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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. I received a neomail from the player asking me why AND the warning at the same time (so I didn't get the chance to explain myself).


    I've had a few players suddenly disappear on me as well but I've never reported them just in case it was something like an emergency, Flash crash or internet suddenly dying (I've had the internet die before but Keyquest TOLD me to refresh my browser)

  2. Problem is, TNT have a VERY bad habit of not listening to players. Remember in the UC pets conversation thread that someone sent in a ticket asking them about it and they snarkily replied that they would have thought after 4 years of this we would have gotten the message?


    Short of marching up to their front door, I doubt TNT would really listen unless your ticket reached someone with a conscience and some clout with the heads of teams. I HIGHLY doubt they would get rid of NC coupled with events, eventhough that's a dear wish of my own as well (it's the equivalent of the rich kids getting something special that the other kids aren't), but agreed we should tell them LOUDLY that this game cookie is an absolutely, unforgivably, catastrophically bad idea. If I see FFQ Cookies or something like that in the mall, that will be the absolute last straw.


    TNT, I'm willing to spend NC on things I like. Design pretty clothes, nice things for Neohomes, that kind of thing. But THIS? No. You'll never get my NC that way.


    You know a FANTASTIC thing TNT could do that will bring them their precious NC? RE-RELEASE HIGH DEMAND OLD ITEMS. New Years in Faerieland, Fyora's Collectable Staff (since that dress came out, the staff has taken off in popularity), Cherry Blossom Tree for Neohomes ... That would get people flocking to the Mall for the items or drive up sales of GBC for people wanting to trade for it

  3. I don't know ... the female Lupe outfit looks a tiny bit off (is it the hat?) but I love the male Lupe outfit XD


    Why the rush in getting Eventide out? When the Eventide Aisha came out, it was really pretty but it just looks so common now ...


    Is it just me, or does the tip of the Maractite Lupe look a little Water-ish?

  4. I don't play games very much either (I'm a restocker/Habi player) but I've been playing Lost City Lanes for two days now and on both instances, my score is reviewed by TNT. Abnormally high scores have to be reviewed, can you IMAGINE the headache this will cause if players are suddenly getting extremely high scores in games, and that score is doubled via cookie to generate a big pile of NP?


    I'm hoping that TNT realised that (or the gold farming comparison and yanked it out of the Mall before such a thing could occur.


    Did anyone buy one? Or manage to?

  5. 'Forcing' isn't quite the right word but the closest I have, maybe 'guilting'? No, I can't quite find the right word XD


    Well, with NC cards you get a bonus item after every certain amount of cards redeemed (my last item was Sugar Doughnut charm) so I'd support a little gift if you spend a certain amount of NC but NOT in a certain month.


    It just seems a little cruel to people who cannot get NC ... It's bad enough for the events, but things like this?

  6. Are we running low on cash, TNT? It's getting uncomfortably close to near-forcing players to fork over real money for NC.


    72 hours? I'm patient, I can wait for any new release. It'll create a little side-market for people who are far too impatient to get the items and players WITH access can charge a pretty NC for it in trades.

  7. I wasn't around either, I wish I was around to QUICKLY get a Royalgirl Lupe before all this happened.


    And OH MY FYORA Faerie Acara! That was my very, VERY first ever dreamie back when I joined Neopets all those years ago ... when owning a Faerie Paint Brush was a HUGE status symbol XD

  8. Haha, I sent in a suggestion about it, and they said,

    "Thank you for writing! We definitely appreciate your feedback and we know this is a popular opinion. However, as we've said many (many) times before, we have absolutely no intention of allowing users to unconvert pets. Unconverted pets are like unsupported browsers. While they may still be used on Neopets, we are not going to actively support them or revert backwards. After over 4 years of the new art, we should think you all would realize that it's here to stay ;)"


    I find the last part of that rather snarky >_O Well, TNT, if it's been FOUR YEARS and people are STILL asking about it, why can't you take the hint? Is it because you live on customisable items and having UC pets will cripple purchases of clothing, etc. (except backgrounds and garlands)?

  9. Arlialah has suddenly come down with a bad case of Jitters!!!


    And then, when I just arrived in Faerieland to go to the Healing Springs to see if that will heal her:


    For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you 292 Neopoints!!!


    While some pets took a big hit like the Faerie Pteri pteri_faerie_baby.gif4.png



    Oh the Faerie Pteri ... they and the Faerie Lennys REALLY took a hit. I LOVE birds in real life and would have loved a Faerie Pteri UC.


    And of course...


    lupe_royalgirl_baby.gif TO 4.png



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