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deboratibi last won the day on May 15 2018

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    Deb, deboratibi
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  1. Round #1 - Trick-or-Treat Aftermath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #2 - Winter Ball ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #3 - Neopia's Newest Faerie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #4 - New Year's Aspirations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #5 - Elephante Extravaganza ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #6 - Back to School ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #7 - A Gnorbu's Valentine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #8 - Aquatic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #9 - St. Patrick's Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Round #10 - Dream Pet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. **Last updated by Musical_Shoyru on January 14, 2024** Welcome to The Daily Neopets' official contest, The Runway! Dress to Impress will be used to create and share your entries. Once your best entry has been chosen, submit it through a Private Message to Musical_Shoyru. Please use the following entry form when submitting your entry for the current theme. Anyone with a TDN forums account may enter. Thank you to the owner of Dress to Impress for allowing us to run this contest! Due to the change of allowing prizes to be given out for contests The Runway will now offer prizes for the winner(s)! The current contest theme can be found in the most recent "Enter the Runway #..." thread, which is found in Customization & NC Mall Chat>The Runway. * To enter the contest and/or vote, you must be registered to The Daily Neopets Forum AND you must validate your account. * Otherwise, you won't be able to post or send Private Messages. If you don't have an account, click here and follow the steps. It's quick and easy! HOW TO ENTER: Create your entry at Dress to Impress (you can also use the HTML5 beta version of Dress to Impress). You are free to choose ANY pet and ANY items from the database, unless otherwise stated. (You may also choose to enter your own pets' outfit, if that's what you prefer, just make sure the entry can be viewed in Dress To Impress, and not just on your own user profile on Neopets.) Fill in the entry form below and send it to Musical_Shoyru via Private Message*. Make sure you are logged in/registered to The Daily Neopets Forum. If the image DTI provides isn't showing all the items properly (which happens quite frequently, like with Dyeworks items showing up the wrong colour, moving items not showing up in focus (or at all), and things like mist looking weird), you can send a screenshot instead. Here's a guide on how to do so. ENTRY FORM: (PLEASE TITLE YOUR MESSAGE AS "THE RUNWAY #xxx", with the current round's number in the place of the x's") Entry Name or Title: Outfit Link: Winning Character Story (optional, will only be revealed/shown when your entries places in the top three.): TO GET YOU OUTFIT LINK; You'll go to the Dress to Impress website & login or create and account. After logging in you will be taken back to the main screen of Dress to Impress. You can either choose a color and pet species or type in your pets name to start creating you outfit. Press the orange Plan my outfit! button next to where you entered your pet's name if using your own pet or press Go if starting from scratch (picking a pet color & species). From here you'll get creative! Search for items using the search all items.... search bar in the top right corner. You can try things on, take them off, see their animation and all that good stuff. Once you're done creating your entry you name it. Hover your mouse over where it says Untitled Outfit and click. Then type in your entries name. After you've named your entry you'll hit save and your outfit link will show up in the URL Bar. RULES: No voting for yourself! Do not try to manipulate the votes in any way, such as creating multiple accounts to vote for your entry. We can tell. Don't re-enter an entry you've already won a trophy with in a previous round. (If you've entered that particular entry before without winning anything, you're free to enter it again, provided it fits the theme, of course.) Edits to your existing entry can only be made during the submission dates. Only use DTI or your own pets' outfit as your submission. No use of image editing programs. Do not use the trophy images unless you have permission from deboratibi, Nielo, Musical_Shoyru or the Customization Team. Banner images are available for anyone to use. We will be using NST times just to make it easier for everyone with different time zones. The contest will run once a month in two parts. Two weeks for submissions & entries (1st part) and two weeks for voting (2nd part). The Sunday immediately following the last day of the voting week will start the new round & announce the previous rounds winners. Parts will start on Sunday's for both Submission & Voting weeks. This means they will start on a Sunday and end on the second Saturday at 11:59pm NST. For example if the contest starts it's submission week on 1/14/2023 you would have until 1/27/2023 at 11:59p NST to submit your entry. Then the voting would open on 1/28/2023 and go until 2/10/2023 at 11:59p NST. Winner's would then be announced on 2/11/2023 and a new theme and round would start. SUBMISSIONS: Entries are to be submitted to Musical_Shoyru in a Private Message (PM). Entry must fit the chosen theme. If not, you will be asked to change your entry. Unconverted pets may be entered! Only one pet per entry (per person) unless stated otherwise. If you would like to edit your submission, you can add it to the message you already sent, or send a new message.* VOTING: Separate voting threads will be created for each round. Thread will be titled, "The Runway Votes #..." All submissions will be previewed and a poll will be created. Votes may only be cast in the allotted time. You can vote for as multiple entries, except your own. Voting for yourself will result in disqualification. If you do vote for multiple entries please try to only vote for 2-3, do not vote for every entry. Should the entry could be only 3 we ask that you stick to voting for one entry. WINNERS: 1st Place will receive a gold trophy, a NC item prize and will be featured on the main site sidebar. 2nd Place will receive a silver trophy & a NP item prize. 3rd Place will receive a bronze trophy & a NP item prize. All entries will receive a NP item participation prize Special thanks to Shelley for allowing us to use her original trophy art! Do not use these images unless you've earned them in a previous contest. BANNER IMAGES: USEFUL LINKS: Frequently Asked Questions The Backstage: Alternative Entries! Hall of Winners If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nielo, Musical_Shoyru or Mouseykins for more information. Have fun customizing! CURRENT THEME DETAILS Check The Runway sub-forum for the most recent entering topic (title format: "Enter the Runway #XX!").
  3. I've thought about making this thread a few times and gave up because I was kind of shy, for this is a topic that is often misunderstood. But now I feel like giving it a shot: Have you ever heard of ASMR? Do you experience it? ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It's often described as a tingly sensation you get at the back of your head/down your spine/your limbs/etc when trigged by relaxing sounds, such as a whisper or soft speaking voice, soft tapping sounds, crinkly sounds, and so on. The number of possible triggers are endless and each person has different triggers. For most people, it is NOT sexual. I won't get into the history and scientific aspects of ASMR, because I don't know much anyway, but what I can say is that it's a relatively new thing (well, not the thing in itself, but the whole discussion, community, etc) and therefore there isn't any research to support it's existence or explain it. But thousands of people do have these very similar experiences, and there is a whole community on youtube, where people make videos in order to trigger this feeling. These videos usually feature someone whispering or speaking in a soft voice, and deliberately making sounds that would otherwise be considered ordinary and boring, such as tapping their nails on a hard surface, playing around with paper, plastic, sand, coffee beans, anything really... And there are also roleplays, where people pretend to give you a hair cut or to give you a cranial nerve exam. For those who don't experience ASMR and/or are unfamiliar with the community will usually find these videos creepy and uncomfortable to watch. But for those who do, these videos are very relaxing and are often used to deal with anxiety and insomnia. Anyway, I could go on and on about it, but I think this will suffice for now. If you're confused, try these links: http://www.asmrlab.com/ Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_sensory_meridian_response http://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/asmr/ Or just ask, and I'll try my best to answer! I was hoping to find other people who experience ASMR here on the forums :) Also, there is a research project going on, and they have a survey up for anyone to answer! So even if you don't experience ASMR, your input will be helpful. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ASMRsurvey
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