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Everything posted by Duma

  1. My bets for today are these: The odds are these: I had 20:10 yesterday so let's hope I get some profit today as well.
  2. Young cats really are a lot like young children. Glad to see Bombur made it through the surgery and is doing fine again! Take good care of them and yourself!
  3. Welcome back to Neopets and TDN! Luckily your account still worked! I'm sure TNT will be working on getting more games fixed but it might take a while. Patience is everything at Neopets
  4. Congrats on obtaining those expensive avatars! It's a lot of NP to collect.
  5. Sports day was my favorite day of the year! I loved it! I wasn't extremely good or anything but I just really liked it. In high school I was a decent distance runner because of riding my bike to school every day, even in bad weather. School was 11 km away from home so my overall stamina had gone up decently. I still like doing sports and being active. I did prefer single person sports compared to group things, with the exception of softball and a softer version of rugby. And although I'm pretty competitive I dislike competitions.
  6. I'll usually check sets from multiple people and follow one I like or, if there isn't any I like, I'll make my own set (like today) or just skip a day.
  7. I had a 20:10 and a 8:10 so not too terrible. Today I went safe with this set: https://neofood.club/#round=7983&b=abaakaeabpanaepasudqaskds
  8. If you battle now, and your faction wins, you get an avatar, a site theme and you get to pick a boon that will last 1 week. If you already have the avatar and site theme you only get to pick a boon. That's it. No other prizes or points for these re-occurring battles.
  9. I installed Pale Moon but I keep getting the End of Life for anything Flash related, I wondered if you needed it installed, with a working Flash, before they terminated it so you could prevent it from updating.
  10. I skipped yesterday, had a bust before that and 3 wins before that so not complaining. Following this set for today, don't see how I can make it any better. My aim is to stay below 30% up to 10:10.
  11. I did my minimal 10 battles today so I don't forget. Haven't battled in a long time now, let's see how long I can keep up without forgetting to pick a side or battle. Went with Sway.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum! Glad another long time player decided to come out of the shadows. As said above, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  13. There is a guide here: https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/introduction-to-the-battledome At the bottom of the page you can see more topics for beginners Preparations for Battle Inside the Battledome Two Player Battles Melida's Journey: Training Guide I would suggest you start with reading these articles, hopefully they'll be enough to help you on your way. Also, practice with One Player Battles first before doing 2P battles, at least you don't have another human's thinking to worry about. One little note: Stealing hasn't been fixed yet so don't even bother trying to figure that out. A good opponent would be Mr. Chuckles or ChiaClown. For the Faerie abilities (They are very! Helpful) there's a guide here: https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/faerie-abilities
  14. Since it's meant for mobile they might still change it. Every refresh means data transfer which is something you might want to minimize. Not everyone has unlimited data or is on wifi all the time while playing. Who knows, I'm sure there are many changes coming as it's still in development.
  15. I went by day as well first time around because the description and the day were matched correctly, it was just the picture that was wrong. I was surprised they didn't fix it like they did previous years where they messed up. Waited until the last hour of the Neopian day to vote. (Okay, I admit, I completely forgot and happened to wake up just before midnight NST and quickly voted before I was too late ) Voted for the same day again, day 25.
  16. Duma


    Hi and welcome back to neopets and welcome to our forums. Sorry to see you got cheated out of membership stuff, you could always contact TNT and see if they can help you out.
  17. That is if they used the country they actually live in. I know I don't
  18. Hi and welcome to the forums! Make yourself at home and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  19. I hadn't played any games yet in the new beta but I just tried and my first score with the bat was 1353. I usually got around 900-1000 on average so I do think it might be easier to get higher scores now.
  20. Mind you, doing dailies that earns you neopoints on multiple accounts is against the rules and could get you frozen. Make sure you only do neopoint-earning dailies (like scratch cards) on your main account!
  21. Since it is flash it will be replaced. They talk about it here: In the video around 13:30 minutes they talk about the neohomes. 1.0 and 2.0 will be replaced by 3.0 and they are working hard to convert the items so people don't need to rebuy them. It might be wise to strip your current neohomes and put the items in your shed or SDB though. After it stops working it might not be possible to access your items.
  22. It might still work but it is true. Both the classic as the neohomes 2.0 will be replaced. I'm not sure if they will convert the items so they'll be usable in the new version or not.
  23. Hi and welcome to the forums! Glad you decided to join us from out of the shadows. It sure is a year with a lot of changes! 2020 just likes to confuse us, even on neopets!
  24. We're in lockdown and all my family lives abroad. So even if I didn't have to work I couldn't celebrate the holidays with them or anyone. I've also had to switch teams at work for the holidays (I don't really like or know these colleagues very well)... Normally spending the holidays at work would have made it a bit better but this year I'll probably be just bored. Let's just hope for a better year next year. I'm really not looking forward to this years holidays.
  25. Here you are: juuhmoon Little book of puzzles 5 1,500 NP wildchild1254 Little book of puzzles 1 1,500 NP jeanniewood Little book of puzzles 1 1,598 NP javacup567 Little book of puzzles 1 1,600 NP
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