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Posts posted by Navy

  1. Wasn't there an option to keep unconverted pets unconverted?

    Also, if you paint unconverted pets, do they convert? Or is it just not an option?


    I honestly never understood the appeal behind UC pets. Yeah, they're pretty, but that's all they are. You can't do anything with them outside of slapping on a few trinkets. I think people only like them, because with UC pets, it's easy to slap on the old rose-tinted glasses and be nostalgic about the old artwork and, by extension, the Adam and Donna era. But that's another argument from another post. Besides, there are advantages to customization. You're not limited by the colors that PBs offer you. You can make your pet truly your own.


    And there's a reason TNT won't make them available. If they did, EVERYONE would be going after UC pets. If everyone's going after the UC pets, then no one is customizing (beyond slapping on a few trinkets and never touching customization again, of course), and if no one is customizing, no one is using the NC Mall. Despite what was said earlier, I believe the only reason people customize is because there is no alternative to making pets look pretty. If TNT made UC pets available, there would be another alternative, and if that alternative has a NP method of attainment, they'll go after it instead of buying stuff from the NC Mall. Heck, even if they made a UC Potion or something available in the NC Mall, a ton of people would just buy it and never customize again. They'd make a short-term profit, but after that, they'd be making next to nothing.

    I think it goes both ways, UC pets have better artwork, but you can't customize them outside of paintbrushes, backgrounds, and background accessories.


    Not everyone would be able willing to give up clothing, especially if TNT made them 5k+ neocash ($50).

    They wouldn't be losing much profit, and with $50+ per pet, a lot of people would still use the NC Mall for their other pets.

    Clothing isn't all that unique, what your pet looks like, there's probably thousands of exact copies.

    I'm not a huge fan of clothing, because most look like crap anyway.

    What makes UC pets unique is that they're all not in the same pose.


    I rather have pets with original artwork and poses without clothing over pets that are standing the exact same wait no matter the color or species, with the same expression and ugly clothes that aren't very unique, either.

  2. I don't think it's against the rules, it just doesn't seem like a very nice thing to do.

    And I'm not sure about the trophy part, you'll just have to wait and see unless someone else can clarify.

  3. Q.1) What team are you joining?


    Q.2) Is this your first time joining this team?


    Q.3) Is Yes to above why? If No to above how much times have you joined them?

    Because this is my first AC.

    Q.4) Do you join different teams every year?


    Q.5) Is this your first year doing the Altador Cup?


    Q.6) If Yes to above is this your first year on Neopets? If no to above have you been playing the AC since AC I?


    Q.7) If you have played before on another team which team were you most successful on?


    Q.8) Have you ever won a trophy for the Altador Cup?


    Q.9) Have you ever made it to Rank 1 before?


    Q.10) What Team do you like the most but are not joining it?


  4. Tickets don't require a matching email for you to be able to send one, in fact, you don't even have to be logged onto an account.

    I'm sorry you got scammed, always remember to check to make sure you are logging on to neopets.com and no where else.

  5. Yes, this is what I was going to say. I was so furious when I heard that he said that. D:<



    I've read good portions of the interview he did, and I have read the revised statement. I still think he is a teenage boy with too much priviledge and that he doesn't spend enough time actually thinking about things that impact people.

    The interview I read had his statement on abortion phrased basically as a question: It's like killing babies?

    Um, no it's not. Read something, please.

    Also, yes, he's young, but he can vote now, and his shocking ignorance about anything to do with politics as shown in that interview horrifies me. At his age I was looking into joining GreenPeace, I helped canvas for the NDP, Canada's Socialist party, and I tried, whenever possible, to educate people on abortion.

    I totally get that he's an entertainer, etc, but to me... that doesn't make his ignorance any more excusable- less so actually. I feel like he should understand what a large audience he has, and use his popularity to do some good.


    He's done plenty of good using his money, success, and popularity.


    I don't think having an opinion that you disagree with makes him a horrible person.

    In fact, it shouldn't even matter because abortion is legal in Canada and most places in the US

    and one pop star's opinion isn't going to change that.


    His opinions will most influence his crazed-preteen fanbase which ranges from 8 - 15

    By the time they're able to vote the Bieber Fever will have died down, in fact, it already is in the process of doing that.

  6. I like some of his music, and he seems like a really nice person.

    I do not find him attractive, though, like some of my friends.

    That abortion/rape quote was false, as far as I've heard, and even if it wasn't, the context he used was more of "try to make the best out of your situation" and not "get over it".


    People who blindly hate him because of his fame are idiots anyway.

    It's no one else's right to judge what kind of music someone should like and listen to.

    He sounds much better live



    Also how I feel about the Pop Music Industry:

  7. Haven't been frozen (or suspended/warned/silenced) either!

    Wait, by suspicious activity, doesn't that mean that you were frozen for your protection?

    Pretty much, I just hope I get a response sometime within the next two or three weeks.

    Also, guys, what does CGing or whatever mean?

  8. I agree. Women have tried some terrible things in the past to have an abortion when it was not legal. Not just the coat hanger- that's almost safe in comparison to some things. I have heard stories of women inserting explosives into their cave chias -- needless to say, they did not survive.


    Sex education is so, so, so important. It boggles the mind sometimes how little people are taught.



    I'm sorry that you can't have children, but that doesn't mean that other people should have to give birth to children they don't want, no matter the reason. Giving a child up for adoption, even one that you didn't want, and didn't plan on having, is difficult.

    My mum got pregnant when she was 15. She thought about having an abortion, an uncle of hers offered to take her to a clinic when she went on a trip to the UK so her parents wouldn't find out. But she didn't. She carried the foetus to term, and gave it up for adoption. She has told me how hard it was, how much she grew attached to it, but she could never have it. She tried to keep contact with the child, but he didn't really want to.

    I think that in the end, having an abortion would have been easier for her, psychologically.

    I agree that sex education is important, and I hate how some parents view sex as some taboo subject that if they don't talk about them/don't let them listen to it via sexual education in school, that they won't think about it.

    But whether they like it or not, they hear about it from their fellow classmates and from media sources like the internet.

    And come on guys, is that really where we want them to learn about sex?

    Either way they will figure it out on their own while exploring their bodies.


    My cousin's parents wouldn't allow her to go to public school for that reason, they home schooled her all of her life, but she found a boyfriend and had unprotected sex, and now she has a 2 year old baby to take care of.



    Sadly, even with sex ed. people still tend to ignore it as if it can't happen to them, which they need a big slap of reality to hit them in the face because yes. it. can.

  9. I don't think it would make much sense to go on total points, because obviously, the team with the biggest fan base would win.

    But I think it has to do with some sort of percentage?


    This is my first AC so I'm not fully sure, but I've been told no one does, anyway.

  10. Hasn't there only been one stock in the x years neopets has had the stock market gone bankrupt?

    Personally, I buy 1000 of one stock a day, if I can, I buy a different one every day.

    The key here is patience. Your stock might go -80% but will probably rise.

    Have good timing, I typically wait until my stocks are valued 50+ before I sell.

  11. I used to be a right-for-death activist, but after experiencing a close friend shooting himself because he was tormented by our classmates because a photo had been passed around of him kissing another male in his bedroom my decision took a U-turn.

    The photo was taken from outside of his window and it was a secret he definitely didn't want out there, and for good reason.

    Both him, and his boyfriend kill themselves, and it pains me to see how people take all of the accomplishments and memories of their life, and the ones that could have been and just throw them away.


    I expected for the bullies to feel guilty for driving them that far, but guess what? They laughed even more.

    You don't hurt the people who hurt you, you hurt the people who love you the most.

    You leave people with unbearable guilt that no one should have to deal with.

    The thought of "I could have/should have done something" hurts, even if there was nothing you could have done.



    There's something I read a while ago that was very informative about suicide


    warning: there is some graphic language used

    and the title is very misleading, because as you read it, you realize the true intentions of the article.


    Even my counselor thought it was hilarious:




    I think it is stupid. Especially when it is one of yours friends that him or her tell you that he or she is going to kill themself. Then, you convince him/her not to do it BUT nooooo......He or she would be like "Nobody cares about me!!" If nobody didn't care about you, then....why are we convincing you to not kill yourself..?

    Sometimes, you just have to get over it. It is life. We all go through something. Just because you lost your gf or bf or couldn't get something you wanted doesn't mean go kill yourself. I understand if you got picked on, but you could go tell someone or say "F*** off!" If you were getting abused, I'd consider telling a friend or call police or something. So what's the point of killing yourself? This is the only time you will live.


    Even though I agree with you, I think you should have worded that differently, because it could rub off as a bit rude and insensitive.

    Like kyedigsme, I've suffered major depression and anxiety for most of my childhood/teen years and it will probably follow me for the rest of my life, and of course, I've considered suicide serveral times.

    But not only am I terrified of death and pain (in other words I'm a total wimp), I can't stand the thought of hurting my friends and family and that alone is enough to keep me going. But unless you've been through extreme emotional trauma to get to that point, you really wouldn't understand.

    I wouldn't simply say "get over it" because that could seriously drive someone to the edge, whether you realize it or not, that type of attitude can and probably will click in their head as an unsensitive "I don't care" gesture, even if you mean the best intentions by it.

  12. Amazing point


    I agree with this.


    I'm a big lover of children, and to look at a baby and think that if his or her parents would have chosen to abort them, we'd be missing out on another beautiful child.


    I agree with abortion in certain condition, but not to just anyone who opens their legs.


    I believe that sex should only happen if you're willing to accept what may come with it.


    I think abortion is okay if protection was used, but failed.

    But if you just said "oh, nothing will happen."


    Tough luck.

    I encourage people considering abortion to just consider carrying the baby for the few months they have, and if they choose not to take care of it, put it out for adoption.

    A lot of people think if you put babies up for adoption they will be stuck in some orphanage growing up with no love or care.


    But it's incredibly easy to find an adoptee, most of the time you can find one before the baby is even born.

    You can have it open or closed (which means you can either choose to have some contact with the child, or nothing at all) and I think if someone is willing to put that much money into finding/adopting a child, then they really want to be a parent and will give that child all the love they can give it.



    Edit: I would also like to add that even though there are a ton of free prenatal health clinics here, they're not everywhere

    and that's another circumstance I think abortion is okay with.


    Someone who doesn't have health insurance or a free clinic nearby and cannot afford the care the baby and theirself needs, they should have the right to abort.

    It's not only a hazard to the baby (we don't need an physically and/or mentally ill baby coming into this world if it can be prevented), it's also a major hazard to the mother, it can even be life threatening, and to me, that mother's life is more important that that cluster of cells.

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