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Lady Kakata

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Posts posted by Lady Kakata

  1. Oh my Fyora :C Well, like Annukii said, your real life is more important than your virtual life, but I certainly hope you'll come and pay the odd visit, if only to say you're okay! If you ever need advice, my inbox on both Neopets or here is always open ^_^

  2. Q.1) What team are you joining? - FAERIELAND! ^_^


    Q.2) Is this your first time joining this team? - No, it's the second time


    Q.3) Is Yes to above why? If No to above how much times have you joined them? - Only once before, but I joined at the end of the tournament and didn't really do well XD


    Q.4) Do you join different teams every year? - Nope, FAERIELAND ALL THE WAY!


    Q.5) Is this your first year doing the Altador Cup? - Second year, but first year fully supporting!


    Q.6) If Yes to above is this your first year on Neopets? If no to above have you been playing the AC since AC I? No, sadly XD


    Q.7) If you have played before on another team which team were you most successful on? - Only FAERIELAND!


    Q.8) Have you ever won a trophy for the Altador Cup? - No, just a participation XD


    Q.9) Have you ever made it to Rank 1 before? - Nope!


    Q.10) What Team do you like the most but are not joining it? - I just like Faerieland ^_^

  3. This may sound like a really strange question, but is there a way to make a section of your gallery not viewable to the general public? I have a section free and want to house my Anubis items, but don't want them showing in my Faerie Food lots if possible?

  4. I think it will be Tyrannia, as the artwork is pretty old. Or Meridell.


    There's something in 'coming soon' called 'Neopian Justice is served'. A hint, maybe? Since 'mysterious journey continues' is probably a fallback for revealing new lands


    EDIT: With Lutari Island, DO remember that it hasn't disappeared off the map, which TNT could really do or make it a hidden land. It's on the map, so it might be used in the future

  5. 1. What do you collect? : I've got a sub-gallery of Anubis items! (Under Yinepu's Keep in my Faerie Food gallery. Yinepu is Anubis' original Egyptian name)


    2. What is the CRITERIA for your gallery? (i.e. needs to come from a specific shop, has a certain word in the item or description, items of a certain colour, etc.) : Needs to be an Anubis item! Can also have an Anubis ON it or an Anubis-shaped form on it


    3. Do you accept donations? : Of course!


    4. Do you have an up-to-date list of things you're looking for? : Not at the moment, working on it!


    5. Do you mind more than one donation? (for example, if you collect pizza, do you mind of two SEPERATE Neopians donate a yummy muddy pizza by accident?) : Not at all!


    6. Do you want to donate to others? : Of course ^_^

  6. I know that some players have problems playing Keyquest with the minigames. So, I wanted to create a list of players who WANT to play Keyquest but do NOT want to do the minigames.


    A problem I've come across is that if neither player plays the game, the computer randomly decides what player gets the point. So, we can do it this way;

    • Take turns winning the minigames (so you win one, I win one, you win one ...)
    • Whoever first gets a minigame wins first and the chain starts

    Sound good? JOIN THE LIST 8D


    Keyquest No Minigames List

    • Lady Kakata (Neomail me for a game!)
    • emmz_emmz_

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