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Posts posted by Navy

  1. 17. But most of all we learned to put other people’s (or pets’) needs before our own.


    "I'll eat when my neopets eat, Mom!"


    This is so accurate, I still cannot abandon any pet (even ones like brittany181_121 the Aisha) in the pound even though I recognize they're not actual living breathing things.


    It's those messages that kill me "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME"

  2. woah! just got home and on my computer, that image size was HUGE.

    I have a video of him drinking water for the first time since I've gotten him at the vet here.

    He's doing well, I have other cats, which is why he has to be quarantined, and this isn't my first rodeo dealing with abandoned animals. I just don't understand how they could just leave him, if they couldn't take care of him why not just take him to the shelter's drop box? It's 100% anonymous and free and they have a vet there, and the kittens are always the first to be adopted, the younger the better.


    That's exactly why I'm starting to consider an Xbox One for my birthday. It's very rare when I have this much money so I might as well put it towards something good.


    How long have you had your PS3? I may just upgrade to a PS3 Super Slim even though I got my PS3 in 2010 and the thing still works!

    I've had my PS3 for 4 years and it's still running like it's brand new, the fact that the PS4 isn't backwards compatible is disappointing, but I heard it had something to do with using different types of discs and the disc reader for the PS4 is incapable of running both.

  4. I was about to donate but they do not have a Paypal option, but I'd like to say that you are a very kind and caring person. I've lost a lot of family and family-friends to cancer and to see people working to try to find a cure makes me hopeful for our future.

  5. No! There aren't enough good games out right now, and it's really buggy.

    My friend bought a PS4 and the only game he was interested in that was out was Watchdogs which is the buggiest game on planet Earth.

    For the current price tag and lack of games I'd wait at least 6 months until purchasing, that's what I plan to do. *pats trusty PS3*

  6. I think the #yesallwomen campaign isn't trying to bring men down, but bring to attention the injustices we face living in a patriarchal society. My social media has been blowing up with all these articles that my male friends are posting about abusive relationships in which the men are being bullied. I can understand why men are feeling attacked, if I were a man I would probably feel a little embarrassed as well.


    We ARE living in a society where men are the dominant gender. We do not have gender equality. And many men don't realize that this sort of patriarchal society hurts them as well. When a woman abuses a man physically or emotionally the man is deemed as "weak" and taunted while the other way around would result in immediate action by authority. When a man inherits qualities deemed "feminine" he loses power and is looked down upon.


    Men suffer too in this patriarchal society we live in, I think that what many people fail to understand.


    “The Patriarchy backfired!”, is the Feminist equivalent of saying “God did it.” The difference between God and the Patriarchy however, is that we can prove that the Patriarchy doesn't exist. Which is exactly what I’m about to do.

    First, lets define Patriarchy. I’m taking my definition of Patriarchy directly from a Feminist, so nobody can claim that I used a “biased definition”. Patriarchy is:

    • a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.

    Now, if you were to look at only the top levels of the U.S. Government, you would admittedly see mostly men. Approximately 1 of every 5 Government Officials is female. But we live in a Democracy. That means that these people are all voted in. Which begs the question: Who is voting these people in?

    Well, the answer is that women are voting them in. Ever since the 1964 election, women have been the majority of voters in the U.S. It is women who have the voting power, not men. Now I’m sure some would say that women are ridiculed if they go into politics, but that truly is not the case. Look at how much everybody absolutely loves the Queen. Women like Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman don’t get ridiculed for being women, they get ridiculed for being ignorant and just downright unintelligent. Nobody says that women can’t be politicians, and nothing stops women from being politicians. If there is a lack of female politicians, it is simply due to a lack of women who want to be politicians. But enough about politics, there’s other forms of power as well. Like spending power.

    Women actually control 80% of household spending, and 51.3% of private wealth. Women are in control of the spending, which essentially means that their purchases largely determine what gets advertised.

    Women are also favored over men in every part of the legal system. They receive shorter prison sentences across the board, and they receive custody in over 90% of divorce proceedings, in addition to initiating divorce between 66% and 90% of the time. Add in the fact that divorced men are 40% more likely to commit suicide, and it’s pretty obvious that women have men by the __ in the court system. And then there’s one more area, which may be the most important one of all: Education. Despite the fact that women make up the majority of college graduates, and that the school system favors girls starting from Kindergarten, women still receive the majority of gendered scholarships. Men are simply being left behind when it comes to education, giving the power of a higher education mostly to women. With all of these cases of women holding the power, and men being consistently denied the equal treatment and opportunity that they deserve, it would be intellectually dishonest to continue to insist that we live in a Patriarchal society.




    I think that I should note that I acknowledge that misogyny is alive and well in the western world, I see it every day on facebook which is basically the cesspool of the internet. I do not believe we live in a patriarchy, I do not believe feminism actually empowers women anymore, it actually makes us appear weak and defenseless, and most of all , feminists ideas conflict with each other.


    "Women can wear whatever they want!- Unless it's for the intention of attracting a man or choose to be a model"

    "Women can be whatever they want!- Unless they choose to be a stay at home mom or a model for a lude magazine."

    "Women are strong and don't need no man!- Women are weak and defenseless and scared of our male counterparts eek!"


    Along with the fact that man-hating feminists are not a minute percentage.


    Like, I've said I like what #YesAllWomen has become, because women do face hardships every single day. That is not proof of a patriarchal society, though, and I do not blame men for being uncomfortable with it because male struggles are for the most part ignored completely.


    I don't want feminism to disappear, I want feminists to call out the toxic crap in their movement and remove it so I can call myself feminist once again.

  7. My major beef with with the #YesAllWomen trend is that it's basically started by bashing guys who say "Not All Men" when they are grouped with a mentally ill mass-murdering psychopath. I'm female, but if I were male and told I am no different than him, that not only me, but my father, brothers, cousins, and friends were born rapists, misogynists, whose only purpose in life is to bring physical and and mental anguish on any and every woman around me I'd tell them to do something I'm not allowed to say here. I'm a frequent tumblr user and I cannot stand feminism as portrayed on that site, which is why I consider myself egalitarian instead of feminist. Men have just as many injustices in the western world as women, and I dislike how feminists push off any MRA member as some woman-hating-fedora-wearing-creep. Just because the injustices are different doesn't make them invalid or less relevant.


    I actually like what #YesAllWomen has turned into but it's origins make me really uneasy. You shouldn't have to bring others down to bring yourself up.

  8. Here's what you do, you go to neopets and scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see this and click "contact us"



    You should then reach this page



    then click



    Then go down, click "warnings and suspensions" under the drop box and describe what's going on,

    if it's a suspension it's not permanent, correct? You should wait out the suspension and stop playing keyquest if you're having issues with it, because your issues don't just effect you, it effects the other players, too, and that's not fair to them.

  9. I used to work graveyard shift when I had just moved to California a few years ago, I worked from 10PM until 7AM the next morning, I lived with my boyfriend's family and since my room was right near the busiest room in the house (the kitchen), along with the fact that he has an extremely loud and easily excitable 3 year old brother, it goes without saying that I got very little sleep on a regular basis. Most of the time I ran on 2-4 hours of a sleep every day and energy shots, but one time, when I caught whatever common cold that was floating around at the time, the discomfort added with all of the hustle and bustle going on outside of my room had me awake for literally three days straight. It was probably the most miserable time I have experience in my life, and I didn't have anymore call outs left, so I was forced to go to work as well. Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.

  10. I classify myself as a pansexual, being so, I cannot fathom the idea that if I were to become romantically involved with another woman, a woman I plan on spending the entirety of my lifetime with, I would not be able to marry, adopt children with, buy a home with, or visit in the hospital if they were to become ill or injured. Gay rights are human rights and your religious or own sexual preferences are irrelevant, it doesn't effect you, your children, your relationship with said god(s), or anything else. The only one it effects are the ones it applies to.


    Another side note: I dislike the term "gay marriage", I'd it to just be "marriage".

  11. Hi guys, you probably don't remember me but I used to help with the Altador Cup a year or two ago and was on my way to becoming a part of the staff when an emergency move happened in my personal life.

    I missed Neopets a lot, and I'm glad to be a part of the community again.

  12. Wow, I'd be mad too.

    Send in a ticket, they'll respond sooner or later.

    I received a response a few days ago to my ticket I sent a month or two ago about me being frozen for my protection.

    They pretty much told me I was SOL and I'm welcome to start over.

  13. Actually, pregnancy has a far higher death rate than legal abortion does.

    So, you think that pregnancy should be the punishment for women who don't make the "right" decisions before having sex? That they should suck up diseases they could have for the rest of their lives because of the pregnancy? That they should suck up being uncomfortable for 9 months?


    I didn't mean abortion was dangerous, I'm saying transportation is more dangerous. (car accidents and what not)


    I should have been more specific.


    And yes, I do. Because no one forced you to have sex, you did that all on your own, you knew the risks of having unprotected sex but decided to ignore them. Unprotected sex is not something to be taken lightly, and if you decide to risk your life and happiness for a little bit of pleasure which can be obtained by other means, you should have to be responsible for those actions.

    Think it as something similar to DUI, you can get caught and go to jail, or you can go home without a problem.

    You're risking your life and the life of others out of laziness or negligence.

  14. Personally, there are other ways to have intercourse, and achieve the same euphoric feeling than having cave chial sex. Agreeing with lunacharm I believe you had the choice of whether or not you wanted that baby when you had sex to begin with. Risks are involved with sex, and I don't think you should have if you're not willing to take that risk. It is not a need, it is nothing more than a want driven by hormones and social pressures. I don't think that little blob of cells is the same as the micro organisms on your hand as someone had stated because, unlike micro organisms on your hand, those blobs of cells, if given the chance could and probably will change into a baby. Infants get adopted like hot cakes and you can arrange the adoption before the baby is even born. Yeah there are risks with pregnancy, but you have more of a chance dying on your way to the abortion clinic than dying while giving birth. As for the physical changes, oh well, should have though about that before you had unprotected sex.


    If you protected yourself and got pregnant, were raped, or your life is on the line, you have every right to not carry the baby. If not, my opinion is that you'll just have to suck it up for 9 months.

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