm sure was based on prehistoric Insects during the Permian era. They were much bigger then bugs today some with wingspans up to 30 inches across! The reason for the huge growth was due to there being more oxygen in the prehistoric atmosphere. The聽Tyrannian Buzz looks from the picture to have a bigger wingspan then normal buzz's it could be just the size of the photo... However that is my theory on what this buzz is based off of.
  21. Like
    mewthree21 reacted to Secre in Happy Buzz Day!   
    Oooh, another prehistoric buff! I say that like I'm one, when in reality I've read one book and know enough to annoy people at meal times!
    The growth of the giant sauropods is particularly good dinner conversation! And the fact that their eggs were only the size of a guinea pig!
    In fairness, the original image has a pretty darn big chin!
  22. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from Secre in Happy Buzz Day!   
    Tyrannian Buzz I'm sure was based on prehistoric Insects during the Permian era. They were much bigger then bugs today some with wingspans up to 30 inches across! The reason for the huge growth was due to there being more oxygen in the prehistoric atmosphere. The聽Tyrannian Buzz looks from the picture to have a bigger wingspan then normal buzz's it could be just the size of the photo... However that is my theory on what this buzz is based off of.
  23. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from jellysundae in Happy Buzz Day!   
    Tyrannian Buzz I'm sure was based on prehistoric Insects during the Permian era. They were much bigger then bugs today some with wingspans up to 30 inches across! The reason for the huge growth was due to there being more oxygen in the prehistoric atmosphere. The聽Tyrannian Buzz looks from the picture to have a bigger wingspan then normal buzz's it could be just the size of the photo... However that is my theory on what this buzz is based off of.
  24. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from lianakos in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 226!   
    Thank you for the welcome back! I'm glad that I am not breaking any rules by sharing that petpage. Yes that person gets it right most of the time.聽

    Yes I have noticed that too. When the % are similar I normally go with the one that is slightly higher and hope for the best. I also only choose to fight the team that has the second highest % and fighting the hardest opponent that I can until I max out for the day so that I can to try to lower their score a little. I don't know if that helps or not but it might help somewhat.
  25. Like
    mewthree21 got a reaction from lianakos in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 226!   
    Order of the Red聽Erisim, Not sure if this is allowed but I found a petpage that mathematically predicts the the outcome based on win percentage how many rounds ago that they won ect. I have used it for every obelisk war that I have played in and it has not been wrong so far. Full credit to the person who made this. I'm just sharing it to get the word out. Here is the link聽http://www.neopets.com/~Oxbridge786聽Also I have not logged into the forums for years so I hope that I am not breaking any rules lol
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