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Posts posted by micheee

  1. Something Has Happened! easterbunnyy17.gif You are now eligible to use 'Negg Basket Cybunny' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

    Definitely thought I missed out on this avatar because I didn't claim one of the prizes on the day it was released, I was so upset, but to my surprise I got it today! YAY! :dance: Happy Easter to everyone!

  2. Here you go! I used the SSW to find you the lowest price. I wonder what the Soup Faerie gives you?!


    http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=litetinker&buy_obj_info_id=47633&buy_cost_neopoints=1606 1606 nps

    Thanks so much for your help! The soup faerie gives two points in two random stats!


    jacob415_'s gained 2 strength points and 2 levels!


    First time getting the Grey Faerie! This is exciting :P This is the last quest for the week from my fortune cookie, almost time to open another one! Thanks for the help in advance and Happy Easter!

    You are currently on a quest for a Grey Faerie.

    Oh well, I didn't expect you to succeed, anyway. Very few people ever bother to help a grey faerie, after all.


    You are supposed to bring me:



  3. Thank you so much for your help! Happy Easter!

    For your efforts, jacob415_'s level has increased!



    Got another Quest from the fortune cookie. this is my first time getting the Soup Faerie, didn't even know she gave out quests haha. Thanks for your help in advance and Happy Easter!

    You are currently on a quest for a Soup Faerie.

    No luck, huh? Well, I knew it was a long shot, but please keep trying! Helping others can be very rewarding. *wink*


    You are supposed to bring me:


  4. Got so caught up in real life yesterday that I didn't even get a chance to do my quest from the fortune cookie :( oh well, here's todays from the light faerie. Thanks for your help in advance :laughingsmiley:
    You are currently on a quest for a Light Faerie.

    Aw, aren't you cute! You can't have another quest until you finish this one. Good luck!

    You are supposed to bring me:

    Kyrii Native


    Here you go, I used the SSW to find Blumaroo Dance Moves, approx 1,000 np:



    roxy_z 2 1,000 NP oscar_ancheita 1 1,000 NP arya_silva 4 1,081 NP


    Thank you for your help! :laughingsmiley:

    For your efforts, jacob415_'s defence has increased!


    Now I'm on another one from my fortune cookie, this time the battle faerie. uh oh, hope it's not too expensive! thanks for helping in advance!

    You are currently on a quest for the Battle Faerie.

    Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?


    You are supposed to bring me:


    Valentines Kadoatie Plushie

  6. Thank you so much for the help!


    Now I'm on another quest from my fortune cookie! looks like another water faerie quest! thanks for the help in advance :)

    You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.

    Don't give up yet! Encountering a little trouble doesn't mean that you should abandon your quest for wisdom entirely.


    You are supposed to bring me:


    Blumaroo Dance Moves

  7. You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.

    I knew it. The task was too difficult. It takes great wisdom to succeed on a quest for a Water Faerie.

    You are supposed to bring me: book_gelert_dental.gif
    Gelert Dental Care

    Can someone help me find this book please and thank you in advance! :)

  8. So got the second Negg Basket as soon as I logged in! I got two books (YAY! :happydance:) Faeries of Spring & Negg-citing Tales!


    Then I found Topsi and choose the book filled Negg and got Baby Eyrie Basket Book! Just need one more book and then I've collected all of them from that Negg that are avaliable!


    Hope everyone else is getting good stuff :)

  9. You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

    I wonder what would happen if I just used a little flame... whoops! You might want to come back later.

    You are supposed to bring me: blackjewel.gif
    Black Jewelled Collar

    3 Fire Faerie quests in a row. Thanks for your help in advance :laughingsmiley:

  10. YAY! After hundreds and hundreds of attempts to get the Evil Coconut Avatar I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and say that I have managed to obtain it! I have been playing Coconut Shy relentlessly with no such luck, and today I was able to knock down a coconut but the game screen froze on me and wasn't doing anything. I thought I didn't get it but I checked my preferences and there it was!


    & I also got a Wailing Evil Coconut! spo_coconut_18.gif I did not even notice that until I went to my Inventory. (Worth about 150k)


    Keep trying and don't give up to all of you who still have yet to receive avatars from some dailies! :laughingsmiley:

  11. You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

    I wonder what would happen if I just used a little flame... whoops! You might want to come back later.

    You are supposed to bring me: clo_brownwoolscarf.gif
    Brown Winter Scarf

    Fire Faerie quest again today, thanks for your help in advance! :rolleyes_anim:

  12. I haven't been on Neopets in a very long time, I've been so busy with university and work life but I went on today just to check up on my Neopet and I went to the omelette and all of a sudden a random event popped up saying Topsi has dropped a Negg Basket for me! Guess I logged in on a good day, haha. But the items I won today are:


    From Negg Basket:

    can_tusk_raspberrychoc.gifRaspberry Chocolate Tuskaninny


    toy_sbunny_plushie.gif Snowbunny Plushie



    From finding Topsi, I opened the Book-Filled Plastic Negg both times and recieved:


    boo_spring_chomby_basket.gif Baby Chomby Basket Book


    boo_spring_xweetok_basket.gif Baby Xweetok Basket Book


    Hoping every one else is getting awesome prizes from Topsi! :)

  13. Need help with a quest please and thank you! :)


    You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

    Hi! While you're out looking for my item, I'm going to sit here quietly. THIS IS BORING! Er, please don't take too long, okay?

    You are supposed to bring me:

    Torn Fire Gym Socks

  14. 3rd week of using my many Fortune Cookies:


    Too expensive for me so I didn't do this one, didn't think it was worth it..(35,000np)



    ORMERGOSH!!! :dance: my jaw literally dropped when I saw that I had got a Fountain Faerie Quest. I didn't think I would ever get one, I was starting to lose hope.. I used it to get an avatar since I love avatars & the item was only 11k which I think is a pretty good deal, I don't know how expensive it usually is but I'm guessing it's pretty high up there..




    Got a pretty good bargain on this item for the Battle Faerie, less than 2k!


    All in all this was a pretty awesome fortune cookie week for me! Hope it continues for the rest of them!

  15. For me yesterdays results weren't the best but at least we scrapped a win. I'm a little nervous for todays match up though; Kreludor seems to be doing pretty well and I didn't get a chance to play as much as I would have liked to, didn't get a chance to rank up. Tomorrow hopefully I can level up twice. Otherwise hopefully everyone is playing hard and enjoying it! Go Pirates! :laughingsmiley:

  16. Super exciting to see so many loyal fans and new faces. We're a strong team and I know we can do well this year, we shouldn't let anything get us down! We can fight hard to be in the top spot! I'm sure we can do well in this bracket as long as we play hard.


    Got to Rank 1 today, which is pretty good. Going to try to make as much progress as I can towards Rank 2 but I don't think I'll be able to get there today I'm super tired and playing these games over and over again is not helping :sleeping_02: I am definitely not a YYB fan, I can play but it irritates me for some reason. SOSD and MSN are my strong suite, although MSN makes my hand hurt after a while so I won't play that as much. SS is alright, I can play it without getting sick of it for a while. Otherwise hope everyone is having a blast and doing well!


    EDIT: We've moved down to rank 3 in our bracket, come on guys we can do it! Fight, fight, fight! :)

  17. Something Has Happened! buzzin.gif You are now eligible to use 'Buzzin'' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    Ahhhhhhh! :woot: (this is pretty much my face right now) I'm so excited, first I finally got a Fountain Faerie Quest & now I have a new avatar! I was really debating if I should change the color of my Xweetok to Eventide (I really want to, and I've been saving all my money for a paintbrush) or try and get an avatar that you need the Fountain Faerie for. I decided that either when I get enough money or get another Fountain Faerie Quest I'll change the color of my Xweetok and then this way I get an avatar, and I love avatars! Hopefully I can get another Fountain Faerie Quest in the near future!

  18. Week number 2 for my faerie fortune cookies:


    Again, like my last cookie this one was not worth the money to do for endurance.


    For this cookie, a lot more Air Faeries than what I would have liked to have, but I got the same amount of Dark Faeries which is good too. Only one Fyora quest compared to two Battle Faerie quests like the last cookie. Let's see what the next cookie brings! :laughingsmiley:

  19. I have over 30 fortune cookies in my SBD so I'm just going to list them like this every week when i complete one :) This is the first one I've opened:


    I didn't do this one for the Air Faerie because the item was over 6k and I didn't think it was worth it just for endurance..



    Yayy Battle Faerie! The cost for her item was 650NP.. what a bargain!


    Battle Faerie AGAIN, must be my lucky week :P this item only cost 150NP for her!



    Hopefully this weeks cookie is as good or even better! Still waiting to get a FFQ...

  20. My luckiest random event was when I got a Magical Peach Chia Pop! I didn't think much of it when I first received it so it was sitting in my inventory while I was playing Neoquest II, then I tried to put it in my shop but nothing came up on the shop wizard so I searched around for the price and it's worth millions!! I don't have a chia to use it on and I won't be getting one anytime soon so I'm excited to make some extra money :happydance:

  21. Something Has Happened! devilpuss.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Devilpuss' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

    Something Has Happened! bunninator.gif You are now eligible to use 'Neoquest II - Bionic Cybunny' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    YAAAAAY. After so long playing this game I finally got these avatars, only a trophy left to get in Neoquest II :thumbsup: definitely one of my most proudest avatars that I have collected

  22. You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

    Hi! I've been waiting very patiently. Just ask the other faeries! Wait, you don't have my item yet? WHY NOT -- I mean, all right, I'll wait.

    You are supposed to bring me:

    Blue Satin Collar

    Need help finding this for my quest please and thank you so much :)

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