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Posts posted by micheee

  1. 2 hours ago, Duma said:

    You can do it! I know you can!

    As for your questions: I've been playing from Y2, maybe Y3? I've had some extended breaks but I've always come back. My favorite game, hmm, can't really say. There a few I like but lately I haven't been playing a lot of them and if I do I play to get some quick cash, so then Kass Basher would win (except for this month, ratio is bad!) For favorite plot it still is the altador one, the one you can still play even if you weren't around for it when it came out. Favorite event would be Daily Dare/Games Master Challenge.

    Definitely been on Neo for quite a while then, I've definitely taken my share of breaks as well but always seem to make my way back one way or another! Ah, yes I heard about Kass Basher this month and that some ratios are funky. Well thanks for sharing some stuff about yourself :) 

    31 minutes ago, rntracy1 said:

    As far as Neopets goes, you are definitely in the right place here at TDN.  I only wish I had found this place sooner:sad:.  Oh well, better late than never.  I started playing Neopets in 2008, my 10th anniversary is coming up at the end of this month:happydance:.  When I started here at TDN in 2014, my account had no site trophies, 4 game trophies, and about 20-ish avatars which I had no clue how I got them, what they were used for, or how to change/display them.  I was Neo-naïve.  In the 4 years since I have been here I have gotten 14 site trophies, 24 more game trophies (28 total) and 283 avatars

    Thank you! Definitely excited to be done school soon but have no idea what I'm going to do with myself after.. HAPPY EARLY 10TH NEO ANNIVERSARY! That's so exciting! Yeah I definitely loved TDN when I was active here a few years ago, so much helpful advice and wonderful people but now I can meet some new people and i'm excited about that! I'm jealous you have so many game trophies cause I'm not that good at the games and a lot of them have avatars with them (and I LOVE AVATARS). 

    20 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    Tracy especially! She's my Neo-mentor :heart:

    She says I've outgrown my need for her, but she's led me through the murky depths of Food Club and all sorts and I'm eternally grateful for that. :D

    Haha awh.  Definitely need to get involved in food club and get the hang of somethings that I haven't tried yet ! If only Habitarium and key Quest were still around I would be set! 

  2. 5 hours ago, Mouseykins said:

    Thank you very much! I'm sure she'll be just fine. :D

    TNT recently changed the pet limit for regular accounts to be allowed 5 pets and premium members are now allowed 6 pets. So if you have 4 pets on your account, as long as you leave that 5th spot open you're able to participate in the chains. :D

    Whaaaaaat! I have been away from Neo for too long haha. Thanks for letting me know that's awesome! Now I just have to decide which avatar I should go for first.. 

  3. Awh the Marble and Candy Scorchios are super cute, I love them! Purple is my favorite colour however, so I might love the Marble Scorchio a little tiny bit more, but who am I to judge haha

    Happy Scorchio Day everyone!! :heart:

  4. Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that the account got frozen and it's causing so much stress :sad: I really hope it gets figured out soon for you. Everyone here has given some solid advice already, but most definitely try sending in another ticket and be persistent, just keep trying!

  5. Awh, well I hope the surgery goes well and I hope she recovers quickly to enjoy her birthday party! At least she will have something to look forward to after the surgery is done.

    Looking forward to May to start with the ALP again, it's been sometime since I've done one because I've been busy with school and no longer a premium member (already have 4 Neopets). So at least I have some time to think about what I should do, whether to get premium again or not. I have a few avatars that I still need to get as well that can only be done through the ALP and would be impossible or cost me WAY too much if I did it on my own.

    Again, hope everything goes well for you and the little one!

  6. 42 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    Looking at your sig I see you've got the evil coconut one too D:

    What is this sorcery. >_<

    Haha yeah. But I had to play that game A LOT. definitely gave up quite a few times and came back to it. Same thing with the wheels, the random ones are the most annoying for me but I have to be persistent cause I know it's possible to obtain them! 

  7. 1 hour ago, queen_hatshepset said:

    Welcome back to both TDN and Neopets! I would also like to congratulate you on your degree, that is super exciting and it is only a month away before you graduate! 

    Thank you so much! I'm definitely excited to be back and active and chatting with everyone.

    1 hour ago, Duma said:

    Welcome back and April is nearly there! Good luck with those last few weeks before completing your degree! We should be the ones saying: "If you have any questions feel free to ask away" though, since you were the one that just returned. ;)

    Thank you! These last few weeks are going to be the longest but I will survive! 

    Well, okay so.. to BOTH of you then I have a few questions to get to know you more: how long have you been on Neo and what's your favorite game/plot that you've taken part in thus far? 

    For me I've been on Neo since about 2012 with my new account. I did have an old account that I did end up losing. My favorite game is Kookia and I couldn't choose my favorite plot because if they give me an avatar I love them! 

  8. 37 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

    OMG!!  So lucky!

    Can you become our mascot or something? Can I rub your head for luck? I've just about given up on ever getting that avatar, so I'll enjoy yours vicariously. >_<

    HAHAH. I will definitely be the mascot, if you could rub my head i would let you. I'm sending you all the luck i can! I was super shocked that I got it as well, I just bought the first thing I saw that was over 5,000 NP  and it worked out! 


    I'm trying to work on a few other avatars but these are the ones that I've been struggling with..  

  9. 6 hours ago, jellysundae said:


    Do you get the feeling the WoM was trying to prove a point here?

    It can't take a compliment, clearly!

    Though to be honest, when your very NAME declares you as mediocre, is it any surprise that it has issues . . .

    It gave me a 9436.gif?873  mini egg taco, I think it's feeling guilty now.

    Haha WoM was definitely trying to prove a point, I got attacked yesterday as well so I just assume it doesn't like me. We'll see what it brings the next time I spin :P

    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Mouseykins) because of a violation of the forum rules.
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  10. Didn't end up getting anything yesterday but today i got...

    A deserted shore stretches along in front of you.

    What's this? It looks like you found something buried in the sand...

    You have received 2,000 Neopoints

  11. You put your hand into the Tombola and draw the following ticket...




    You Win 150 Neopoints

    plus the following items...



    Woo-hoo, first time playing tombola since my return to Neo and I won something! :laugh: I remember rarely winning anything when I use to play

  12. The Wheel of Mediocrity - fireballs rained down on my neopet and singed them
    The Wheel of Excitement - the lava ghoul breathes fire on my pets

    These wheels were out to get me today :sad:

  13. Can someone please help me with this quest from the water faerie. I've had this quest going for so long I keep forgetting about it but I need to use my shop wizard! Thank you in advance
    You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.
    I see you haven't found my item yet. I had such hopes for you, too...

    You are supposed to bring me:
    Orange Mylife Journal
  14. This is my first time participating in Charity Corner, I have been with Neo for a while but I must not have been paying that much attention though because I don't remember ever being involved or even hearing about it. It's a good thing I have quite a few things laying around in my inventory that I haven't sold yet. Not a hoarder but haven't been on Neopets for a while and havn't been keeping my inventory cleaned up.

    Hoping there's an avatar out of this, has there been any in the past?

  15. Hey, warm welcome to TDN forums and back to Neopets! Glad you were able to get back into your original account, I lost mine some time ago but have been slowly building it back up! Don't worry, age is just a number haha. I'm 25 and still love Neopets whenever I get the chance to pop on.

    Hope to see you around the forums :)

  16. Hello all you wonderful people :biggrin:

    I'm Miche and I am slowly making my return to both TDN forums and Neopets! It's been quite a few years since I have been on TDN but I have been on and off of Neopets in that time. I've been away because school has taken up most of my life but I will have completed by degree in April. With that said I am excited to have lots of time open in the near future to get my accounts more active and to chat and help out anyone in need! If you have any questions to get to know me a little more please ask away!

    Looking forward to seeing you all around the forums !


  17. You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.

    Don't give up yet! Encountering a little trouble doesn't mean that you should abandon your quest for wisdom entirely.

    You are supposed to bring me:

    The Angry Kau

    Hopefully not too expensive, thanks for you help in advance!

  18. air-faerie-1-2.jpg

    Good luck finding my item! I'm sure you'll do fine.


    You are supposed to bring me:


    Chartreuse Puffs Soap



    Thank you friends!

    Here you go, all found on the SSW:

    http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=kriddle&buy_obj_info_id=48224&buy_cost_neopoints=305 1 305 nps

    http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=wyldfyre369&buy_obj_info_id=48224&buy_cost_neopoints=34510 345 nps


    Oh Spritzie beat me to it! :P


    Can somebody help me with my soup faerie quest?

    No luck, huh? Well, I knew it was a long shot, but please keep trying! Helping others can be very rewarding. *wink*


    You are supposed to bring me:


    Small Asparrot Smoothie


    Here you are, all found on the SSW :)

    http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=themandan1946&buy_obj_info_id=36354&buy_cost_neopoints=14957 1495nps

    http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=starstop_58&buy_obj_info_id=36354&buy_cost_neopoints=15004 1500 nps


    Can somebody help me with my battle faerie quest?

    Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?


    You are supposed to bring me:


    Kyrii Country


    Here you go, all found with the SSW :)

    http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=gdsht1&buy_obj_info_id=25987&buy_cost_neopoints=31003 3100nps

    http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=gumgum101230&buy_obj_info_id=25987&buy_cost_neopoints=33991 3399nps

    http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=sweatshirts2&buy_obj_info_id=25987&buy_cost_neopoints=34001 3400np

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