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Posts posted by Navy

  1. For me, it's because everyone loves the idea of someone who is human, like us, to have powers that are , well, not human.


    For example:

    The ability for fly:

    I don't know a soul on this earth who wouldn't like the ability to fly.


    Super Strenth:

    You remember that tough pickle jar or angry soda bottle?

    Here's your chance for revenge!



    Whether you've ever wanted to just dissapear from embarrassment, or pull a prank without being seen, I think anyone would enjoy the ability to disappear on command.


    Super Speed:

    Running late? Tired of traffic? Feeling lazy? yeah.


    There are thousands of others many talented writers have come up with but those are the most common I can think of.


    And besides, who wouldn't want to make this world a better place?

    Evil villians, that's who!

    And people tend to go crazy over them, too.

  2. How much privacy should a teen be allowed to have? Which age should they get more?

    A reasonable amount, but I believe that parents should always be allowed to go through belongings that they bought.

    Even though I'm being a bit hypocritical here, I know if my parents were to do such a thing, they'd only be doing it for my safety and well being.


    Should teens have limited online time and access?

    Yes. I'm one of those teenagers who allowed the internet to grab hold of my life, and I don't think kids should live like this.


    How involved should parents be?

    Tons. I've always been jealous of the kids who always had their parents being a part of whatever they're doing.


    How much quality time should parents try and spend with their children?

    Spend breakfast together

    spend lunch together if they're not at school

    sit at the table and eat with their parents

    movie nights

    family game nights

    and maybe just night to sit around and talk to their kids



    Should parents force their children to be active?

    YES. Kids are too fat now, why? Because their parents let them eat junk food and sit around the house all day.


    Spanking- Okay or not?

    No. I was spanked as a kid, it only taught me to be afraid of my parents, not respect them.

    If they only way you can get through to your kids is through pain, you're doing something wrong.

  3. 3 slices of.. *gulp* bacon..?


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