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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. The current Secret Meepit 'Stache (the #W3R Blueprint with a weather theme) will be retiring on 24th of October ... and so will the other two current plans (#5WT and #WUD)! If you want a chance to win various prizes, remember to pick up a pack before this date.

    The plan packs are retiring from the NC Mall on October 20th, so be sure to buy them before they're gone.



    Check out our game guide to see which tiers grant which prizes, and remember that power-ups are also available to give you a better chance at grabbing the item you want!

  2. It seems that TNT cannot decide wither to make the upcoming Strawberry Chia - to be released somepoint in the future - SHAPED like a Strawberry or simply painted with the Strawberry pattern (complete with leaf 'hair'). With the latter choice, the Chia would be customisable, rather than shaped like a Strawberry and be bound by the other rules of vegetable/fruit Chias such as Grape or Durian.



    I shall be the most fragrant Chia at the Chocolate Ball once I have my new outfit!

    So they have decided to ask YOU! Head on over to their Official Facebook page post on the subject and cast your vote!



    [ Note : This does mean that you will need a Facebook account in order to comment and make your opinions heard ]


    What do you think? Shaped or Painted? Is this a good way to ask opinions?

  3. It's Faerie Festival time! And this year, it's time to look gorgeous for all the cake you'll be smuggling out of the festival! (Just watch out for Delina trying to exchange it for sequins). A grand total of 6 new eyeshadows have debuted, to prettify your pet in the name of Earth, Water, Air, Dark, Fire and Light!








    Only the HOTTEST Faerie trends are good enough for me, dah-ling

    So head on over to the Grooming Parlour to wait for these brand-new wares!

  4. ncmall_mca_2013_v3.jpg

    The third Mystery Capsule from the Twisted Histories Adventure has now been released!
    This capsule depicts what could have happened if Xandra had saved Faerieland. Unfortunately, that does not mean good news for two of our heros ... All hail the great sorceress Xandra!


    mall_clo_brynnshirt.gif mall_fg_brynnhanso.gifmall_bg_faerielandcrash.gifmall_hh_grundoplush.gif

    There are only a few items within the capsule. For full details, please refer to our lovely article ...

    Twisted Histories Adventure Guide

  5. It's Discovery of Meridell Day! In the spirit of this medieval celebration, Rukis have been given a little bit of a Royal Makeover ...

    New Colours


    Royalboy Ruki Royalgirl Ruki

    Winter isn't coming fast enough for this toasty party, but just in case you're off North to get a fresh supply of ice-cubes, be sure to wrap up warm with a new cloak available from Uni's!

    New Clothing


    click the items above for more info!

  6. Neoconfessions is looking for new confessions! Don't worry if you're confession doesn't go up right away; it's probably in the queue to prevent flooding people's feeds XD You don't have to be part of tumblr to submit a confession, you can also do it anonymously!

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