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Posts posted by Navy

  1. Those are nothing compared to the most embarrassing moment of my life, well, except for the auntie flow's gift, I would have died if that happened to me.


    So I was at the beach around the age of 9 or 10, and I had to pee, but they only had those nasty porta-potties and my mom had bought me one of those one-piece bathing suits because she said bikinis were too revealing.

    I had to either

    A. take it off


    B. pull it aside.


    I picked B and walked out, but I forgot to do one thing.. pull it back.


    No one told me until like 5 minutes later and I was so embarrassed I sat in the car while the rest of my family enjoyed themselves.


    And for like a week after every time I heard a snicker or laugh I was like



  2. I have 2 fusions in my neck, both bone grafts done with cadaver.. The first one they just kind of let me know AFTER the surgery that they'd used a cadaver bone graft, the second time they gave me the option to use a graft from my hip and I said 'no way'. My roomie with the first surgery had the graft taken from her hip and was in so much pain it took 4 nurses to help her to the bathroom when she had to go and when I saw at our 6 week follow-up appt., she still could barely walk.. It IS risky to go with a donor graft though, turns out there were 23 people in my area that received contaminated bone fragments just before I had mine done; fortunately mine came from a different lot *whew*.. Overall though, any kind of spinal surgery is really painful because it basically supports your whole body; trying to sleep while in that brace was the worst XP.


    My mother hated, and I mean HATED that brace, she also has a habit to turning onto her side while she sleeps, so when she would wake up she would scream in pain 3 of our family members would have to help her get up.


    The doctor was worried that her body wouldn't accept the donor's bone.

    And when she went back for a follow-up appointment the nurse asked

    "Is this your first or second one?"


    and my mom was like

    "What do you mean?"


    and the nurse said

    "Most people have to have the surgery twice because the bone doesn't fuse right"


    luckily, she didn't have to have a second surgery, but that about broke her heart to hear that because she was just starting to feel better.


    The last place I'd ever want to have surgery on is my spine.


    Her spine was hurt in a car accident, and she said it was worth it, because after her lawsuit settlement, she can finally buy the home of her dreams and retire.


    So a few months of pain put aside, there's just relaxation for her.

  3. Ouch!

    I know neck pain is a bummer, my mom had a cadaverbone replaced with some dead guy's and she was in so much pain and was absolutely miserable.

    I hope you feel better.

  4. I'm sorry to hear that you will be leaving us.

    I'll take any spare neopoints since I have little to nothing on this account, that is of course, if you're 100% certain you're not coming back.


    If I were you, I'd keep everything, just in case.

    Don't give your things away if you're not certain if you want to come back or not.

  5. That's why I only play with people I know. It makes things so much nicer when you know for sure if the person leaves it's because of a connection issue, not anger.


    Hit me up for a game sometime :)


    Will do!

    Players quitting in the middle of games is quite annoying. However, some players (myself included) never intentionally quit. Computer issues have prematurely ended games for me several times, one of which I got a neomail from the person I was playing against accusing me of cheating and threatening to report. I explained that it wasn't my fault - my Internet crashed - and strangely enough, the person asked to be my neofriend!


    And yeah, I know that feeling. I've only been disconnected a few times through, most because my browser lagged and wouldn't let me click anything so I was marked as afk and then booted. D:

    feels bad man.

  6. I've played at least 6 games this morning, none I've finished because the people I'm against always leave.

    The worst part is they wait until I have like 4/5 keys and then decided to quit.


    I mean, if we've played that far in the game, wouldn't it be worth it to just finish the rest?


    Keyquest is the main way I earn money and stuff like this makes it extremely hard for me.

  7. >right

    You round a corner and hear a strange noise. It sounds like something large is moving in the darkness in front of you. Perhaps you should retreat... quickly.


    I never win anything from this game,

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