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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. Hey guys,


    My friend is going through an extremely rough time right now and needs some help and support. I'm trying to promote her jewellery to help her along and was wondering if you'd have a look and spread the word.


    If you don't see anything you like, feel free to note or email her for a specific piece you have in mind. She does art commissions too at extremely affordable prices, again just email her for more information and samples of her work.


    Her jewellery page is located here : www.etsy.com/shop/GameorGoth



    Thanks for having a look!

  2. Are your P3s 'blocked' in? I found that blocking made a HUGE difference in the speed of my habi. :)


    It doesn't make a difference. My Habi is still shockingly slow. Everytime I move it around, the frame 'sticks' for a good few seconds, sometimes I have to switch tabs to get the frame to refresh!

  3. Okay, my Habitarium is SLOW as anything! I have very few decorations (just two clover patches) and very few buildings and P3s, but the frame rate is atrocious! When I move it around the frame actually STICKS so I need to switch between tabs for it to sort itself out! Anyone else having this problem?


    EDIT : I have the same thing with KQ so I'm suspecting it's Flash. I have the latest version, I think, and I'm on Firefox

  4. This should be interesting ...


    Say you got the chance to have one special Neopets wish granted ... For whatever reason, you were able to go to TNT's headquarters, spend a day with them and to crown it all, they will grant you one special wish.


    What would your wish be?


    RULES! (of course there are rules!)

    • NO one-of-a-kind items! That's why they are one-of-a-kind!
    • NO stealing / 'taking' items that belong to other players, especially Limited Edition/One of a Kind
    • NO stealing pets/petpets!
    • NO asking for colours/pets that do not exist. You could ask TNT to release Wraith Xweetoks next, but not ask for one before anyone else!
    • NO asking for one million billion Neopoints! That's just silly XD
    • You CAN ask for a UC Royalgirl Lupe BUT not ask for a specific one belonging to another owner! Say you ask, make a Blue Lupe and ask for it to be made UC Royalgirl, that's fine
    • NO asking for names taken by other players. If the name is on a pet from your old dead/inactive/frozen account, sure!
    • Remember, ONE THING ONLY!
    • Yes, you can ask for an NC item!
    • NO pranking other players!

    What would my wish be?


    I wish ... to have an Illusen's Neopets 6th Birthday cake. They are obscenely rare and expensive, and the one thing I would never be able to get for my Faerie Foods gallery. The Grey Faerie Mushroom I know is buyable, even if none are available. Same with Space Faerie Mushroom and Faerie Sparklecake.


    But that Illusen's Neopets 6th Birthday cake .... that would be my wish?



    What are YOUR wishes?!



    [ I've been dying to ask this for a while XD ]

  5. *Takes a deep breath*

    • The targeting thing at the beginning of the game. I HATE it, it's handing the other team a huge advantage!
    • Darigan and Mutant Yooyus. I don't have much against Faerie ones, as long as you don't wind up your pitch too much the arc is small and you can get it in the goal. Although I have the overwhelming urge to tell the other team "NO this is a FAERIE ball, it's my ball!"
    • Maraqua's Captain and their big beefy Skeith mate. The Captain is shockingly fast and if I have ANY objective in a Maraqua game, it's to stop him getting the ball! And for some reason he has a bad habit of hugging my goalie when she's got the ball. STAND BACK, she is NOT going to hand you the stupid ball
      The huge Skeith player is unfair considering a lot of teams don't have such a gigantic player. Thankfully he seems mostly useless
    • Faerieland's captain is the most USELESS, POINTLESS, SLOW idiot I have ever seen! He never picks up the ball when offered, preferring to run around in circles, is slow and a liability on the field! The amount of times I've cursed his slow wings is just ridiculous.
    • Why doesn't my goalie have HANDS!?!?!?!?
    • Everyone hates Faerieland -_- We have stupidly low scores on everything. We desperately need a massive team shakeup, preferably starting with kicking out Worrill's useness flippers!

  6. I'm seeking items for a future customisation if I'm lucky to get a FFQ! Do you have these items? I have Faerie Cookies, GBC and general items to trade and items currently in the mall

    • MiniMME4-B: Swallowed Up Background
    • MiniMME4-S1: The Trees Have Eyes Foreground
    • MME5-S2: Mystical Lightning Storm
    • MiniMME4-S2: Cloud of Ghostly Orbs

    Got these items? Neomail me!


    Got them all, thank you!

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