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Posts posted by Navy

  1. My internet started working painfully slow last night, rarely even fully loading pages.

    So I restarted my router, to see if that fixed the problem. Nope. I restarted my modem, but the DSL light turned red and stayed red until about 2 hours or so ago and then turned back on, my internet is still running pretty slow, and I have to copy and paste this just in case it fails to go through.

  2. I understand the feeling, my problem is for me is there are either kids can either be the sweetest things in world

    or mini hitlers who are out to take over the planet and destroy everything in sight. I used to be in the Big Brother Big Sister program and I found that I love working with older kids ages 10+

    *still wishes I could revert back to elementary school*

  3. Actually I was informed this topic is relevant because it focuses more on what the pet is wearing instead of the pet/color


    Outfit Name: Candy Acara

    Color: White

    Outfit includes:

    - Pink Stripe Hooded Cape

    - Dreamy Pink Hearts (Background)

    - Pink Lulu Contacts

    - Adorably Pink Lollipop




    Outfit Name: Pirate Criminal Xweetok

    Color: Pirate

    Outfit Includes:

    - Space Pirate Xweetok Shirt

    - Space Pirate Xweetok Hat

    - Pirate Xweetok Scar

    - Pirate Xweetok Earring

    - Brightvale Prison Cell Background




    Outfit Name: Frat Flotsam

    Color: Camouflage

    Outfit Includes:

    - Blue Argyle Sweater Vest and Shirt

    - Underwater Shipwreck Background

    - Frosted Tips Wig



  4. Robin Hood Eyrie? I love it! I actually haven't put a lot of work in customization myself since my main goal in neopets is get all the NP I can get. I think I'm going to try it out. Eyries are also my favorite, I was working on a Royal Boy Eyrie on my last account.

  5. I had no idea this thread existed! Thanks Novelista!

    Anyway, I've fostered cats since as long as I can remember, so I constantly have furry faces popping in and out of my life. I have a few that I have personally adopted and will never be rehomed.



    This is Spooky! She was a feral stray I worked on taming for months until I was finally able to get a hold of her and bring inside. Her nicknames include Spook, Catdog (she has a dog-like personality) and Chicken Leg (she escaped and got hit by a car about a year ago which required surgery, they shaved her entire lower half and her leg looked like the chicken thigh quarters you buy in the meat section, thus getting her name.



    This is Cinnamon, I call her Cinnabutt, though. I got her when I was buying chinese food, they had the door open and this cat came in begging for food, you could see ever bone in her body and they were chasing her out with a broom but she was so weak she couldn't even run. I picked her up and took her to the vet the next day. She hadn't eaten in so long that her body couldn't even handle food so they had to nourish her through an IV

    She will always be little because of her malnutrition when she was young.




    This is Boo, my sister calls him Bears, he is the son of my first cat ever, he is about to turn 13 next month.




    Some of you may know this little booger from this thread, I found him Saturday afternoon while on my way to my glass blowing class, he was in the middle of the road all alone about to be hit by oncoming cars. He is currently recovering from an upper respiratory infection, he is currently 5 weeks old.

  6. I know that feeling, I have fail majorly at most games because my eyes can't keep up with the movements of the game, but I play to my best ability.

    I suggest to keep trying, but do not share your account with anyone, it's not only against the rule, but TNT is pretty good at keeping up with these sorts of things and I do not want to hear you've had your account frozen.

  7. Isn't he? I have another fuzz ball named Boo who is 13 years old, they're going to be buds.

    One of the main problems I'm having with his long fur is that he likes to roll around in his poop, which means I'm having to take a warm washcloth and clean him constantly. I check every half hour for poop.

  8. Warning: The link I have provided as a source is reddit, which is a vast website with a lot of NSFW content, I highly recommend not venturing outside of the thread sourced unless you are at least 16 years of age.

    These are not mine, I have posted a source at the bottom.

    A user on reddit submit a lot of custom made pets with a custom color he made called "Nebula"

    Sorry if this thread has been made before, I searched TDN and Google and didn't find much on the subject.











    If you have multiple browsers on your computer you can even use a different browser to keep you from getting confused. I never log into my sides in Chrome, because that is the browser I prefer and so I use it for my main.

    Yes! I use firefox for one side and opera for the other while my main uses google chrome. It's a good way for me to keep track since my sides have similar names ><

  10. a91c77ae86.jpg
    this morning after his bath, he had so much dirt and fleas running off of him, the towel I dried him off with was covered in dead fleas
    protip: dawn dishsoap is easy on their skin but annihilates fleas and ticks

    Aw! Poor sweet baby! Good thing he found you and vice versa! I volunteer at my local animal shelter and see thing like that sometimes. Once we got a kitten in who was found in a trash bag in a trash bin and was in so much need of help :( A few weeks ago a 10 day old kitten came in who was eating cow milk for a day before he was brought in. He had to go into foster care and had to be bottle fed. So it does unfortunately happen a lot but thankfully there are good people like you helping! The kitten must have heard about you from other cats :3

    My mom said she once found a bag of three kittens hanging off a tree branch above a river, someone had tried to throw them in the river to drown them and they got caught. She had dogs that weren't cat-friendly at the time but her friend took them in for her.


  11. It's also possible that he wasn't abandoned by a human. My first foster litter was about that age or a tad younger and had terrible respiratory issues. They were to be put down that night because they were sick and I got em' just in the nick of time. My most recent was two sisters who were found together at 7 days old and I nursed them back to health (luckily I was working at a vet's office at the time so my anxiety was cheap.) We had little guys come in all the time that were found and the area didn't have many outdoor cats and there were plenty of places to take them, so maybe he's from a feral colony? I just hate to think his situation was due to human negligence.


    He is lucky to have you, and I'm sure he'll clean up wonderfully! Seems like you have a good vet as well, it would have cost double that here to have everything checked out!


    Does he have long hair? It seems his ears are fuzzy but I can't be sure.

    Luckily he already can eat soft food, so I just need to mix it with a little KRM and it saved me from having to bottle feed him.

    Yeah, he definitely has long fur, he's like a little puff ball. I'm going to wipe him down with some ivory dish soap tomorrow to get rid of the fleas. I bought him some ear mite drops, his eyes were stain and there's no signs of ulcers. I've fostered strays in the past and the vet is a family friend so she always gives me a good deal, she even spays and neuters the strays I bring in for $30 males and $60 females

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