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Posts posted by Navy

  1. How come my laptop doesn't have a print screen button? D<


    Oh well, I have a usb keyboard anyway.


    But when you hit the prtsc button it pretty much took a picture and copied it to your clipboard


    also, I would suggest puush or imageshack for storing pictures.

  2. I love meat too much to go vegan/vegetarian.

    But I do disagree with how large slaughter houses treat their animals.


    I buy my meat locally, from a small farm that I know cares for their animals very well.


    There is a certain kind of vegetarian that annoys me.




    I hate how the food industry treats their animals, so I will not buy or eat meat!





    Omg.. like.. I totally think it's wrong to like.. eat animals.. I mean like.. what are we like.. cavemen or something?

  3. Unless you have a spare USB keyboard, you won't have that button.

    An alternative, which you won't have you cut like you would a screen shot is using this button on your habitarium screen.


  4. Maybe the six year olds did not know that they could die from their actions? They were probably not trying to kill themselves just did not know they would die doing what they did. Maybe the six year old was trying do dodge the train.

    Woah, that font color is killing my eyes.

    The hanging one seems very suspicious, more likely accidental because I don't think a 6 year old would know about hanging as a method of suicide, or even how to do it.

    The train one.. I don't know.

  5. Don't get me wrong. I do think the UC art is better, there's no denying that. But remember that a /ton/ of people demanded customization back in the day, and you can't have both, because that would take up a gigantic amount of server space. Clearly, the people on this board were not among those people.



    Made what $50? The potions? Perhaps, but I think a huge chunk, if not the majority of the Neopian population probably would. From what I've seen of the Neoboards, most people seem to prefer UC pets over customization anyway, so I'm sure a ton of people would buy it anyway.



    You obviously have no idea how much people spend on NC. Believe me, if TNT made a UC Potion a ton of people would buy multiples and never customize again and those that won't are kids who will when they have the money.


    Also, another ramification of a UC Potion/whatever I forgot to mention: it would anger the people who had to work hard to achieve UC pets. They would feel cheated, because UC pets wouldn't be as special anymore, and those that would have them didn't have to put the same amount of work they had to put in.



    That is completely false. JN's item database shows over 5000 different varieties of clothing, including NC Mall and PB wearables, and that's not even factoring in backgrounds and trinkets. There is no way something like that cannot allow you to create a unique pet unless you're literally copying the customization of someone else.



    Opinion =/= fact.

    Though, I see your point, my main problem with your post is the number of people you say would buy the potion.

    I disagree with it, but you could be right.



    My main problem with clothing is how pets who are on all four legs have shirts pointing in this downward position, and pants that look funky.


    For example is the Royalgirl Lupe. She looked so much better when she wasn't forced down on all four legs.


    I wish that certain clothing (like dresses) forced pets into different poses.




    I think another solution for people who want UC pets is to have a potion, but make it a normal neopoints item that is extremely rare.

    As long as TNT decides not to make them event items, they would still making enough money on neocash, and people who want UC pets have their chance (if they can find and afford it)

  6. It's pretty much the same, except, white tail = yellowish tail. Lol. I guess TNT considers brown warmer, especially when mixed with the get up you get from the Christmas Paint Brush.


    Essentially, when using the Christmas Paint Brush, you get awesome Chrismasy clothing + Brown Kacheek, which I feel, much better deal.,


    And if you put the Christmas clothes on the brown one, I would think that it's Christmas,lol.


    unfortunately, since I adopted her, she didn't come with clothes, but I thought it was convenient since I like brown pets.. a lot.

  7. No, no, it's not what you think!

    I found the spell book, but accidentally closed the tab while trying to closed another one and now I can't figure out how to get back to it.


    You can no longer click on any of the books, and I tried starting over by going back to the Book Of Ages and clicked on the Fairy's hands again, and trying again, but that didn't work either.


    It's not in my inventory and I don't see it in Finneus's office.


    My history only brings me back to the archives.


  8. Defendant:







    The State of New Jersey vs. Dharun Ravi was a criminal trial held in Middlesex County, New Jersey Superior Court from February 24, 2012 to March 16, 2012 in which former Rutgers University undergraduate student Dharun Ravi was tried and convicted of 15 charges including invasion of privacy, bias intimidation, tampering with evidence, witness tampering, and hindering apprehension or prosecution.[1] The charges stemmed from incidents that occurred on September 19 and 21, 2010. In the first incident, Ravi and his friend Molly Wei used a webcam to view a private romantic encounter between Ravi's roommate, Tyler Clementi, and another man.[2] In the second incident, Ravi urged friends and Twitter followers to watch via his webcam a second tryst between Clementi and his friend.[3] Clementi committed suicide on September 22, 2010, and his death brought national and international attention to the issue of cyberbullying and the struggles facing LGBT youth.[4][5]

    Ravi is scheduled to be sentenced on May 21, 2012.



    Pretty much his roommate set up his webcam in his room, and left and viewed him kissing another man.

    He did this not only once, but twice, but the second time he set up a live stream and let other people watch it, too.

    To me, this is pretty personal, because one of my friends had commit suicide for the same reason, but instead of a video, it was a photo.



    Any opinions on this case?

    Should he be sentenced?

    What should he be sentenced to?


    A lot of people defend saying it was just a harmless joke, and that Clementi took it too seriously.

    Even though I disagree with that, I can see what someone would say it.


    But keep in mind he's not being charged with Clementi's death.


    He got 30 days in jail and probation


  9. Thanks, guys, I also thought about the unfair potential financial gain. xD



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  10. I currently don't own a lab map, but I was curious if you "stop playing with" a petpet, will it be converted back to what it originally was?


    For example:

    Normal Babaa turns into a Meowclops > Stop playing with Meowclops > ???


    Would it turn back into a Babaa?

  11. I really dislike TNT as a company but I feel the need to defend them a bit, or at least put some of my own reasoning in there.

    Now, I'm not fully aware of what's going on, because I have yet to buy one of these cookie things but a boycott won't really do anything, and quitting is pointless if you enjoy the game.

    You're not hurting them as a company, you're just throwing away all of the time, effort and enjoyment you put into the game.

    You can start your own little club to protest, but you probably won't find more than a dozen to join you, which doesn't mean anything to TNT.

    If you leave, within a matter of a minute someone else will join and take your place, and the only way I can see neopets going down any time in the next 10 years is if TNT turns into Nexon's clone (Blizzard's on that path as we speak).


    And if you don't know what company Nexon is, I envy you.


    They recently neglected one of their games to the point where there were so many bugs and hackers that the game was pretty much unplayable.

    And this has gone on for almost a year will little to no attempt to fix it, and they just decided to shut it down.



    In the meantime, people will still keep playing neopets, buying neocash, and TNT will be making more than enough money to keep them satisfied and keeping the game running.


    My tip for you is to simply write a complaint (even though TNT's customer service is one of the worst I've ever seen) and hope someone takes you seriously.

    You won't be wasting too much time, and you'll probably have better luck getting people to join arms with you instead of boycotting.


    This is just my opinion.


    That's actually a good question! CAN they separate the content like that I wonder? Still though, I don't really think it's an appropriate ad for the site, kind of a contradiction of the rules...


    They could always use the excuse that it's the parent's responsibility to ad-blockers to prevent this sort of thing.

    I don't see how they could filter it, but I'm not saying that it's not possible.

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