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Posts posted by Navy

  1. Life has given you one heck of a ride, that's for sure. I'm not really good at this whole advice thing but you are so strong. I've been through a lot in my life, but that makes my problems seem so superficial compared to what you've been through. You're still here and breathing, and as long as you are, there's always hope for tomorrow. My boyfriend and I have been fighting for custody of our little brother and his mother has almost complete cut me off after I've left the state to deal with family issues. My boyfriend sneaks the phone to him while he can and the first time he saw me on skype it was so emotional. She's already dealing with custody issues with him over the state, and we're expected to get custody of him some time in the next 3 years. *crosses fingers*

  2. The thing that scares me is people who have military grade weapons in their home.

    There's no reason I can possibly think of besides a zombie apocolypse that is even remotely acceptable to have a assault rifle or SMG. You don't need to hunt with it, and you definitely don't need them to protect yourselves and you definitely don't need 15 of them.


    Gun collectors scare me, and the obsession with something so powerful to where you have to fill your house with them is a good way to keep me and my family as far away from you as possible.


    What's even worse is the people who want it being legal to carry them around town with them.

  3. I know the feeling, my father is very emotionally abusive, and he used to be physically abusive to my mother.

    He's an alcoholic and my childhood wasn't very pleasant because of him. My mother would be better off without him, but she refuses to leave him.n

    I know it sounds harsh but I'm just waiting on him to croak so my mother can live the rest of her life in peace.


    Yeah, your dad doesn't sound all that bad. Like, you could have a dad that beats and abuses you, but that seems to not be the case. If you want peaches so bad, buy them yourself. You're being extremely overdramatic.

    The discussion wasn't about peaches, the discussion was about her father twisting her words around and then using them to threaten her.
    Said behavior is destructive, aggravating, and depressing.
  4. You are a true hero. You made my day. I know it's days after the original post. I only just now saw this thread and just had to say that after a truly horrible day, your act has left me feeling like there really is hope for this world yet.


    Best wishes to you both and a very speedy recovery for your new best friend. He was very lucky to have come to you. You're an angel.



    I'm extremely flattered by your words, and happy I'm appreciated. 154218d4.gif


    That's the kind of kitten you'd want to stick in your pocket and carry around all day!

    He's so cute !

    It's extremely tempting, but he's a rambunctious furball who hates to stay still.

  5. 3705c4a9d5.jpg


    He went back to the vet today for a checkup, besides a slightly runny nose he has no other signs of the infection and has about 6CCs of antibiotics to go until he's all done with his treatment. He's getting so big, when I first found him he could fit in the palm of my hand, now he's twice that size.


    His new official name is Parker, he knows it and everything.





    You frozen as well? I'm so sorry :( How long ago?

    Oh I meant about the email I sent regarding the refunds.

    I have been frozen, but that was a long time ago after I accepted a gift from a friend who purchased said item from an NP selling site.

  7. light-faerie-1-2.jpg

    It's so nice to have so many helpers. I'm glad we met.

    You can turn in Venuquin whenever you're ready.


    This is just what I needed for my spell. May the light of faeries shine upon you.

    For your efforts, Badeeks's level has increased!
    only cost 1.5k :P
  8. "Women can't do this, gays can't do that, but touch my semi-automatic rifle and now you're restricting my rights."






    Guns scare the living crap out of me and I don't think anyone needs them, gun control has been proven to work in other countries.

    My little brother starts school for the first time in September, and I'm going to have to explain to him what to do in case of shooting, and I'm going to have to fear for his safety every day that he goes into those doors.

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