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berriganify last won the day on February 21 2024

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About berriganify

  • Birthday May 21

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  1. I still remember your thread on the boards about the omelettes Legendary. The plot is absolutely going to come up in the next CC, since it's basically taken over every other event so far
  2. Devs generally want things as up-to-date as possible because it's less trouble for them. It's the same reason why the suggestions to have the old legacy layout as an option will never happen: they don't want to have to maintain two variations of something. Don't blame you for not wanting to join, though! TNT doesn't have the best track record with security and glitches, and putting all of our accounts into one single point of failure seems like a terrible idea from our perspective. (Even if they claim that neopass is more secure, I don't believe them! ) I expect there probably will come a point where people *have* to update, but hopefully that's far, far in the future.
  3. The banana chia is SO stupid looking, it loops back around to being amazing
  4. The ray has already been fired... Holy cow! Is that a special Petpet? It surely is. You're quite the lucky one. Don't come back tomorrow... keep that Petpet for eternity! Or not. ...... now I have two! This was quite a surprise, considering I got my dream chocolate turmac for __Ms_Chocolate__ just last august! Pity this zap wasn't on my trade fodder, since want giovannai's petpet to be a gold petpet, so the zapping shall continue!
  5. The ray is fired at __Ms_Chocolate__... ... and he changes colour to Chocolate!! :0000 another lab goal finished! merry christmas to me, lol!
  6. The ray is fired at SUGARRUSH235... ... and she changes colour to Chocolate!! It happened again. The zap I want, on the wrong pet ;_;
  7. Neopets isn't owned by a parent company any more, so there are no bosses and they don't need to compete/apply for funding. If they want to upgrade the servers, they need to raise that money directly through NC/premium/merch sales, although it's weird because I would have assumed that casual players would spend less money on average.
  8. I unironically love the face on the vampire outfit
  9. It would appear that that's been fixed.
  10. The ray is fired at Olaive... ... and she changes colour to Silver!! Been a while since I've gotten a major change! At least it's metallic, even if it's not the robot I'm going for The ray is fired at CUPCAKEXOX... ... and she changes into a Green Lupe!! RIP
  11. how my friend and I grin at each other whenever one of us makes a truly atrocious pun that rainbow outfit is gorgeous, though!!
  12. Relic's another one of those colours that I think would be better split into two - one for the sparkling gemstones, one for the more muted stone-and-sporadic-moss
  13. Intense? Huh, I've been to that sub a few times and like 90% of the posts are just screenshots of FFQs/random events/zaps
  14. I mean RE: the account ages, that's kind of unavoidable with any online game that has events? I've joined games mid- or post-events (or missed events because of hiatuses) and generally just thought, oh well, I'll join in for the next one then! But I also go into online game like this one knowing that I will not be able to be a completionist about it, that there will always be stuff I'll miss out on. Ideally, if CC happened every year, then they could just run the events with the assumption that everyone had been stocking up for a year, and then even if new/returning players couldn't participate fully, they would only have to wait a year for the next one (and be motivated to return daily to stock up!) For food club, though, I personally think the bets should be capped after ~10 years or so. New players will still have a reason to stick around, but they can eventually 'catch up' and won't be endlessly behind older players
  15. Yeah I don't know what's going on with that hat. I'm very disappointed by the lack of fanciness. The huge wings are cool, but I hope that they don't clip like that when they're actually being worn! I don't think any of the recent water wearables have matched the Water PB colour. Which is disappointing, I'd love to upgrade my water kyrii, but the differing shades irritate me too much!
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